I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1019: [Flower rain... super god! 】

on site.

The device is still being debugged and the recording has not yet started.

However, many people have already heated up in the audience.

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

A man shouted!

As a result, many people shouted together!

Zhang Wei’s second and third sisters also stood and yelled with other people. The songs haven’t been sung yet. The field has not yet come out. The popularity of sunflowers under the stars has already exploded. There are also many viewers on the scene who are not fans of Li Yu. However, after watching this scene, influenced by this atmosphere, they also looked forward to it. They also felt that today's song king must be a sunflower. No singer can compete with sunflower under this momentum.

"The popularity is really high."

"Yeah, that's Li Yu!"

"Today, the petals rain and the clown have to be accompanied."

"The past line, it really deserved reputation!"

"Why don't you start yet!"

“Does Li Yu sing Cantonese songs today?”

"If he sings Cantonese, he really has no opponents!"

Zhang Xia and Chen Guang Yao Jiancai, several guests also sat down on the seats of the guessing group early, and they also whispered in exchanges. Although they all know the greasy and insider inside, they know that Li Yu can’t afford to lose. To be honest, this kind of almost cheating behavior, some of them are very uncomfortable in their hearts, how do you play when you do this? Who can fight the song with you? What does this game mean? Is it the stage where you perform alone?

Yao Jiancai asked, "Is the lottery out?"

Zhang Xiadao: "It seems to be."

Chen Yidong smiled and said: "The first one is spinach and the second one is sunflower."

AMY spoke. "No, I just heard that the petal rain took the initiative to exchange the order with the spinach. She was the first to appear."

Chen Guang was shocked, "Ah?"

Other people don't know.

Zhang Xiayi, "What is the situation?"

Amy coughed, "The petals rain seems to be angry!"


She took the initiative to fight sunflowers?

Also, Li Yu is so foolish, who is not angry!

Chen Guang smiled bitterly.

Zhang Xiadao: "She wants the sunflower to stop the third stage of the song king to compete for the station? Press him?"

Wang chased the book and sighed: "The courage is commendable, but the strength of the petal rain itself is comparable to that of the sunflower. Although I have always liked her, I am still not very optimistic about her against sunflowers. Who won today's sunflower? The petals are not raining. The clown is even worse." Then turned to look at the camera. "We don't broadcast this."

Suddenly, the host Dong Shanshan exchanged a few words with the headset and smiled and stepped onto the stage.

When the audience saw it, the voice was louder!


"it has started!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

Dong Shanshan said in the cheers: "The bright-faced cocoa's exclusive title "Mongolian King"." A knee bend, she played a blessing, "I am your host, Dong Shanshan ""

With the outbreak of ratings and the popularity of the show, Dong Shanshan’s popularity is getting higher and higher. But today, it seems that no one pays attention to what clothes Dong Dongshan wears, what glasses to wear, and everyone's expectations are only one, what songs will be sung by sunflowers, how can sunflowers win the throne of the song!

A paragraph of advertising has passed.

Dong Shanshan gave up the stage. "Then there is our first singer today - the petals rain."

The petals rain came out.

Several singers are in the aisle connecting the stage.

Spinach Road: "Sister, come on!"

Yesterday Huanghuadao: "Get the sunflowers down!"

The sunset red and the clown are also watching the back of the petals rain.

Zhang Wei thinks that today's petal rain seems to have changed into a person, as if the fighting spirit is high, and it is in the body, it seems to break out at any time!

Some have seen it!

Don't lose!

The audience still heard applause.

"It is the petals rain."

"She sang well."

"But it's just a good vacation. How do other people compare with my family?"

"That is, Li Yu is a quasi-song in Hong Kong and Taiwan!"

"Yeah, the singers who can compare with Li Yu in China are just a few, but those few people are not expected to come to participate in the "masked king"."

Zhang Wei found the position of the parents from the audience.

Dad looks serious.

