I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1000: ["Mongolian King" premiere! 】


Lao Rao, the house is full of Chinese medicine.

Zhang Wei lay there and cried: "It’s not good!"

Yang Yufei quickly said: "Senior brother, it will be fine soon, just fine!"

Zhang Weidao: "Come on, I can't!"

"Rao Master, you hurry!" Yang Lan urged in the kitchen.

Rao Aimin said to the living room: "Do you kidnapped another letter or not, I will throw you out? Chinese medicine needs heat! What are you urgency! Just screaming!"

Zhang Wei did not dare to twist with Rao Aimin, turned to look at the Chenchen who was writing homework, "Chen Chen, give me a glass of water, thirsty, hurry."

Chen Chen said: "Don't go."

"I will not help you with your homework in the future!" Zhang said.

Chen Chen was in a hurry, "Zhang Wei, do you want to be so delicate!"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Get water and get water."

Chen Chen brought him to him with a sigh of relief, and he gave him a mouthful.

Zhang Yumei lay down and sipped, and then drank two, and then was not very satisfied. "How is it so cool? Let's get some warm water next time, don't you know?"

Chen Chen was in a hurry and ran to the kitchen to complain. "Da Yu! Zhang Hao is going to heaven!"

Yang Lan said: "The old brother's old injury has recurred. Now it is a patient. What do you care about with him?"

Chen Chen gasped and gasped, "But he is too bully!"

Outside, Zhang’s voice came again. “Isn’t it too good? Why is it so slow! I’m hungry for a day, is there anyone who cares for me?”

Yang Lan immediately said: "Senior brother, I will give you a meal!"

That is to say, Zhang Wei’s sister and his wife are looking after him.

"Brother, you can get up and eat."

"I can't move."

"Then I will feed you."

"It’s still my sister."

"You open your mouth."

"Well, chicken wings are OK."

"You taste braised pork."

"Well, it's OK, it's salty."

"Ah, salty? What should I do?"

"Forget it, let's eat it."

Rao Aimin couldn't stand it anymore. He walked out a few steps to Yang Xiaodao: "You take care of him, this stuff will be dead here! You throw the rice on the table, I see if he can eat or not!"

Chen Chen is also angry: "Old Yang, leave him alone!"

But Yang Lan does not listen, or feed Zhang Wei with a spoonful of spoon.

Zhang Wei is like the old man, lying on the ground, opening his mouth, swallowing a mouth, then opening his mouth, the next spoon has arrived. After the meal, the Chinese medicine is also good, and his sister is feeding him with a spoon and a spoon. However, just drinking two, Zhang Huan was bitterly screaming, not drinking or drinking.


"This is not for people to drink!"

"How good you are not to hurt!"

"What's in it!"


"Do you have a dragon?"

"Is it."

"I rely on, do you want to harm me!"

The medicine was not easy to drink. Rao Aimin began to assist from external treatment and helped him to do a Chinese medicine massage. However, just after two pushes, Zhang Wei began to wow again.

During the whole day, the family was not cleaned, and I was waiting for Zhang Wei!

In the evening, this time has stopped some, because the premiere of "The Masked King" began!

Zhang Wei alone occupied the sofa, Yangba feet lying horizontally, Rao Aimin or Chen Chen or Yang Hao, they can only move the chair sitting next to them.

Beijing TV, the advertisement is over.

Yang Weidao: "Begin!"

Zhang Weidao: "The big voice."


Big family.

Auntie Aunt took the fruit bowl out.

In the living room, Zhang Wei’s three sisters are sitting there. The three sisters are scheduled to come here today to watch the premiere of "The Masked King", which is a new program planned by their cousin.

"Wow, come here!"

"The first person is out!"

"Hey? Wonderful King? This name!"

"I rely!"

"Ah, it’s great to sing!"

"The sound is good!"

"who is this?"

"Hong Kong and Taiwan 欴Cui Long?"

"Not him, definitely not! Not like a body!"

"That is CAK?"

"The sound is very similar!"

The three sisters were surprised to see.

Daxie and Auntie also sat down and glanced at each other. This time, they were fascinated at once, and they also guessed together.


Peking University.

A female dormitory.

Yao Jiancai’s daughter, Yao Mi, didn’t go home this week. Instead, she stayed at the school and friends in the two or three bedroom rooms to watch the “Mongolian King” broadcast in the dormitory. I don't know where they came from a 29-inch LCD TV, but also connected to the cable signal. One room and eleven people were all excited to stare at the TV, and some people sang along with them.

"Good-looking! Looks like you are crying!"

"Too much love the petals rain!"

"This fake sound, no one in the music world!"

"What is her identity?"

"Guess the guests of the jury can not recognize it?"

"Honey, hahaha, your dad talked!"

"Your dad is really funny, it’s not a big story!"

"Unfortunately, Professor Zhang is not there, otherwise it will be even more exciting!"

