I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1018: [Development! 】

PS. Put today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "starting point" 515 fan festival, each person has 8 votes, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

Beijing Satellite TV.

Record the scene.

The audience has already entered the scene.

Zhang Wei’s parents and three younger sisters did not line up. It was Xiao Lu who went out to pick them up. The staff members walked into the scene. Xiao Lu politely invited them to a lower-key position in the back row and gave them to Zhang. The family took a few bottles of water and some small snacks.

The third sister is sweet, "Thank you Lu Jie."

Xiao Lu smiled and said: "You are welcome."

When the second sister sat down, she couldn’t wait to ask, "Lv sister, is sunflower really my family?"

"Li Yu is your home?" The big sister was helpless.

The second sister called: "I am his fan!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Lu snorted, "It is him, he did not say it himself."

The second sister shot the thigh. "Great, this time is coming!"

The third sister shouted: "I also like Li Yu, so handsome!"

Big sister: "Are you not supporting the clown?"

Three sisters: "Hey, I have been betrayed."

Dad said: "Xiao Lu, you have to go to work, don't have to stay with us."

Xiao Ludao: "That line, here are our staff everywhere. If you have something, you will find them." Just about to go, I saw a few spectators coming in there, holding Li Yu in their hands. The name of the fluorescent board.

She immediately went up, "Hey, this can't be taken!"

The little girls are very upset.


"You can use the player code, if you have a real name, you will mislead the audience if you record it."

"How to mislead the audience? Everyone knows that sunflower is Li Yu's brother!"

"This can't be done, can't bring it in."

"How are you doing so much!"

"When we come to our program, we must respect the rules of the program, otherwise we have the right not to let you enter."

"I brought it in, how? You scare everyone!"

There is a quarrel here.

Several staff members and security guards rushed to maintain order.

A microblog of Li Yu, all the work of the column group was disturbed, and a masked singer was made, so that he made a mess from the inside out!


An aisle in the background.

The people in the column group and the assistants in Li Yu also quarreled.

Hou Ge: "When is the meager withdrawal?"

Assistant Xu is also quite arrogant. "You don't let go of this thing, right?"

"You have already affected the normal recording of the show!" Dafei said: "Because you one, now the program group is fighting fires, and other players have been seriously affected. Now you have to figure out that this program is not for you. If you open a home, it’s not for you to serve one person! Do you respect other people?”

Xu assistant pointed to him and said: "Young people, don't talk so much. When I am mixed in the circle, you haven't been born yet. Do you think that there is a lot of appearance fees for your program? Teacher Li is Seeing that you are sincere, this is the answer. Usually, Teacher Li is rarely involved in the variety show on the mainland. Teacher Li can bring you more ratings than other people!"

"You are breaking the rules!"

"Mr. Li is helping you to raise your popularity!"

The more noisy and fierce here, the more people on both sides are very angry!

The people in the column group are already disgusting. They are really unacceptable. It is clearly that Li Yu is eager for quick success. He uses his means other than rules to make profits for himself and canvass for himself. The result is still to be said to be "masked king." "Okay, for the column group!"

Is this too hypocritical?

Was the former star star doing so despicable?

At this time, Hu Fei came over from afar. "Don't talk nonsense with them, it's recorded, go to work!" I didn't even look at Xu's assistant, and took the person away.

Hou Ge angered: "Hu Ge, is this too bully?"

A staff member said: "I just heard from friends that Li Yu's team is buying news everywhere and spending money on Li Yu. In the morning, several media predicted that the masked king of the song will be him. They are all flowers. Money bought! The news is even $ bought on our Beijing TV station!"

No wonder the media reaction is so fast!

No wonder the public opinion is optimistic about Li Yu!

Hu Fei listened and said directly: "I have already reported to Taili. From now on, Beijing TV Station will no longer cooperate with Li Yu and his team in any form!"

However, that is also the future.

What should I do this time?

What about the current show?

It’s already at this point, they can’t kick Li Yin out of the show by abnormal means, only let him continue to record, even if he takes the song king every time, they have to record it, Li Yu’s team Perhaps it is precisely this is the point, I dare to be so unscrupulous!


The draw began.

The singers are sitting in their lounges and watching the TV screen.

The first lottery was the sunflower under the stars, but the director knocked on the door for half a day, and no one responded until the female choreographer shouted outside. "The draw begins."

The door opened only.

Xu assistant put her and the camera came in.

