I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1009: [The second song of the clown! 】



Zhang Wei came back. When he entered the house, he turned back and asked, "Water?"

Han Qi stunned, "Ah?"

Zhang Wei made a drink.

Han Qi realized that he had to get a bottle of mineral water.

After Zhang Hao finished drinking, he did not say a word.

Han Qidao: "Teacher, next song, you..."

Zhang Hao shook his head and pointed to his nephew, then set his hand and motioned that he couldn’t speak now. Actually, he couldn’t speak out. He just wanted to maximize the recovery of the nephew. The first "OPERA" was finished. His nephew is nearing the limit. If he is allowed to sing the second time, he will not be able to sing. This kind of false sound is actually very tired, which will make the nose and throat become very tight, not to mention that he is just getting sick. The older the injury is just when it is stable.

Han Qi understood, and he was in a hurry. "What about your next song?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and gave her a thumbs up, indicating that she was at ease.

He didn't play with the shackles. He had already anticipated this situation beforehand, so he would arrange the songs. The pronunciation area of ​​the second song will obviously not be the same as the first song, otherwise he will not sing. There is still a break of less than an hour, and he feels he can recover.


on site.

The game continues.

Sunflowers under the stars have already staged.


"I burn!"

"I want to let blood flow!"


"I burn!"

"I want to let the soul fly!"

Sunflower chose a rock today, still his first strength, but the song is not as stunning as the first period, the audience is very excited, but it does not seem to be as strong as the first period.

Then, the complement singer appeared.

A very hard mask appeared in front of the audience.

- God of War!

His mask is a post-modern style with a lot of artistic elements, based on dark gray, which looks like an explosive pickpocket.

People are as famous.

This person is a high voice.


"You are the sun in my life!"

"Light up my direction!"

"Give me endless power!"

Originally, I saw a new person, the first time I came out. The audience should reasonably expect it, but today I don’t know what happened. The audience’s reaction is not very big. Everyone is surprised and applauded, but they are not singers. Looking forward to that point.

Some viewers even opened a small gap.

"You said who the clown is!"

"I don't know!"

"The stars above the second line, male, in addition to Chen Guang and those few kings, who still has this singing?"

"The "Opera" is really a god!"

"Yeah, no songs, who the **** has he heard?"

"I really fell in love with him!"

"Me too, this clown is great!"

"Looking forward to his next song!"

"Yes, he is now recovering from the scorpion, and his voice is normal. The one that was just a fake sound can't be heard. If he sings the true sound, he can certainly hear it!"


The vote begins.

The sunflower under the stars got 222 votes!

God of War got 177 votes!

There are about a hundred viewers who have not voted and abstained!

The sunflower under the stars won, but he did not see any happy expression.

God of War is also a bitter smile, of course, he can feel the absent-mindedness of some audiences.

Then, the last group of singers also appeared.

The first one came out to make up the newcomer, the Peacock. He sang it as a folk song. It was very nice and the song was very famous.

Then came the last singer of the day - sunset red, or her style, she chose a very quiet song, and sang quite amazing, her play today is much better than the first round.

"A lovesick."

“It’s bitter.”

"A period of bowel."

"It's all sad."

The final vote, sunset red won by overwhelming advantage!

Sunset red: 302 votes!

Peacock adult: 115 votes!

There are still more than 80 people abstaining!

The people in the column group are also smiling and not falling.

Zhang Xia looks to the side, "What happened today?"

Chen Guang saw it. "It was the first group of games that was so exciting, and the audience's emotions were released."

AMY smiled and said: "Everyone is absent-minded. They are guessing who the clown is. After all, he just said that it is above the second-line rating. This range is actually not big."

Chen Yidong coughed: "I am already turning over."

His mobile phone is still on, and it is the latest artist rating list. He is turning all the stars above the second line and wants to match them with the clown.

This is the case for the guests, not to mention the audience!

Everyone was really shocked by the clown's song without words!

Today's show is recorded in accordance with the normal broadcast program. Below is the knockout. Only one person can stay behind the petal rain, the **** of war, and the competition of the peacock adults.

The petal rain sang first, but when she sang the song with her still vibrating false voice, the result of the victory and defeat was actually no suspense.

