I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1001: [Masked song king fire! 】

On the TV.

The clown wins and the yak loses.

Netizens argued endlessly.

"Do you still think about it? Definitely give the clown!"

"How many votes is it?"

"The song of the yak is far worse than the clown!"

"Yeah, what are the audience at the scene?"

"Who is good and who is bad, the fool can hear it, and almost let the clown lose?"

Then, the three singers who entered the elimination zone began to kill.

The three are: the great king, the sunset red, the yak.

This recording was completed after Zhang Wei left, so he did not see it with his own eyes. He was naturally very interested and stared at the TV without hesitation.

The singer of the singer began.

Still beautiful turn and RAP, play stable.

Then the sunset is red.

"Previous things, do you remember?"

"You and I are holding hands and living at home."

"We were less than eighteen that year."

"But they will talk to each other."

A love song.

Very slow, very flavorful love song.

This second round of singing, the sunset red played quite amazing, no high pitch, no one, but this song was sung to many people!

The three sang in turn.

In the end, the voting results came out!

The sunset red hugs the qualification without any suspense, and the yak and the wonderful king are eliminated!




The audience stood up and shouted!

Chen Guang is also up!

AMY is also excited: "Who are you!"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "You can choose to uncover the face, or you can choose to leave with a mask."

The wonderful king smiled and thought about it. He grabbed the mask with his hand and took the mask and hood off under the watchful eyes of everyone.

When the audience in front of the TV saw the face, many people were paralyzed!

Chen Guangyi, "Xiaochi?"

Qiu Dawang smiled and said: "Hello, brother."

AMY actually knows him, "My God! How are you!"

Chi Yi! It is a pool art of Chen Guang, an entertainment company!

The Internet has also exploded!

"Rely! It is my family pool art!"

"How is he?"

"This is a three-line wrist!"

"In the music world, Chi Yi was a well-known figure in the past. When he first debuted, he was called 'Cream Little Life' and he was handsome. At that time, he won the best singer award! The scenery is infinite, the whole He can definitely rank in the top 30 in the music world, but then I don’t know how to make an album. I switched to filming. Although it’s very high in the film, I’m already in the third line, but many people still regret that he didn’t. Can continue to sing!"

"How did he come out?"

"Is it back to sing again?"

"Singing really well! Singing is as good as before!"

"Oh, my little pool!"

This is a very popular idol star!

And the pool art is the star of the third line!

After the stunned, everyone thought of one thing. A former professional singer who was so popular and so popular was changed to other singing programs. It must be 100% to the end, but on the stage of the masked king, the pool The first round of art was eliminated? I have a grass! The few masked singers left, who are the **** people! Thinking of this, the curiosity of the audience suddenly broke out!

The wonderful king is actually the pool art!

Who is the next one?

Who is the yak?

The lens gave the yak.

Dong Shanshan asked: "You can choose to uncover the face, you can..."

Before the end of Dong Shanshan, the yak said: "I don't reveal the face."

The audience is a glimpse.

AMY hurriedly said: "Why?"

Zhang Xia also advised: "I don't think there is anything. The unveiled is definitely not a loser. There is no loser present today. We really want to know who you are."

Wang Chase also said: "You sing very well!"

The yak did not speak.

Dong Shanshan nodded. "Okay, we respect your choice."

The yak bowed to the audience, so with a mask and a mysterious step down, perhaps there will never be a viewer who knows who this person is.

The netizen is in a hurry.


"I am dizzy! Why not reveal it?"

"Too much appetite!"

"Who is this person?"

"Hey, it’s mad!"

Everyone can only be anxious, people don't want to reveal their identity, they are not a way!

"The following is the case!"

"Yes, the first song of the song!"

"What kind of hope do you say?"


"Definitely the petals rain!"

"Yes, basically these two people, although I also like the clown, but his nephew is not in the state, some hoarse, and watching the voting response of the audience before, the clown is definitely not playing."

“How can someone say that the clown is the first round of the song king?”


"Fake news?"

"He is like this, how can he fight for the king?"

"Yeah, he can't sing yet."


Old Rao.

After the game, Zhang Hao has experienced it, and he has already known the result, so the interest is not very big. When he looks at it, he fights with his eyelids and falls asleep.

When he blinked again, it was already the next morning. He slept on the sofa and was covered with a blanket. It was dawn, and there were birds outside.

Zhang Wei sat up from the sofa and went to the bathroom. She felt a lot better. Don't say, Lao Rao's medicine really played a role, not eating.

The outside door opens.

Yang Lan came back with something.

"Brother, are you awake?"

"Why are you going?"

"Buy you breakfast soon."


"Right, there are today's newspapers."

Zhang Xin’s heart is very beautiful. My own sister is really not recognized. Look at it and see others. “What about Lao Rao and Chen Chen?”

"Master Rao took the child out for morning exercise." Yang said.

Zhang Hao nodded and opened the newspapers.

"Chi Yi participated in the masked song king! 》

"Masked King of Songs premiere! Pool art eliminated! 》

"The clown won the first song king! 》

"Red Rose Search Index burst table! 》

"The masked song king premiered the heat, and the number of Weibo discussions was the first! 》

Who is the clown? 》

"The guess of the petals rain!" 》

A few newspapers are full of news about the masked king!

While eating breakfast, Zhang Wei brushed the Internet meagerly, only to find that the network is now overwhelming discussion!

"Too fun!"

"The first period of the masked singer is really **** good!"

"Love the petals rain!"

"Love the clown, love him!"

"The clown is a real cow - forced, the last "Red Rose", really made me cry!"

"Me too, I am a beautiful red rose. I just entered his evil. I listened to it more than ten times. Every time I heard this, I heard a tear!"

"Chi Yi is a pity!"

"Chi art is very strong and has a high popularity. How can it be eliminated?"

"The yak that smashed the goods! Even the face is not dare!"

"Yeah, he is too crowded, and now he doesn't know who he is!"

"When will the next issue be broadcast, hurry up! I can't wait! I want to hear the clown continue to sing! His song is really touching!"

"The next song king will be a sunflower!"

"Roll, it must be the rain of my family!"

"Who is the most popular now?"

“There is a vote, and now the most attention is the clown.”

"The clown? He is winning by skill."

"Take the scorpion, go see the music list of today's day!"

Zhang Wei also went to search, and found that in the most authoritative comprehensive list of the music industry, in the current music list, seven of the top ten were occupied by the songs on "Ming Mask King". !

Tenth: Wonderful King, "Idiot."

Ninth: It is a new song of a big music.

Eighth: Sunflower under the stars, "Like smoke like water."

Seventh: Sunset Red "The lover of the past."

Fifth: The clown, "Wolf."

Fourth: Petal rain, "Little Night."

The third is the super-star written by Zhang Wei to the Spring Garden, which has been on the list for a long time.

The second is still the petals of rain.

The position of the first place is "Red Rose"!

Even on the monthly music list, even if "Red Rose" was on the list for a day, it was released last night, but it also directly hit the 11th place on the monthly list!

Only one day!

Not a short day!

The song "Red Rose" has been passed wildly!

Zhang Wei sat at home to eat, and suddenly heard a big voice of a big man outside the window. "I am a beautiful red rose, hate God is not beautiful."

Some people will sing!

The speed of its transmission can be imagined!

Even Zhang Huan did not expect that a song that was relatively small in his world would have such great influence and communication power. This news is undoubtedly exciting for him. Looking at the news in the newspaper, and the hot discussion on the Internet, Zhang Wei can already feel it clearly.

"Masked King" is on fire!

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