I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1012: [The clown is on fire! 】

on Saturday.


Zhang Wei came directly from the airport after picking up his parents. Mom and Dad came back from Hainan today. After the tour was over, the grandfather thought about the child. He called and asked the children to come today, and the dishes were ready. Originally, Zhang Hao also wanted to throw the baggage to the parents, let them pack up and take a rest, but the plane was late. It was already more than 5:00 pm, and he was recognized by the fans at the airport. For a long time, he also lost a lot of time, Zhang Hao can only pick up people directly.



"Hey, hey, big sister, sister."

"How come you come?"

"Hey, the plane is late."

"Auntie, Grandpa, what about Hainan?"

"Oh, very good, the air is very good."

"Auntie, I will take the box for you."

"Look at Dandan, I am getting more and more sensible."

The family basically arrived, and they chatted in a random conversation.

Zhang Wei first asked his grandfather a good question, laughing and laughing with the old man for a long time, but then, the three sisters also smashed together.

The third sister smiled and said: "Brother, are you still unemployed?"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, "Yes."

The big sister blinked: "Why didn't you go to trouble?"

"Noisy?" Zhang Wei said strangely.

The second sister said: "Before this time, you must have jumped out of your feet and slammed it. It was not your style!"

Zhang Hao can't smile. "What is the image of me in your eyes? What am I going to swear? The buddy is not the same as me."

The third sister showed a sly expression, "Get it."

He patted her gently. "How do you talk to your brother?"

The third sister called out: "Look at it, you are eccentric!"

Everyone laughs.

Zhang Wei is now the baby at home, don't say these little gimmicks, that is, Zhang Wei's parents in front of their grandfather's face, if they dare to say that Zhang Hao is not good, Grandpa has to blink with them.

Zhang σ also enjoyed the time when this family was rarely reunited. Yesterday's game was too tired. It was not just a question of scorpion, but also a painstaking effort. It was rare to relax so much. He felt very good.

dinner time.

There are too many people, so I have two tables.

Daxie suddenly asked, "Oh, I heard that the program you planned is now very hot?"

The third sister immediately said: "It’s just a fire, it’s quite fire!"

My mom ate the dish and said: "Don't say, the singers invited this time are too powerful. One sings better than one, the sunflowers, the petals are raining, really good!"

Grandma said: "I also like sunflowers!"

The second aunt said: "Their songs are too noisy, or the sunset is red."

The big sister said, "The clown is also very good, took the first song king."

The second sister shook his head: "The clown can't, the news says, he doesn't win by strength."

The three sisters suddenly patted the table. "He almost forgot, the second phase of "Mongolian King" is about to start. It’s seven or fifty. Just turn on the TV and turn on the TV!"

"Yes, look!"

"Yeah, forget it when you talk!"

"Oh, who is the king of songs today?"

"Oh, look at it yourself."

"It must be the petals rain."


"Sunset red opportunity is also big!"

The family basically watched the show, and each had their own support objects.

Just to make Zhang Wei depressed, it seems that no one supports the clown, this is actually quite helpless, and my heart is also considering, is it that the song I chose is somewhat conservative? The audience is a bit small? Otherwise, when you record your next issue, try a song from the public? Speaking of it, he is not a person in this world. He uses the songs for the first time. This is his disadvantage and his advantage. He has to explore every step of his own. There is no experience at all. According to the selection, the song selection is also a test for him.

Well, let's take a look at today's situation.

Look at this issue today, how is the response.



It is also open at the moment.

"Get started soon!"

"I rely on the support rate of the petal rain has already had 300,000 votes!"

"It's too fierce!"

"Is this song king determined?"

"Almost, this vote is too great!"

"Is there a message coming out? Who is being eliminated? Who is the face?"

"The clown must have been eliminated?"

"He is not playing, the negative news is too big, the media and the people are bombarding him."

"Actually, I think the clown is OK. Although the singing may not be very good, but people have a cold, they have to be considerate."

"He can get the singer, that is your sympathy ticket! What happened to the cold? This is the game, it is fair."

"Look, this clown is useless, I have to watch my petal rain!"

Suddenly, a Weibo user came out.

The man snorted, "Tell you an unfortunate news. In this issue, the clown is still a song king."


"Don't tease it?"


"Don't send a fake message!"

"Who is the king of songs is not a clown, he has been smashed like that!"

