Chapter 323 Chapter 323 Fight 8

  Goshawk received the cub, Le Bao took out the hanging basket, let the cubs, beasts and beasts go in, carried by the goshawk and stayed in the air, attacking the corpses below, Le Bao sat on Xiao Feifei's back, guarding the highest building.

  Tan Chong and others said that they had a long time of experience. The dozens of people in the helicopter suddenly felt that there was nothing to show off. It was only awesome if they could be carried in the air by a goshawk.

  Of course, they didn’t dare to miss Lebao’s Xiao Feifei.

  The big team entered the middle floor of the highest building. The glass windows and doors of this building are gone.

  Although the sun is scorching outside, the inside is horrible, all kinds of debris are piled up, and the line of sight is not good.

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi were attacked as soon as they entered and entered. They were a Tier 6 speed zombie.

  They just fell in, their eyesight was bad, and they were completely black and invisible. They just avoided danger by instinctively sensing danger and cautiously.

   Ao Chengyi was very responsive, and immediately turned a fire axe backhand, splitting the zombie's head in half.

  I just wanted to ask the little wife to be careful, and another zombie appeared under the pile of debris.

  The line of sight is already clear. The zombie’s claws are particularly sharp. There is only a fig leaf on the front and back of the buttocks. The whole body is gray and gray, and black, with no decayed skin. It is a Tier 7 zombie.

The speed is so fast that only one afterimage can be seen. Ao Chengyi and Lan Shiruo are very cautious. In one or two moves, they were not taken by their opponents. When they were ready to turn passive into active, the zombie suddenly turned and attacked. window.

  The little friend just came in from the ice bridge.

   "Defense." Lan Shiruo hurriedly shouted.

Zhang Yun at the forefront subconsciously built an ice wall and retracted the foot he had just stepped in. The ice sealed the entire window. Although the "bang" ice was hard, it did not withstand the zombie's paw and was directly penetrated. Wrung into ice slag.

  Fortunately, he also gave the little friend a chance to dodge, and Lan Shiruo also took advantage of the trend and took out a bow and arrow to shoot.

  The zombie turned around and avoided, and before Ao Chengyi stepped forward, it turned out to be a dodge and disappeared.

  It is not an invisible zombie, it just hid.

  Everyone leaned together, adjusted to the light in the building, and watched the surroundings along the way.

   "Bang" Suddenly, the debris exploded, blocking everyone's sight, and the dark demon caught out from behind the debris and attacked everyone.

   "Get down." Lan Shiruo exclaimed, and the little friend rolled to the ground as he could avoid it. He Lian, who was moving half a minute slowly, was caught in his clothes.

  Feng Tao stared and checked, his voice was fierce and soft, two extremes, but harmonious, "Have you hurt?"

  He Lian shook his head, "Almost a little bit, rest assured, it's okay."

  Feng Tao's face is fierce, he stares madly at what pity, he is weak, how can he be without him by his side, "Follow me."

  He Lian blinked and moved a half step to his side.

  The zombie missed a hit and continued to shoot. Only then did the little friend see that they were dozens of Tier 6 zombies.

   Lan Shiruo frowned, the seventh-order one was still in the dark just now. "Be careful, there are a lot of dark places, don't expose your back."


  The line of sight was clear, and the little partner quickly responded.

  The general has shrunk to the size of an ordinary mastiff. It is fast and has sharp claws. It moves quickly in the audience and makes a sneak attack. Its nose is swaying, and it is always alert to the zombies hidden in the dark.

  It's just that dozens of zombies were all annihilated, and it didn't wait until the Tier 7 zombies appeared again.

  This is an office. There are a lot of desks, chairs and benches, and there are many kinds of documents, which are piled up in a mess. In order to prevent the zombies from having a hiding place, Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi will collect them wherever they go, and keep their sights clean before talking.

  After the office was not obstructed, the large team walked out cautiously. They had to go up to the top floor. There was no elevator. They only had to take the stairs. There were more than fifty floors to go up to the top floor. This is a 100-story building.

   "A large army is coming up." He Lian said.

   Lan Shiruo narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "No matter, keep going up and pay attention to your surroundings."

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi walked at the forefront, and all the sundries in sight were taken away. The buddies are listed in two rows, watch out for the left and right and the rear, and rush to the top quickly.

  As soon as "嚯" arrived in the stairwell, a Tier 6 zombie jumped from the ceiling.

  "Disperse." The little friends quickly dispersed, and moved forward with a mouthful, and the sharp claws cut off the two corpse claws.

  Lan Shiruo used a hydration knife to split it horizontally and chop off his head. "Keep going, hurry up."

  The words fell, and went upstairs, and dozens of Tier 6 zombies stopped in front, "Fight."

   With an order, the little partner took the shot tacitly.

   "The army is coming soon, there is one minute left." He Lian said.

  "Resolve it in one minute, fast."

  "Go to death," the attack of the little friend gradually became fierce. It was very difficult to kill dozens of Tier 6 zombies in one minute, but it was all done.

"Bring the zombies to this office." Lan Shiruo stepped forward and entered a small single-person office. "Guo Zi and Qingquan set up two barriers at the door to weaken their strength. Zhang Yun is frozen. The others Smash, will help."



  People scattered in the office, with their backs against the wall, occupying all directions, and the inside has been cleaned up.

  The zombies of Tier 5, nearly a thousand, came straight to the office.

Getting started, a lightning grid and a black air curtain weaken their abilities by one-tenth. Lan Shiruo has a water curtain covering their whole body, which facilitates Zhang Yun to freeze. Others only need to smash them, and those that cannot be frozen are also slowed down. The speed of action will be one claw.

  The space is small, and there are advantages and disadvantages. Large teams can't use it, and zombies can't come in all at once.

   Nearly a thousand knowledge of Tier 5 zombies, said whether it was fast or slow, it took nearly half an hour, and they were all annihilated.

   "Go," continue to run upstairs, and all the zombies encountered were Tier 6 zombies. There were almost 40 or 50 zombies on each floor, up to the 80th floor.

  Climbing stairs while hitting. Surprisingly, it feels more relaxed than just climbing stairs. I don’t know if it is due to psychological reasons. Anyway, I didn’t breathe much, but I was full of energy.

  It’s just that there is no light on this floor.

  The vents of the windows were all blocked, and the inside was dark and dark, not sultry, but rather cold.

  Ao Chengyi just wanted to take out the flashlight, he felt a gloomy wind hit, and subconsciously set up a wall of fire defense.

  The wall of fire only illuminates a place in front of you, but there is nothing.

  Lan Shiruo gave everyone a flashlight to wear on their heads, and threw out many emergency lights.

  It’s just that the lights were destroyed before they hit the ground, and they fell on the ground and could no longer be used.

   "There are many invisible zombies here, I heard the sound of air movement." He Lian said.

  Ao Chengyi used the fire ring to protect the little friend inside, and slowly moved forward.

  "Hmm," the ring of fire suddenly went out, and Ao Chengyi was shaking with cold sweat on his head.

   "What's the matter?" Lan Shiruo hurriedly took hold.

  "Mental power zombies." When the words are over, he quickly draws a bow and arrow to kill the spiritual power zombies hidden in the dark. He breathed out a suffocating breath, and his mental power was really annoying. Within a second or two, he thought about seven or eight years after his death.

  At the same time, countless invisible zombies moved, gathered around the little friends, one after another showing their claws, the speed was very fast, the little friends had almost no time to react, except for the general, all were scratched.

  Fortunately, the reaction is also considered timely, otherwise it will not be an injury.

  (End of this chapter)

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