Chapter 326 Chapter 326 Battle Eleven

The cubs, beasts, and Lebao already have a tacit understanding. They know that Lebao is leaving to do big things. Don't worry if Xiao Feifei is there. "Although Lebao is young, he is very smart. You know what to do, don't worry. Cang Uncle Eagle, let's not go far, in case they need to meet the uncles and aunts later, they are too late."

  "呖" Goshawk understands that it will not go far, it has to guard the owners.

  Tan Chong looked at the boy so calm, he sighed lightly, forget it, he couldn't do anything, so he didn't add to the chaos.

  Little Lebao really doesn't look like a baby over two years old. That strange horse also looks very powerful, and it shouldn't happen.

  Lebao and Xiao Fei flew to the other end of the deserted city, and there were also a lot of corpses below. They were not afraid, they found a place that no one could see, and dashed into the space. "Xiao Feifei, try if you can let the beasts come out and help."

   "Boom, boom," know the little master.

   Xiao Feifei screamed to the sky, and the catch in the farm was so scared that the wild animals in the dense forest hurriedly retracted into their den, not daring to move.

  In the invisible mountains in the distance, the shadows of the trees shook.

Le Bao was overjoyed with the sound of   咚咚咚 from far to near, "I didn't expect it to work, Xiao Feifei is the best." Little Fatty kissed the horse's head several times, smearing the saliva on Xiao Feifei's face.

  The owner of Xiao Feifei, who is obsessed with cleanliness, can't dislike or dislike it.

  The little fat man didn't feel the disgust of his own beasts at all, and he smiled crookedly, "After letting the beasts go out, can they take them back?"

  "Boom Boom Boom" ability.

  Everything in the space is better than the outside. The beasts have a better induction than human beings. They know very well what is right to choose. After staying in the space for so long, they have long regarded the space as a homeland that cannot be left.

   "That's good, go, let's go out."

  One person and one beast went out of the space, and the corpses spinning around in a dazed place felt the breath of flesh, and instantly went mad and rushed towards Le Bao.

  Suddenly a beast rushed out, raised its hoof and the head of the corpse was bigger than the head of a corpse, and stepped on it with one foot, and then countless beasts swarmed out and swept toward the city.

  Xiao Feifei carried Lebao into the air again, her white wings gleaming in the dazzling sunlight, her long screams, and the group of beasts swept over like a broken bamboo.

  The herd of beasts penetrated the entire city like a long dragon with no end in sight, crushing the corpse mountain and crushing the corpse group.

   "What is that?" Tan Chong couldn't believe his eyes.

  The cubs laughed, and they knew that Le Bao’s brother was very powerful, “That’s the herd, Le Bao and Xiao Feifei are here to help.”

   "Gudong," Tan Chong gulped hard, well, this day's knowledge is more than that of a lifetime.

   "What's that?" At the gate of the city, the battle convoy had run out of ammunition, and could only hide in the chariot and install a tortoise with a shrunken head.

  The chariot is strong, and the group of corpses can't be opened for a while. If it can't, they went out desperately.

  As soon as the psychological construction was done, they felt that the ground was rumbling and shaking, not an earthquake, they were used to the slow and weak trembling of the earthquake, and they could not feel it at all.

   Accompanied by vibrations and booms, there are countless sturdy figures, getting closer and closer, and they can see clearly that they are countless powerful beasts.

  God, can you still live? Even if you go out desperately, you can't survive, right?

   So desperate.

  In an instant, hope came again. They saw that the beast did not run out of the city, but ran back and forth in the city to kill and destroy the corpse.

   "Are we saved?"

   "Hahaha, we are saved." Everyone shouted wildly, "Go, go out and do it. It's her mother."

  Thousands of people rushed out of the chariot, they are all supernatural beings, it’s not a problem to fight monsters.

   "I'm going, the gods will descend from heaven." Nie Liangbao and the others crashed, hanging on the tall dead tree, and they were climbing down with difficulty. Take a look at the city habitually, mother, it's so lively.

  Wang Hu patted his thigh, "I said that the Dragon and Phoenix team is not a human being."

  Aren’t everyone afraid that they will go to Gaomi?

   "It's a god."

  Okay, you are the best in the world for flattering.

  Wang Hu was very excited, "Look, who else can hire a group of beasts as soldiers? Quick, we drove to meet him, and can’t miss this good show."

  The hearts of everyone are fierce, and it coincides with Wang Hu’s idea. This will be a feast of gluttonous food, which must not be missed.

  The war in the city reversed, which also inspired the fighting power of the large team.

"I can't kill you today." Feng Tao yelled, as if something broke in his body, his exhausted strength was suddenly filled, and his sore muscles improved instantly, as if he was using endless energy in his body, swinging a sledgehammer. , Wailing, smashing, the solid big hammer has long been pitted, one can imagine how hard these corpses are.

  The other little friends were also stimulated, breathed out in their heart, held back fiercely, and then spit out suddenly.

   "Boom Boom Boom"

   A sound that was ignored by all the friends, it exploded in everyone's body, not big, very crisp.

  Almost at the same time, the big team seemed to be on the go, and they were full of energy, and they played well.

  The one-sided battle situation was reversed in an instant.

   "Kill, one is not enough, we need a dozen."

   "One dozen is not enough, I need two dozen."

   "You want to kill them so that they won't leave them."

  The little friends screamed, full of momentum.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi glanced at each other, with smiles in her eyes.

  They broke through in the battle, which is good news. This battle will be won.

The Tier 6 zombies of   Thousand Lai were completely annihilated in the chicken-blood battle of a large team, which took more than an hour.

  Next are these Tier 7 zombies.

  Night is coming, they must hurry up.

  The big team panted in place, alerting the Tier 7 zombies on the opposite side.

  These zombies are male and female. The skin is smooth, without any hair or even hair. The complexion is gray and lifeless, and the skin is still black. A pair of eyes are gray, no white eyes and black eyes, only a chilling gray.

  Importantly, these zombies have no fig leaf or a piece of cloth. Some parts are not obvious anymore, and the facial features have become blurred, but it is not difficult to see men and women.

   Thinking of the fig leaf, Lan Shiruo's heart suddenly jumped. When I first entered the building, the Tier 7 zombie he encountered had a fig leaf on his body, but the zombie was not here.

  So, in the building, there are more.

The little friends also thought about it, and their hearts sink slightly. Although they suddenly opened up, their fatigue increased exponentially after the fight. Now their muscles are shaking, shaking completely uncontrollably, and the bones are so sour that it seems to be a little hard to hold the chopsticks. , If there are high-level zombies inside, the consequences are very dangerous.

Lan Shiruo looked at Ao Chengyi. If they want to leave, they can easily do it, but if these zombies are left alone, they can't do it. This time, if they don't annihilate them in one fell swoop, they will be transferred when they look back, and it will be difficult to find them again. If you give them time to grow, it will eventually become a catastrophe.

   can stay in the fight, and whoever wins in the end, it's hard to say, they seem to lose even more.

  Ao Chengyi tightened her thin lips, stretched out her hand to wipe the dirt off her face for the little daughter-in-law, "cut the grass and remove the roots."

  Lan Shiruo must have a heart, and smiled, "Okay." When confused, someone who understands himself must make a decision.

  The little partner makes a fist and becomes benevolent if it fails.

  (End of this chapter)

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