I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1011: [Clown scene "We Tunli People"]

Got off the stage.

The clown appeared on the scene amidst the shouts of the audience.

Han Qi was about to jump up, "Teacher! This song is great!"

Today's singing is over, Zhang Ye can speak without hesitation, "It's okay, it's okay." He was also quite satisfied.

This song is actually not easy to sing. Some songs with high pitch are easier to sing than this kind of song. However, the high pitch of this song is not obvious and the fluctuations are not large. In fact, it is difficult to sing the taste. Skillful.

This is a song that has never existed in this world, but on Zhang Ye’s earth, it is quite famous. It is Cui Jian’s "Fake Monk", an old song decades ago, in the rock industry and In the music industry, this song has a very high status. At that time, almost no one knew it, and even later, people continued to take this classic song over and sing it on various variety shows and singing programs, such as Tan Weiwei sang, Zhang Yu sang, Zhang Xinzhe sang, yes, Yu Qian also sang, which shows the status and charm of this song in the hearts of people in that era.

Zhang Ye also likes "The False Monk". The original version of the False Monk is accompanied by folk music. There is a comment that says "False Monk" is anti-tradition under the banner of tradition, so this soundtrack was created. , Zhang Ye also kept this configuration and added something he understood to present the song on the stage.

Walk back to the lounge.

There are constant thumbs up from the staff of the column group.

Someone came up to take a group photo.

"Teacher, take a picture."

"Take a photo with me, Teacher Clown."

"I like you so much!"

"Today this song is great!"

This song has touched a lot of people, especially some elderly people, who have heard too many feelings from the song!

Think of the first few songs that the clown sang in the column group. When everyone thinks about it now, they can't help but vomit blood!

How glorious are you to be an oil worker?

Are you smiling, fifty-year-old driver?


Those are all pretending to be garlic!

This is the clown!

Today this is the real clown!

Zhang Ye took a photo with the staff next to him. Not far behind him, there was the singing of sunflowers under the stars. His choice today did not seem to be a good one, and he did not give full play to his greatest advantage.

"In this boring world."

"what can I do?"

"Broad, lonely, company."

However, many viewers still bought it and speculated on Sunflower's identity.

Zhang Ye is not a person in this world himself, and he is not that familiar, so he just didn’t guess at all. At least he thought he and Sunflower 80% didn’t know each other, but maybe they don’t even have a mask. Zhang Ye didn't dare to confirm in particular.


Ten minutes later.

"we are at."

"In the wind, dance."

Sunset Red also ended the singing.

Warm applause!

The exclamation of the audience one after another!

Dong Shanshan came up at this time, "Please come back to the stage with the clown and the sunflower under the stars."

Sunflower has been listening to the sunset red singing in the audience, and quickly came up.

The clown came over from the lounge, a little slower.

Because Sunset Red was the last one to sing, the guests commented on her first.

Zhang Xia was surprised and said: "I feel more and more that Xiyanghong's singing skills are great. Today, Xiyanghong played so well. I listened to both songs very well!"

The sunset was red and smiled, "Thank you Grandma Zhang."

Wang Zhuishu also agreed: "Xiyanghong is the kind of slow-heating singer. Her voice is a bit moist and silent. You didn't feel anything at first when you heard it, but the more you listen, the more shocking it is. That is true to people's hearts. I sang very well. Today I also have a new understanding of Sunset Red. This is definitely a professional singer!"

Chen Guang also said: "The weapon of the red sunset is not the high pitch, but the emotion, it is delicate. She is rarely seen in the music world with such a powerful singer."

AMY stared at her hard, always feeling that the more she looked, the more familiar she became, "Do we know each other?"

The red sunset smiled, "Guess."

? AMY dizzy: "The key is I can't guess!"

The audience laughed.

Yao Jian just noticed something, and happily said, "I think you two must know AMY after seeing what she said."

AMY said: "I actually already have a choice in my heart, but I'm not sure!" She stared at the red sunset and said, "Are you the one I thought?"

Xiyanghong shook his head, "I don't know who you are thinking about."

AMY looked at her and said, "I am very familiar with that person, and I wear a skirt when I am familiar, but that person's voice seems not as low as you, and the style of singing songs is different. Did you deliberately change the pronunciation area? ?"

Xiyanghong didn't answer her words, just laughed.

AMY immediately said: "No, I have to call her, and I will see if she can answer!"

With that said, AMY took out his cell phone on the spot and dialed a number.

Toot toot.

Toot toot.

It rang five or six times.

AMY put down the phone in shock, "She didn't answer it! I rely on you, won't it be her?"

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "Don't play dumb riddles, who is it?"

AMY did not say.

Then it was the sunflower's turn.

Chen Yidong still praised him, he admired sunflower very much.

Zhang Xia said, "Sunflower still sings well, but for today's song selection, I may have to reserve my opinion."