As a result, another person came out. "You are optimistic about the petal rain. The first round was followed by the clown to PK. Hey, look at it yourself, I can't bear to blow you."

"Do you have trouble?"


"If the clown still uses the old method this time, even if his lyrics are good, the audience will not be able to buy it for the second time."

"I do not believe!"

"Rely, I don't believe it!"

"The petal rain is now bursting, and the sunflowers are also chasing after them. Even the support rate of the sunset red is much higher than the clown. How can it be that the clown is the king of songs!"

"Don't believe in rumors."

"Do not believe in rumors 1!"

"Do not believe in rumors 1000!"

Everyone does not believe.

Then, the second issue of "Mongolian King" was broadcast under the eyes of the public!

The first appearance was actually the petal rain.


"My family's petals are coming!"

"Singed and sang!"

"Oh, that's so nice!"

"It's still her style!"

"Like you die!"

"Song of the song, must be the song king of this period!"

"It must be her!"

"The next one is a clown?"

"Ha ha ha, he is too bad!"

"Yeah, this is no suspense!"

The wave of exclamations broke out on the Internet, and they all praised the singing of the petals.

Then the clown appeared.

When the first sound of the clown came out, Weibo suddenly stopped quiet, and there was no sign of silence!

"Ah, ah."

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."

"Ah ah ah ah ah."



A few sisters are stupid!

Mom and Dad and their aunts also listened to their hair!


"He, is he having a cold?"

"How come this song has no lyrics?"

"Oh, I can't do it, the chicken skin is coming out!"

"What happened? What happened to this song?"


Zhang Yuan chess home.

Friends in a few circles are gathering.

The latest issue of "The Masked King" is on the TV, and several people are still analyzing.

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said: "The petals are raining, do you listen like who?"

Ning Lan cocked his legs and said: "I am not engaged in music, I can't hear it."

The agent of the day, Fang Weihong, was swayed by the red wine. "This show is really hot now, and it looks really good, Zhang Jie, have you heard it?"

Zhang Yuanqi smiled. "There are probably so many personal choices, but not sure."

At this time, a song came from the TV.

At the beginning, a few people didn't care, they were still chatting, but gradually, the voices of several people stopped abruptly.

Fang Weihong lived!

Ninglan looked at the TV screen with amazement!

Zhang Yuanqi has a slight glimpse and looks at the past!

"Ah, ah, ah."

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

The song is full of the whole room!

Fang Weihong was shocked: "Who is this, my God!"

Ning Lan was also very shocked. "Is this too good?"

Fang Weihong said: "Which song is this?"

Zhang Yuanqi said: "There is no such song in the music world!"


No lyrics!


But that picture of the face of the face, they just hit them unprepared!


A lot of netizens are crazy!

A lot of people who used to be acquainted with lyrics before, they only feel that their faces are swollen. Deliberately, this man is absolutely deliberate!

"No word song?"

"I rely on it!"

"This sings, really God!"

"Is this the real voice of the clown?"

"Mahjong, this song sings me to cry!"

“Is that so good? Why didn’t I feel?”

"I didn't feel it, but he sang is really a cow - forced!"

"I don't feel it? The song is going to be quiet, I am also moved. This is so nice! Who said that the clown is winning by the lyrics? I am going to him!"

"This face is too embarrassing! I am hurting those media!"

"This song is great!"

"Is there a word?"

"Who is this person? Who is it?"

Many netizens exploded in a flash!



An entertainment company.

A vice president is eating with the company's people and a few insiders. When they hear the sound in the box TV, they are also stunned!

one second.

Two seconds.

The deputy chief immediately said: "Xiao Li, check who he is! Be sure to find out for me! If he has not signed a contract, he will be signed to me at all costs!"

Secretary Xiao Li is busy: "Understood!"

But not long after, the question of the guessing guest was played on the TV.

"Are you a second-tier star or more, or is it below?"

"……the above."

A table is silent.

The deputy also smiled bitterly. "Forget it, don't look for him. A big second-line or more big man, it's impossible to have no company."

An industry musician on the table sucked in the air. "This is the great **** of music."

"Masked King" is too hot!

So many people in the industry are in front of the TV, or the long-awaited singer, or some newcomers who have just debuted, even the Queen is watching this show!

Many people are scared by the clown "Opera"!

But without exception, no one can guess the true body of the clown!

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