I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1010: [I want to go from the south to the north! 】

on site.

greatly awaited!

The band, there is still a wave of teachers holding folk music.

Chen Guang is interested: "Folk music?"

AMY said: "What is this to sing?"

Zhang Xia has not spoken, she stared at the stage carefully, just waiting for the clown to open.

The famous host Chen Yidong also sat down a bit. "When he is half a day, he finally comes. As long as he comes out, compare the list of stars above the second line. You should be able to guess who it is. I now even have petals. Rain and sunflower don't really want to know, I want to know who this clown is!"

The well-known lyricist Wang Chauzing has put the mobile phone with the list on the front. "Two lines above, excluding all female artists, and excluding all those who can't sing, so few dozen people, I really don't believe it. He can't get out of it. Even if he hides again and then changes the position of the vocalization, there is a limit. It is impossible to change too much." As everyone knows, he may have excluded the real person as soon as he came up.

Yao Jiancai inserted a sentence, "If someone is a woman?"

AMY smiled and squirted, "Reverse string?"

At this time, the clown has already taken office.

For a moment, the applause drowned the entire recording scene!

"I'm coming!"

"It's a clown!"

"Hurry up and sing, wait for him!"

"Me too, he and the first group of petals rain sang, the back really doesn't mean anything, sunflowers didn't play too well today!"

"The key is that he is a star above the second line. This is too hooked!"

"Yes, who is this!"

"Listen to him to sing, he has a cold, and the scorpion has recovered more than half. The fake voice can't be heard, but the real sound will definitely have some eyebrows."

"Yes, listen."

"You must guess him, or you can't sleep!"

"The first "Opera" is really amazing!"

"It’s amazing, it’s scary!”

"Yeah, the petals of the rain and the gods have made him broken!"

Several singers in the background are also the same.

The petals of the rain have closed their eyes and waited.

The sunflowers under the stars stared at the TV.

The sunset red is also a slap in the face, and some male stars are constantly appearing in their minds, but they are all ruled out one by one.

The center of the stage.

Zhang Wei clenched the microphone and glanced at the audience and the guest table. From the eyes of everyone, he had read a lot of content. Everyone was waiting for him to speak, waiting to guess his identity. He smiled at the corner of his mouth under the mask. Do you really think you can recognize me? Do you really think that you can guess me only by listening to the sound?

The light is flashing.

Great attention.

Zhang Wei feels that he has fallen in love with this stage.

No one knows him here.

No one knows him here.

It is wonderful to go alone, go alone.

The music is ringing!

First, the flute sounded gently.

Then, the melody of the guzheng also brought the notes together.

It is obviously a folk music instrument, but this melody is like rock and roll, and the rhythm is too clear!

This is a prelude to this, the scene has been HIGH!

Chen Guang said: "Is this rock?"

AMY stunned, "No? Folk music with rock?"

"It must be rock!" Chen Guang is a rock-sounding singer. He is too sensitive to this melody. He can be 100% sure that this is a rock, so he is jealous. He never listened to someone taking folk music to rock. Accompanied, and not even drummers and guitarists? Folk music is not auxiliary? But the main soundtrack?

Can you still play like this?

Can rock and roll be like this?



Hey, hey, hey.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, the clown pinched the microphone and put it to the lips:

The sound resounded throughout the audience!

"I want to go from the south to the north."

"I have to go from white to black."

"I want people to see me."

"But I don't know who I am."

Really rock!

He really sang rock!

You want people to see you, but don't know who you are? ?

The audience is also stunned!

"If you look at me, I am a little tired."

"Please pour me a bowl of water."

"If you have fallen in love with me."

"Just ask me to kiss my mouth."

The title of the song has already been hit.

- "Fake line".

What song is this?

Another song that I have never heard of! ?

I am going to plant you so many original songs?

A few guests are a little crazy!

Especially Wang Chasing, he is the famous lyric composer in the industry. He knows too many people. As long as there is a little famous songwriter in the circle, there is no such thing as he doesn’t know. This song just started at the beginning. I know that this is definitely not a general work. It is definitely not something that a new person can write. What happened? These songs that can make people goose bumps are what the **** is going on! ?

"I have these feet, I have these legs, I have this thousand mountains and water."

"I want all of this, but don't hate and regret."

"If you fall in love with me, don't be afraid to regret it!"

"One day I have to go far!"