The female director is almost discouraged, and you are in it? Why didn't you open the door just now? Why can't you listen? This, who is this!

The mask of the sunflower has been put on, unlike the indifference of the past. When the camera comes in, the laughter of the sunflower rang. "Is the first one?"

Female choreographer: "Yes, please draw lots to determine the order of appearance."

"Okay." The sunflower reached into the lottery box and was taken out.

number 2!

Not too good or bad.

The female choreographer nodded, and then a nonsense did not say much, turned and left.

From the beginning to the end of the scene, other players also saw through the TV in the house.

Yesterday, Huanghua whispered a word.

The spinach calmed down and said to the staff member who was in charge of him. Anyway, there is no need to worry that this will be broadcast.

The sunset is red and silent.

The petals of the rain faintly drank the water in a thermos cup. It may be that she brought the moisturizing things on her own, and she could not see any expression on the mask.

The clown is also very calm.

Soon, the lottery order was arranged.

No. 1: Spinach.

No. 2: Sunflower under the stars.

No. 3: Clown.

No. 4: Petal rain.

No. 5: Sunflower.

No. 6: Yesterday Huanghua.

Spinach is already crying.

The first appearance?

The opponent is still Li Yu?

This is simply a possibility of winning a little bit. Even for a moment, she thought that she would not go out and forget it. A Li, who was originally a top singer, has done a bad job. What else is it playing?

However, it didn't take long for her door to be pushed away.

Coming in is a mask wearing flowers.

The small ball in the petal rain handle passed over and smiled: "Change?"


Really change?

Spinach is stunned, she thought that before the meeting room, the petals of rain are just talking about it!

The internal signal position also switched to this room at once.

Other players have seen it!

When the sunflower is smashed, the eyes are smashed. What do you mean? Change the number? Petal rain wants to play the first game with me? He laughed and felt a little funny. The strength of the petal rain is already very clear. He sings very well, the fake sound is great, but it is the level that is comparable to his own. He is now exposed and the media is overheating, so this issue Even in the next and even the next period, no one can win him. Even if other players are exposed, he does not think that he will lose because he feels that the player on this stage should be the most famous among the participants. It’s gone.

The director group saw it, and did not say anything. There is no rule on the rules that can not call the order of the game, as long as the player agrees.

Spinach quickly stood up, "Sister, this, is this appropriate?"

The petals nodded in the rain, "appropriate, although my number is not too good, change?"

The number of petals rain, the person to be against is a clown.

However, the spinach heard that the chicken nodded like a glutinous rice. "Okay, good, change!"

"Okay." The petals rained under the lens and the spinach called a small ball representing the order of appearance.

Spinach is grateful: "Thank you, sister."

"You're welcome." The petals slid into the hair and strode out without any hesitation.

Everyone knows that the petals are angry, but no one thinks she will win because the opponent is too strong because the identity of the opponent has already been exposed.


The clown's room.

Han Qi is also very angry.

Originally, today's protagonist should be a clown. The clown teacher took two songs under the pressure of countless pressures. The support rate is also the highest. The third song king should be the most powerful competitor, but he is the most powerful competitor. When Li Yu was so troubled, the public’s attention changed. No one cares about other players, clowns, petal rains, sunset reds, all in front of Li Yu’s supporting role, everyone shouting Li Yucai should be the real song king!

Han Qi was indignant and said: "If the sunflower is eliminated! It is really too face!"

The clown smiled: "Yes."

After that, Han Qi was discouraged again. "But it is impossible."

The clown smiled. "It's not impossible."

Han Qidao: "Do you say that the petal rain teacher can win?"

The clown thought for a moment and said, "I don't know who she is, but I have a vague candidate in my heart. If, I mean, if she is the one I guessed in my heart." He said: "She will be able to win if she is serious!"

Han Qi surprised: "Really?"

Zhang Hao nodded.

The premise is that the petal rain is the one.

Will it be her?

Zhang Hao got up, "Go, haven't started recording yet, go to the scene to see."

Han Qidao: "I heard that the petal rain temporarily changed songs. I don't know if the band teacher can't catch up."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "That would have to add fuel to her."

Several other players also thought of him.

The sunset red, spinach, a few people have also gone to the scene, facing Li Yu's mean behavior, they have not cared about each other's victory, are looking forward to the miracle, the petal rain can win Li Yu, and then knock out the competition Foster your own mistakes and be eliminated!

How big is this chance?

Oh, everyone is not willing to think about it.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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