The mother and a few sisters were very excited and shouted something in their mouths, but Zhang Wei was too far away to hear clearly.

The lights are dark.

The scene also suddenly quieted down.

However, not everyone can learn to respect, in the stands, a few girls waving the fluorescent board in their hands, actually shouted the name of Li Yu when the petals rained out!

"Liang Yu brother!"

"Sunflowers come on!"

"Li Yu, I love you!"

After that, they laughed and laughed.

The general director Hu Fei is black!

The band teachers also had to stop and have not started.

The staff at the scene immediately ran two people to warn them!

Li Yu’s assistant in the audience smiled a little and didn’t feel anything at all. Look, this is the popularity of Teacher Li Yu. In front of Li Yu’s teacher, whoever is useless!

Zhang Xia frowned.

AMY keeps shaking his head.

What quality is this? Their impression of Li Yu is even worse!

Spinach angered: "Is this not a mess?"

Yesterday, Huanghua: "It’s all caused by a microblogging of Li Yu!"

However, Zhang Wei found that the petal rain was not affected at all. She stood in the middle of the stage and gently closed her eyes and suddenly raised the microphone! When the stage was slightly messy, when the scene was not so quiet, no one thought that the petals rain would be sung at this time!

"Have you seen the morning sun?"

"It's warm and cozy."

"When one day you see someone singing in the morning sun."

"Yes, that may be me."

For a moment, the audience was silent!

Zhang Xia stunned!

AMY almost jumped up!

Wang chased the book!

The spinach, the sunset red, the yellow flower yesterday and so on are also stunned!

The music starts!

The petals are sung:

"Have you seen the blue sky?"

"It's clear and true."

"When one day you see someone laughing under the blue sky."

"Yes, that may be me."

It is true sound!

The petals are raining with real sound!

This time, the sunflowers in the lounge have changed slightly!

This voice is really like a sword. When the first word comes out, it is directly tied to the chest of the audience. With one knife and one knife, the sound is too characteristic!

And have power!

There is a power that almost all female singers don't have!

Zhang Xia has already guessed who she is!

This kind of scorpion, this singing method, can not find a second person in the music singer!

is her!

She actually came!

The audience were also cold and straight, and they were scared. They all thought that the petals of the rain would only sing a false sound. Everyone thought that her false voice was her biggest killer, but when the true sound of the petals rain suddenly smashed out, countless people I felt a shock that was caught off guard!

How can this be?

It turns out that her true sound is even worse than the fake sound!

The original petal rain has not been serious!

It turned out that she had been "playing" all the time!

Even the fans of Li Yu, who had just been messed up, were stupid!

The scorpion of the petal rain sings higher:

"Have you seen the dark clouds?"

"It is cloudy and haze."

"When one day you see someone roaring under the clouds."

"Yes, that may be me."

The audience is already stunned!

Zhang Wei’s parents sucked in the air!

Zhang Wei’s three sisters also opened their mouths and forgot to talk!

Too fierce!

This sing is invincible!

Zhang Wei also closed his eyes, and even a layer of goose bumps on his arms!

Spinach and yesterday's yellow flowers are already smashed!

On the stage, the sound of the petals of the rain turned out to be a tune again!

"Have you seen the sunset?"

"It's dim and it's about to disappear."

"When one day, someone made a final cry in the sunset."

"Yes, that may be me."

"No, that must be me!"

Suddenly, the voice went up again!





"Oh, ah!"

"Oh, ah!"




The petal rain shouted and pushed the song directly to the high-tidal!

Many viewers at the scene have already felt that they are sweating all over the body!

Too enjoyable!

Too cow - forced!

At this moment, the scene broke out!

Countless people are standing up!

Countless people are screaming!

This song, which is not very well-known in the music scene, "That is me", in the interpretation of the petal rain, actually burst into the soul, she was sang!

Today's petals rain, no one is her opponent!

This song, she is super god! !

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