"I don't want to stay in one place."

"I don't want someone to follow!"

Chen Guang has already exploded. "Who is this, I rely on it!"

This song is great!

This lyric is great!

The clown also sang a lot of songs on this stage, but Chen Guang’s favorite is his current one. Although it was heard for the first time, Chen Guang has already felt that his blood has been tumbling!

Wang chased the book and hurriedly flipped through the list. "Which is this? Which big **** is this?"

AMY also hurriedly said: "Is it found?"

Yao Jiancai said: "Is there a right number?"

Chen Yidong is also checking the stars who will sing above the second line. "Li Yu? No, it is definitely not, old Huo? It is not his voice! Lao Li? He is playing a concert tour in Hong Kong! Who! Who is this? !"

Wang chased the book and annoyed: "Why is there no right!"

The clown sang with a shocking voice:

"I want to go from the south to the north."

"I have to go from white to black."

"I want people to see me."

"But I don't know who I am."

The audience is also infected!

This song is too close to this stage!

People did see him, but they didn't know who he was!

A "Fake Action", once again shocked the audience!

Many viewers don't know how to describe their feelings at the moment!

The clown is still singing, and the sound is sing higher. His true voice is different from the false sound, but it is not clear, but singing into this song is a perfect fusion!

"I just want to see you look beautiful!"

"But I don't want to know that you are being guilty!"

"I want to get the water in the sky, but not your tears!"

"I don't want to believe that there really is a devil, and I don't want to be against anyone!"

The clown walked a few words forward and pointed his finger at the sky.

"You don't want to know who I am!"

"Don't want to see my hypocrisy!"

Every lyric of the clown seems to be singing to them, and it seems to be singing to himself!

The petals in the lounge were amazed by the rain: "He sang really well!"

The sunset red is amazed: "I rock is also driving?"

The draft champion who has been eliminated has also been convinced that he has been convinced. He lost to such a group of monks. He really has nothing to say. Suddenly he is also a bit grateful that he is on a state-of-the-art sunflower today, otherwise he In the first round, I met a clown. He was afraid that he would be beaten by a 500-0 vote! That would be really shameful, and he might not have the courage to uncover the mask!


This is a change in the music scene!

Especially this clown is a change-state in the state of change-state!

AMY has stood up and screamed in front of the table and cried: "Hey! What kind of seniors are running around to make us play?"

The clown smiled and sang:


"I want people to see me."

"I want people to see me."

The music has stopped.

The stage is quiet.

The clown paused, closed his eyes, and slowly sang with a slightly magnetic voice:

"I want people to see me."

"But I don't know who I am... who..."

Pulling out the long sound, suddenly stopped!

The song is over!

The clown stood up, he smiled and groaned.

At that moment, the cheers suddenly broke out!



"I love him!"

"me too!"

"This song is too good to listen to?"

"How can I sing so well!"

"Who is this clown who is fucking! How can you really hear it?"

"I will be insane!"

"The fake sound is invincible, and the true sound is so fierce?"

"The key is that his song is good! Really good!"

"The clown! You dare not reveal it! Dare dare!"

"Hey, let me go! I am too **** wanting to know who he is!"


The petals rained and nodded and applauded!

The **** of war, who has already unveiled the mask, clapped his hands, and his hands seemed to be red. "Great! This song is really perfect!" Then he looked at the camera and said to himself: "I will definitely come back after the resurrection." It’s my pleasure to be with the great gods of this predecessor!"

Han Qi also exclaimed excitedly at the scene, "Clown! Clown!"

The audience screamed.




The clown has stepped down.

Dong Shanshan came up, "Thank you for the clown singing."

Originally, I wanted to calm down the atmosphere, and then I asked the second singer to appear. The next one was the sunflower under the stars. He was already waiting.

However, the emotions of the audience simply did not come down.




Many people are still shouting!

Dong Shanshan did not know what to do. He could only say nothing, waiting for the audience to cool down.

I am going to see the third sunset of the competition, the sunset red, seeing it here, but also a bitter smile, the popularity is too high, how is this compared?

A song without words!

A rock!

At least today, this stage belongs to the clown. When these two songs come out, today’s song king may not have much suspense!

Today's audience, more than half of them are already fans of the clown!

No song songs?

The artistic conception and spirit of "False Action"?

Even if Zhang Yuanqi is wearing a mask today, it is estimated that he may not be able to do it!

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