I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 306: 306 Electrical Stimulation

  Chapter 306 306 Electrical Stimulation

The group of people walked away for ten days. Wang Hu, his brothers, and Tan Chong felt for the first time what life is. You don’t have to worry about the next meal every day, you don’t have to work hard to survive, and you don’t have to worry about who will find fault. Don't be afraid to offend big people, don't worry about supplies.

  If there is a car and gas for traveling, eating and drinking when resting, a container and a bed for sleeping, and a boss for safety, they just make up the number of people.

  The only thing to do is when something that doesn’t have long eyes comes over, a group of people ran over to gang fight.

  Don’t be afraid if you can’t beat it, you have a boss.

  They also have a boss, their waists are very stiff.

  This is the life, the life of people.

"Boss, there used to be a river in front. Now the river is dry. There is only a large open river beach. It is spacious and flat, suitable for night accommodation." Wang Hu didn't want to be dismissed by the Dragon and Phoenix team as a waste that only knew how to eat. The road-exploring team of a dozen people, every day, the thousands of people take turns to explore the way ahead of the big group.

  At present, this matter can be regarded as the least oily and tiring job, but everyone is rushing to do it, for fear that it will be a step late and become the existence that is disliked eating plain rice.

   Finally, they have a good home. They don’t want to be eliminated before they can enjoy it.

  The big team is not needed. A He Lian moved his ears a little and blinked, and he could beat the dozen or so of them back and forth several times.

  However, seeing them being so positive one by one, the little partners did not stop them. Always let them do something and have a sense of crisis, so as not to live the life they deserve and not recognize who they are.

   "Let's stay there tonight." Lan Shiruo said.

   "Hao Le." His proposal was affirmed, Wang Hu was very excited, always felt that he had done another useful thing, and this could prove that he is a useful person.

  The river beach is indeed very large, capable of accommodating tens of thousands of people. The terrain is flat and open. There are no high mountains, soil slopes, dense forests and weeds around, and there is no place to hide the crisis.

  The sky gradually darkened, and Lan Shiruo took out the container and used it for food, letting everyone cook.

  Thousands of people have become accustomed to the orderly division of labor and cooperation, but within half an hour, they ate delicious meals.

   Eat and drink enough, leave a team of people to watch the night, and other people enter the container to rest.

  The night is very quiet, I can't hear a single bit of insects and birds.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi suddenly woke up. They always felt that there was something wrong, but they never figured it out. They didn't realize it until they were drowsy. It was too quiet.

  Even if there is nothing here, there will always be bugs on a hot day. Not only are there no bugs here, there are no mosquitoes.

Although they wear mosquito repellent kits for a long time, they have not experienced the power of mutant mosquitoes for a long time, and they have almost forgotten this kind of creature, but it does not mean that the insect repellent kits can smoke such a large area, not even one, too It's not normal.

   Thinking of getting up, I suddenly found that my body was weak and weak.

  Shocked in my heart, when did the traditional Chinese medicine silently?

  What kind of medicine can escape the general’s nose? Who can escape the vigilance of the friends and come to give them medicine?

   Ao Chengyi frowned slightly, resisting the weakness, squeezed her little daughter-in-law's hand, "Don't worry, there is me." Speaking is also laborious, this feeling of not being controlled by herself makes Ao Chengyi violent in her heart.

  Lan Shiruo nodded invisible, and opened her mouth laboriously to spit out two words, "Le Bao." This kind of powerlessness is really bad, and she doesn't even have the strength to speak.

   "Nothing will happen," Ao Chengyi gritted his teeth and took out the communication, waking up his friend, "Jiang He, find out the reason."

  The other people just happened to fall asleep in a dazed state, and they were frightened into a cold sweat by the boss.

After waking up, he realized his situation, no better than Lan Shiruo, one by one was completely paralyzed. In an instant, there are countless kinds of guesses in my heart.

  Duan Jianghe sweated on his forehead before spitting out a word, "Okay." Damn powerlessness, what is it that can make so many of them suffer silently at the same time?

  There are people in this world who are better at dispensing medicines?

  The little friends have perseverance, gritted their teeth to resist the maddening soreness, and moved to Ao Chengyi and the others. The cubs are next door, but they are not too worried. The beasts woke up and were also paralyzed. The cubs were still asleep and did not wake up.

  Climbing over the river, I was analysing all the way, but found nothing. The other friends also had no clue. The soreness was too weird, and they didn't notice it.

   "Does Jiang He think of something that can alleviate this soreness?" Lan Shiruo said a word as if exhausted all his energy, panting in Ao Chengyi's arms, really tired.

  Duanjiang River pursed lips, usually muscles are sore and soft, most of them are treated with oral medications, muscles are stimulated, or electrical stimulation is used.

  Now the situation is unknown, but it can be a bit ruthless, "Electrical stimulation."

  The eyes of the little friend turned to Guo Zi, this guy is stunned with electricity, or is it paralyzed into a mud, electric stimulation is really useful?

  Duan Jianghe, can he say that there are exceptions to everything?

   Zhang Yun gritted her teeth, rolled with all her strength, and rolled into Guo Zi's arms.

  There is only one word in his heart: grass.

   Sore, soft, numb and painful, this feeling is so cool.

   "Huh" tears came out.

  Guo Zi was so distressed that he tried his best to raise his arms and hug Zhang Yun tightly. "Don't be afraid, I am here."

   Is Zhang Yun stupid? Are you stupid? Don't push her away quickly, do you want to turn her into coke?

  The little friends don’t even look at it, idiot, is it scary to have you?

  "Let go." Two words, Zhang Yun said while biting her teeth, why Erhuo didn't have any eyesight to see. The enemy is not terrible, but the pig teammate is terrible. When she gets better, she must brainwash the second goods.

   "Huh? Why?" Guo Zi was stunned. Didn't he say he wants electrical stimulation? He is fine and can supply electricity at any time.

  Zhang Yun has no hope for Erhuo, so she kicks her foot and uses her strength to get out of Guo Zi's embrace. Niangye, came back to life.

  The little friend's eyes are bright, can you kick someone? Is electrical stimulation really useful?

  Only Guo Zi was wronged, so why kick him? What did he do wrong?

  Zhang Yun activities move hands and feet, there are still soreness, fortunately, can move, not as bad as the first, but it seems that the relief symptoms are slowly disappearing.

  Looking at the little friend who was on the paralyzed ground, there was a sly flash in the bottom of his eyes. "It's useful, try it all." The sourness of electrical stimulation is so ecstasy that she can't just enjoy it on her own. "One by one is too slow, I will help you."

  Apart from anything else, he ran over and did not give his friends a chance to resist. Let the friends hand in hand, good friends, and kindly string together the beasts.

  Finally, he put Feng Tao's hand on Guo Zi and evacuated quickly.

  In an instant, the sourness spreads, and the expression of the little partner is particularly ecstasy.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi was still sitting on the bed and was not forced to participate. Looking at the face of her little partner, she silently lit three incense sticks. His face was calm and he smiled secretly in his heart, so ah, it's still good to be the boss, and the cubs underneath don't dare to commit crimes.

  The little friends and the beasts cursed their mother in their hearts. What kind of fairy experience is this, it's too much.

  (End of this chapter)

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