"When did Teacher Zhang come back to teach us? Is he really blocked? Killed? Is the smog documentary so much influential? Why do you seal it - kill Teacher Zhang!"


Media school.

Staff dormitory.

Zhang Yan’s former class teacher Su Yanhong also watched Beijing Satellite TV with several colleagues.


"This sings more professional than "Good Voice"!"

"That's for sure, the selling point is different. The selling point of "Good Voice" is the grassroots player, and the "Mongolian King" is the famous singer. The level is of course different! This program is true, the creativity is too good, too Professor Xiao Zhang, who is passed down from us, can figure it out!"

"Sunflowers sing well!"

"It's good, but I still like sunset red. How can I get down PK? Willn't I be eliminated? Who will finally take this song?"


The Internet has also exploded!

The meager has been occupied by the overwhelming exclamation!

"Don't be fucking!"

"It turned out that this is the "masked king"!"

"Rely, it is 10,000 times better than I thought!"

"The original program is like this! This group of people is also very good to sing? These are professional singers? Are they one or two lines of big coffee?"

"Who knows who the wonderful king is!"

"I like the wonderful King, I really like it, the sound is good, the skill is not bad, but compared with the petal rain, there is still a gap, the petals rain, sunflower, this is the great god!"

"It has already played four! The top cow - forced!"

"The next one is here too!"


"It seems that there is a rumor that he is the king of this song?"

"Impossible! Fake news?"

"Yes, let's say that the buffalo is the king of the song, buffalo, your sister, where is the mother buffalo!"

"You see him walking! They are not standing still!"

"Is this sick?"

At this time, everything on the TV.

The camera returned to the previous infirmary.

It may not even be known to Zhang Huan. When he and a group of people in the column group went to the infirmary, someone came into the house with a camera, and many shots were recorded!

High fever forty degrees!

Severe cold!

The tonsils are inflamed!

"Give me a needle closure!"

"You want to be clear!"


"Come back!"

"Come back!"


Three stitches!

A total of three needles!

The man in the clown mask didn’t even scream!

The picture jumped and once again returned to the time when the clown was on stage!

At this moment, all the viewers watching the TV in front of the TV show a cold air, and some people in the music industry are a bit embarrassed!


This person is crazy!

"This this……"

"This is really desperate!"

"What songs are you singing like this? What else can you sing?"

"Yeah, the song king is definitely not him, it must be fake news."

"Well, this kind of voice is difficult to talk, it is difficult to walk, let alone sing, can he still speak out? Can't you sing it?"

"This state, what else is sung!"

Not only is the clown alone behind the scenes, but other masked singers also have, such as the petals of rain, there are shots when she is practicing songs in the background, such as sunflowers, when other singers sing, he has commented on the singers in the lounge. Lens. However, it is obvious that the behind-the-scenes lens of the clown is obviously more shocking. The column group certainly knows this, so I specially edited this paragraph.

However, when the clown stood on the stage, when he sang, many people were shocked!

The false sound of the petals rain shook them!

The high notes of the sunflowers under the stars shook them!

The delicate and quiet sunset red shocked them!

However, the shock that the clown brought to them is completely different. The song of the clown gives everyone a more pure resonance in the heart!

"I am a wolf from the north."

"Walk in the innocent wilderness."

"The savage north wind blew."

"The long yellow sand passes."

Everyone has a dream.

Everyone has chased.

But like a clown, for the distant grassland and facing the cold wind with pain and limping forward, they really have not done this point!

So they are shocking!

So they are moved!

"who is this!"

"This person is too angry!"

"A wolf from the north?"

"This is great too?"

"Is it good? I am listening to the general."

"Me too, I don't feel anything, the voice is too hoar!"

"That's great!"

"What do you know! This is too sing!"

"This song is also good! What songs are lying here! How have I never heard of it before?"


Old Rao.

Zhang Wei looked at himself on the screen, and his heart was mixed.

Yang Lan was very fascinated. "This song is really good, really good!"

Rao Aimin did not speak, she actually seldom watched TV programs, but only after Zhang Hao’s agent, she paid a little attention.

Chen Chen made a sound, pointing to the screen: "Look at people!"

Rao Aimin said: "This serious illness must be adhered to the stage. This kind of perseverance and ability to withstand stress is not something that ordinary people can have. This man is good."

Zhang Hao was very happy.


Generally speaking.

Yang Lan said: "My brother is also a man of great perseverance!"

Rao Aimin glanced at Yang Lan and pointed to the smashing mud on the sofa, Zhang Wei, who was still moving. "What are you talking about?"

Yang Yu’s words are stuffed, and after the words are stopped, the head is not snoring, it seems a bit shameful.

Zhang Wei: "..."

[The people of the world sent a congratulatory message: Warmly celebrate that I am a big star 1000! Hahaha! 】


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