God of War sings very hard.

Peacock adults also took out all his strength.

However, the petal rain still won the victory with absolute superiority. This is really no way. The petal rain is now the singer with the highest support rate of the "masked singer". The singer is also seamless, unless it is really a bad day. Big coffee singer, otherwise it is difficult to shake her.




The audience shouted!

God of War hesitated.

Dong Shanshan looked at him, "God of War, please make your choice."

Finally, God of War still smiled and took the mask off quickly.

When the audience saw it, they all exclaimed!

"Hey brother!"

"It's a brother!"

"I rely on him!"

"I didn't expect it at all!"


"I just felt like him when I listened!"

My brother, this is the nickname that netizens gave him. His real name is Li Dongguo, a very humble name. However, this person was the champion of a singing show in the last year’s "Good Voice". His singing method is sturdy, and often a singer has reached the extreme, so everyone gave him such a nickname. He is a very powerful singer in the draft. Many people once commented that he is a folk singer with top singer strength. . No one thought that he had come to the stage of the masked king!

"Sure enough, still not!"

"When the brother came up, he was eliminated? Can't you pass one round?"

"Who said that he has the singing of a top singer?"

"The experts said!"

"Oh, everything is afraid of contrast!"

"Yeah, I didn't think it was before. I also think that my brother sang too much, but compared with the clown petals and the sunflowers, my brother is really worse. This is the difference between amateur singers and professional singers. ?"

"The explosive power of God of War is enough, but the stability is not as good as sunflower, it is far worse!"

"But my brother is also a champion in the draft! It’s too bad to lose?"

"Who is that peacock adult?"



The audience shouted again!

After a long while, the peacock adult also unveiled the mask!

"Wu Hefan!"


"It's him!"

"Wu Hefan!"

"I rely on him not abroad? How come back?"

Wu Hefan, also a very popular star, professional singer, won the Best Newcomer Award for an award on the Hong Kong and Taiwan side two years ago. Last year, he also won the Best Popularity Award for a music award. It is the group with the highest value in the music scene, but his singing and singing strength has not been praised by outsiders, and he has not been noticed by others because he has always sang some popular music and some saliva. song.

"It turns out that Wu Hefan is also good at singing!"

"Yeah, he can come, I really didn't expect it!"

"Hey, I know I voted for him!"

"Rely, this is the goddess of the old lady!"

"My family Wu Wu was eliminated this way? No!"

Many female audiences were broken, and many lesbians stood up and shouted Wu Hefan’s name.

Wu Hefan smiled a bit and picked up the microphone. "Today, when I came, I was actually holding the mentality of participation, and I was holding the mentality of learning from my predecessors. I had a lot of competition and I really got a lot of money." Then she smiled bitterly: It’s really amazing, I’m also convinced that I’m not convinced.”

AMY swears: "Brother, I know you are the one you open."

Wu Hefan smiled and said: "AMY sister is good."

AMY is very tender, and the three people in the spring garden combination are very young, but their age is definitely not as tender as their face.

AMY sighed, "It's a pity."

Wu Hefan is very cheerful, "AMY sister is fine."

AMY said: "You have chosen the wrong song today. With your strength, you can sing better."

Dong Shanshan suddenly smiled. "In fact, the players who have been eliminated have a chance."

AMY, "Ah?"

My brother and Wu Hefan also looked at the past.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Before the finals, there will be a resurrection match. At that time, the eliminated players can participate and compete for the finals."

Wu Hefan smiled. "I will be back."

AMY immediately said: "Come on your brother, you are sure!"

Chen Guangdao: "God is also cheering, your nephew condition is really good, if you have a chance to return, you can exchange and communicate."

My brother heard it and was very excited. Chen Guang has always been his idol. "Thank you, Mr. Chen, I can make you give pointers, that would be a great honor!"

Chen Guang busy said: "I can't talk about it and learn from each other."

The player exited.

Then, the second round of the song king contest, it should start!

When I think of it, the guests are all excited.

Some of the audience also swept away the state of being absent-minded, and all spirited!


finally come!

If the link before the exposing is just an episode for many viewers, then the next game is obviously the topic!

The clown is going to play again!

No one can guess what type of song he is going to sing this time!

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