Chapter 322 Chapter 322 Battle Seven

   "There is a power grid." Wang Hu exclaimed.

   "There are also net cannons," Nie Liangbao exclaimed afterwards.

  Everyone was overjoyed, and another person was surprised and said, "There are also artillery barrels, which are set on fire."

  Everyone feels at ease, as long as they don’t sit and eat and wait to die, “Everyone lowers their height and hoveres on top of tall buildings. Even if they fall, they are guaranteed not to fall to death or fall into a pile of zombies. Get familiar with weapons as soon as possible and prepare for battle.”


On the other hand, the cubs team is much calmer than the first two teams. Xiao Lebao sits on Xiao Feifei’s back, with a solemn expression, just round and round, his chubby face is a bit impaired, not domineering enough, and his speech is more milky and milky. , Looks soft and cute, so ah, age limits his play. "Brothers and sisters just deal with the monsters below. Let me and Xiao Feifei here."

  The cubs beasts have seen Xiao Feifei’s strength, the power of a horse, shocking the entire group of beasts in the Cangyuan Mountain Range, like a king, so don’t worry at all. "Okay, brother Le Bao, be careful."

  Tan Chong has the heart to say a few words, such a small baby, facing such a scary group of question-answering creatures alone, is the decision too hasty? Should he go up and help?

  Beasts, beasts, beasts, beasts and beasts.

On the ground, Lan Shiruo and his group stopped the chariot, "He Lian, your task is to find and destroy the mental power zombies. Others will fight against the ground corpses for three minutes." Within three minutes, she wants to fight Ao. Cheng Yi solved all the fierce beasts and crows.


  Everyone got out of the car, the little friends back to back, Zhang Yun took the lead in building a circular ice wall to protect the little friends in the middle.

  Lu Chaoyang planted a circle of wattles on the ice wall, and then gave birth to weeds on the ground, intertwined and extended, becoming thicker and thicker. As long as they are entangled, they can’t move.

  Yun Shui Yao controls the vines, and the vines extend like big palms, and they will fly when they come close.

  Han Qingquan allowed the black air to spread, wrapped outside the ice wall, and accumulated continuously, making it infinitely rich, ensuring that it would corrode into blood water as long as it was contaminated.

  Guo Zi kept smashing thunder and lightning, and cooperated with Han Jia to make thunder and lightning infinitely dense and strong.

  Duan Jianghe threw the golden needle in his hand. After fighting for so long, he developed a lot of feel and was accurate.

  Ding Jiajia threw one whirlwind after another, swept away the zombies that jumped into the ice wall from mid-air.

  General Miao Miao and Feng Tao are not suitable for long-range attacks. When other small partners attack or maintain obstacles, they are responsible for solving the corpses that rushed into the ice wall.

  He Lian stood in the middle, always paying attention to the surroundings, the suspicious figure, once found, made him a fool with a voice.

  The ten people cooperated tacitly. They only need to protect this piece of pure land in the ice wall from being destroyed for three minutes.

  All used eighteen martial arts to fight stubbornly against thousands of corpses.

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi transformed themselves into a chain of fire and water, and hung themselves between the two tall buildings and stood in the air.

  Lan Shiruo raised his arms and pulled out a large water curtain, which expanded and expanded infinitely, suspended in the air, and headed toward countless crows.

  The water curtain seemed fragile, but could not break through. The fierce beast crow had to move forward fiercely within the range stipulated by Lan Shiruo.

  Ao Chengyi guarded the exit, blocking the exit with a huge fire net, and all the crows that came out were burned to ashes.

  The fierce beast doesn't know how to think, and will just rush forward blindly, even if it knows that what is waiting in front of it is overwhelming.

  It's just that the number of crows is really huge, they don't have much time to wait for them to find death on their own, and Lan Shiruo doesn't have that much energy, insisting on the water curtain.

Ao Chengyi simply changed the power grid, forming a huge fire cone, flying and spinning, in the blue Shiruo water curtain, rotating in the direction of the crow, wherever he goes, even if it is not burned, it will Was minced into mashed meat.

  Lan Shiruo stretches the water curtain as much as possible to wrap all the crows, and will tighten it with all his strength, narrowing the area, and let Ao Chengyi hit all in one hit.

  It’s just that the crow is real. She was worried that the water curtain would be smashed, so she could only tentatively come and ran away a lot of fish that slipped through the net.

  Goshawk guarded the exit, hovering in the void, tearing the fish that slipped through the net to pieces one by one.

  In this flip operation, the phenomenon is in the air, and the entire deserted city is clearly visible. People who see desperately fighting are jealous, and this is the real master.

  The Dragon and Phoenix Team is not as powerful as the legend, it is really powerful, even more powerful than the legend.

  Lebao said that he can’t lose his parents’ faces and patted Xiao Feifei, “Let’s go.”

  "Boom Boom Boom" Xiao Fei raised his front hoofs, raised his feet to the sky, and leaped high into the sky. The white wings lightly flapped, and the crow swarms instantly turned around like a broken spiral plane, and finally fell mercilessly.

  For the corpse, the fierce is also food, as long as it is not all the animals and characters of the corpse, it is food.

  The falling crows, even if they were not thrown to death, could not escape the fate of being torn apart.


  Let's go, some things are placed in the dragon and phoenix. There is no strongest, only stronger. This wave of operations is also awesome, and it has begun to tend to mythology.

In three minutes, not only Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi solved the crows in front of them, but also the cubs and the other two teams. After all, in the direction the crows came, Lan Shiruo and Cubs were the first to bear the brunt, and they missed out. The other two teams are not difficult to solve.

  "Goshawk." Ao Chengyi shouted in a low voice.

  Goshawk dived down and pulled the two masters to fly forward. Along the way, Lan Shiruo poured oil and Ao Chengyi set fire, and the sea of ​​corpses instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

   "Come up." Lan Shiruo dropped a hose.

  Zhang Yun's hands are covered with water bands, the ice spreads, and the carrier freezes, which is much faster and stronger than autonomous freezing. The water band instantly becomes a bridge to the sky.

  Everyone threw away the enemy in their hands, and Sa Yazi ran wildly on the ice bridge.

   Zhang Yun iced at the front, and Guo Zi used lightning resistance to stop the zombies in front.

  The place where Guo Zi's front foot stepped on, the back foot all fell.

  The ice bridge is in the air, supported by Lan Shiruo's water belt, standing in the air, below is a sea of ​​scorching corpses.

  Running all the way, stopping in front of the tallest building.

  The tallest building is downstairs, surrounded by zombies, looking at the large team in mid-air and roaring.

  It's just that they just yelled, didn't climb the tallest building, and didn't run in.

  There should be super bosses in it.

  Little friends dare not care.

  The boys have reached the top of the only tall building outside the tallest building, and are preparing to come over.

  Lan Shiruo frowned slightly, the surrounding tall buildings were basically flattened, and the boys had no way out when they reached the highest building. The building where they are now is about to be occupied by corpses, and they must leave immediately.

  "What should I do?" Lan Shiruo asked Ao Chengyi.

  Ao Chengyi squinted slightly. Looking at the current situation, they must enter the building. The goshawk is on the land and can't play much role. Entering the building is even more constrained. "Goshawk took the cubs into the air, and if necessary, leave directly, pay attention to the mental power zombies, let's go in."

  Lan Shiruo thinks this is okay, touching the eagle's claws, "Be careful."

  "呖" The owner is at ease.

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi took the lead to leap into the highest building through the water and fire chain. Goshawk glanced at it and went to pick up the cub.

  Other friends followed closely and jumped into the highest building.

  (End of this chapter)

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