Sunflower smiled and nodded.

AMY analyzed: "Listen to his accent, like a Hong Kong singer."

Wang Zhui said: "Yes, I also feel this way. It is 70% to 80%. Although the accent is not obvious, it is difficult to change the pronunciation habits of Hong Kong and Taiwan singers."

AMY asked him directly, "Are you a Hong Kong singer?"

Sunflower's voice changed. "The director won't let you say."

The players' answers are very conservative and don't want people to know who they are.

Finally, the topic shifted to the clown.

Dong Shanshan asked: ‘What do the teachers have to say about the singing of the clown? "

Chen Yidong said: "There is nothing to say, just convinced!"

Wang Chaishu smiled bitterly: "This is an absolute strength group! Today's two songs, with good lyrics, good tunes, and better singing, I can't pick out anything at all! It's too powerful!"

AMY hurriedly said: "Mr. Clown, which senior are you? Don't make fun of us? Can you tell us quickly!"

The clown smiled.

AMY quickly said: "Then can I ask a question?"

The clown thought for a while and nodded.

AMY pointed to himself, "Do we know each other?"

The clown hesitated and nodded slightly.

"Yes!" AMY scratched his head, almost crazy, "Who the **** are you!"

Chen Guang hurriedly asked, "Do we know each other?"

The clown coughed and nodded again.

Chen Guang is also going crazy, "Among the people I know, there is no singer of your style! Basically, I am familiar with singers in mainland China. I don't know some people from Hong Kong and Taiwan. You are not a fan. -Hong Kong singer?"

Zhang Xia shook her hand and said: "Impossible, how is this accent possible."

Chen Guangdao: "Maybe he hid his accent on purpose?"

AMY was also pleasantly surprised: "Yes, maybe it's from Hong Kong-Hong Kong? We all know him, but maybe not so familiar with him?" Then he asked the clown directly: "Are you a Hong Kong-Taiwan star?"

Wang Chai said: "Where are you from?"

Chen Yidong also followed: "Yes, where is your hometown? Can you ask about this?"

The audience also stared at the clown and wanted to know!

Dong Shanshan was just about to help the clown.

But no one thought that at this time, the clown actually picked up the microphone and sang in a changed voice, speaking Cantonese!

"My hometown, I live in this village!"

"I am a native of this village!"

The audience has fainted!

The clown grew more and more excited:

"Don't look at how big the village is, there are mountains, waters and woods."

"The neighbors and folks are very harmonious, and the young and old are more gregarious."

"A lot of things happened in the village."

"Recalling that it was special."

"If my friends are interested, I will show you to know people who know our Tunli!"

AMY puffed!

Chen Guang fainted!

Zhang Xia and Yao Jiancai laughed!

The petal rain standing next to him also shook his shoulders, obviously smiling!

Your hometown is here?

Does Hong Kong have the name "Fucking"? ?

you go! You go! Who is going to meet your Tunli people!

And your Cantonese is too substandard, brother? ?

The audience also leaned forward with laughter!

"Oh, I can't do it!"

"Does he really open his mouth?"

"Laughing at me hahahahaha!"

"Brother, what are you pretending to be like-Hong Kong people, you!"

"Puff! I saw through your rural household registration at a glance!"

"Why is the clown so funny!"

"Who the **** is this?"

"I do not know!"

The people in the column group were also happy, saying that you have never heard him sing the smiley face of a fifty-year-old driver. This person is a veteran, too capable of acting! I used to install workers, but now I have installed Hong Kong-Taiwan compatriots again?

Zhang Xia smiled and said: "He is definitely not a Hong Kong singer!"

AMY took it all, "Senior, stop pretending, don’t pretend really!"

Yao Jiancai happily said: "If this accent is a Hong Kong singer, then I will dare to go to Australia to sing tomorrow! Your Hong Kong voice is too cut!"

AMY: "Hahahahaha!"

Chen Yidong said: "This character makes me even more confused!"

AMY smiled and said, "Yes, I can't even guess who it is!"

A Cantonese version of "We Tunli People" from Zhang Ye's world, amused both the guests and the audience!

Finally, the voting session has begun!

The audience all picked up voting machines.



"Sunset red!"


Many people shouted the names of singers they like.

Then when the guests and contestants looked at the real-time voting screen on the screen, they couldn't help showing a wry smile. From the beginning, the gap in the number of votes was widened!

The clown is far ahead!

Until the end, the result came out!

Sunset Red: 142 votes.

Sunflowers under the stars: 101 votes.

Joker: 257 votes!

The second edition of the king of singers is out!

Still a clown!

The clown regained the throne of song king!

The audience burst into shouts!

The guests also stood up and gave applause!

[PS: Has anyone guessed this song? Hahaha, give monthly tickets! During the double period, it will be too late if you don't vote again! 】


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