Chapter 325 Chapter 325 Battle Ten

  Le Bao has been staring at the tall buildings, his chubby little face is very serious, he turned on his mental power to pay attention to the situation inside, he did not dare to explore too much for fear of being attacked and too late to defend.

  It doesn’t matter if it’s hurt, it’s just that mom and dad are worried and distracted. Fortunately, everyone is fine.

The battle convoy has been out of the city, and the people in the chariot have not suffered any loss. At the beginning, the people on the truck only wanted to be protected by others. Hide behind others, drag others into the water, and end up harming others and yourself.

  After more than ten deaths, the general team had no plans to make a move. These talents were unwilling to start saving themselves.

  Until leaving the city, nearly a hundred died.

  The battle convoy blocked the chariot at the exit, as long as the corpses that came out were all strangled.

  I said before that if they can’t stop them, they can leave. The car is already prepared outside. The chariot stays here and can withstand it for a while.

  But none of them wanted to go, even if there were endless groups of corpses in front of them, coming like a tide, they didn't want to go, staring at the people hovering in the air, they wanted to advance and retreat together.

  Most of the people in the truck left, and ran away as soon as they left the city, so they wouldn’t be foolish and left behind to die. There are so many zombies, even if you are a heavenly king, I can’t kill them.

  No one stopped them. The battle convoy and the Dragon and Phoenix team rescued them, not to ask them to be grateful for their help, but just smoothly.

  The people on the truck have not finished walking, there are nearly a hundred, among them the man with a broken leg who got on the truck in the first place.

  His name is Ji Yineng. He used to be a special soldier and opened a security company after he retired from the army. Most of the recruits were his former comrades-in-arms and fellow veterans.

  After the end of the world began, everyone was together and formed a team, but it developed well, and there was no worries about food and clothing, and there was a certain fame.

  Unfortunately, bad luck, they also strayed into the river beach, was picked up back to L city, more than half of the players have been sold, may no longer be there. In this disaster, five of the remaining team members died. The only ones who were alive and were together were the current ten. Now all ten of them are here.

  Ji Yineng is the captain, he is black, strong and tall, with a breath of fortitude and a Tier 3 speed ability.

  It was a miracle to be able to walk out of the deserted city alive this time. This miracle was given by the team in front of you.

  The last days did not obliterate his previous sense of responsibility and principles of life, so he chose to stay, and his team members also stayed.

  They are all disabled now and can’t do too much. I hope they can help when needed.

  From the moment they left the city, they earned every minute of their lives, and they didn’t lose even if they died.

The team of    was very pleased, and at last it was not chilling to the end, "You are scattered into the tanks, the tanks can still hold on, and when the boss and them come out, we will be rescued."

   Hundreds of people are overjoyed, the chariot, they fell in love from the first sight, "Okay, thank you."

  The tallest building, after the big team was baptized by the sun, it ushered in a new life.

  Starting from the eighty-odd floor, the darker and darker and colder, the smell is inaudible, and it is terrible.

Behind   , countless zombies came out, there were thousands of Tier 6 and more than a dozen Tier 7s. I don’t know if they have come out already, and if the boss is hidden inside.

  They did not directly do anything after they came out, but stared at the big team with gray eyes, not knowing what to do.

  Wang Hu and his group saw so many high-level zombies, and the whole person was not good.

  If a zombie city of this size exists elsewhere, how can humans live?

Looking down at the ground, the high-rise buildings in the entire deserted city were basically flattened, crushing countless corpses, shelling countless corpses, and beheading countless corpses, but the city is still all over the place, densely packed. Together, screaming frantically. If you don't listen to the roar, just look at the quantity, it makes your scalp numb.

   At the gate of the city, they also saw that the battle convoy was struggling to resist and was almost submerged by the sea of ​​corpses. The battle convoy looked so small and incompetent in the sea of ​​corpses, and everything it did was like a dying struggle.

  Oh, it’s hard to live.

  The two armies fight against each other, fighting for momentum and endurance. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. The big team said that being able to rest for a while is a while, running all the way, playing all the way, is really tired.

   A particularly sharp roar of "嚯" sounded in vain, and the enemy moved.

   Tier 6 zombies swarmed, but Tier 7 did not move.

  Large teams form square teams to meet the enemy.

  Fighting for so long, the ability consumes most of the abilities, and there is not much physical strength left. There are thousands of Tier 6 zombies. The big team can only defend in a hurry, and can't attack at all. The situation is almost one-sided, and it looks very embarrassing.

  These things are deadly hard, ordinary weapons can't hurt them, and thermal weapons are also very tasteless, and the big team is becoming more passive.

  Not only the high-level zombies on the top floor moved.

The corpses on the ground also moved. They actually gathered in many places in a planned way, piled up together, layered on top of each other, no matter what a moment, they have reached dozens of stories high, and there are countless corpses going up. Climbing, their target is the people hovering in the air.

   "Go, hurry up."

  Wang Hu, Nie Liangbao and the others quickly raised the helicopter, and they were almost dragged down. There were still a few hanging on the fuselage, and they could not fight, so they could only fly quickly and try to get rid of it.

  The corpse is fearless, grasps tightly, and does not fall anyhow, desperately climbing up and destroying the fuselage.

   "No, we have to go out and land as soon as possible, or we will crash."

  A corpse fell on every helicopter and couldn't be thrown off. Can't stay in place, if you fall into the sea of ​​corpses, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

It’s not that they are slow, nor that they are weak. It’s that these corpses are too fast. They pile up dozens of stories high in a mountain of corpses, but it takes a few breaths to complete. They are hovering, it takes time to move up and move away. He said.

  It’s embarrassing to think about it. If they were dragged down just now, or if they were crashed by a few corpses, they would have no face to see Elder Jiang Dong, and they would die too awkwardly.

  Goshawk guarded the cubs ascending, unable to help, Le Bao shouted, "Get out and drive over to meet him."

  Five helicopters roared and roared, and the corpses underneath were also roaring. I didn’t know if I heard them. They swayed uncontrollably in mid-air, teetering, and flew out of the city with difficulty.

  The helicopter flew away, the corpse mountain dispersed, and gathered at Goshawk and Lebao.

  Goshawks opened their mouths to breathe fire, but the fire would not burn them for a while. The corpse group climbed with flames, and the corpse mountain was getting higher and higher. If the goshawk changed a place, they could quickly stack the corpse mountain in that place.

  Le Baoyan yanked Miya, "Little Feifei, let’s go."

  "Boom Boom Boom" Xiao Feifei felt her heart, and led the little master to a hidden corner.

   Tan Chong was anxious, "Oh, where is Xiao Lebao, don't run around, it's dangerous, come back soon."

  His shout was in the roar of the corpse, as weak as a whisper, completely inaudible.

   "Child, hurry up, let the goshawk chase Lebao, he can't have an accident." The old man was so anxious that tears came out.

  (End of this chapter)

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