I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1043: ["Love will win" (below)! 】

I rely on!

I rely on!

I rely on!

The clown is open, everyone is dumbfounded!

Time is scared and almost fell to the ground with a head!

AMY tweeted and stood up!

Wang chasing books and stunned!

Hu Fei and Xiao Lu Zhang big mouth!

The petal rain and the sunset red spinach under the stage almost did not stand still!

The audience all looked awkward - forced!

Minnan Language!

It is Minnan!

what happened?

What the **** is this going on?

How can a clown sing a Minnan? Impossible! This, this is impossible! When did he learn the Minnan dialect? He, he, who wrote the song to him! ?

The clown did not look at the reactions and expressions of other people, singing in a special standard of Minnan dialect:

"Life is comparable to the waves of the sea."

“Sometimes it sometimes falls.”

"Good luck, good luck."

"It’s always necessary to start work."

"Three days are doomed!"

"Seven points to fight hard!"

"Love will fight to win!"

Oh my God!

Too bad!

This **** is too bully - forced!

In the audience, those who know Minnanese have seen some ghosts. Time will sing Minnan. This is normal, because time is Zhao Qiquan. He is a professional Taiwanese singer. He sings a dozen songs in Minnan. Year, but who is this clown? Who the **** is he? How can anyone in the country sing the songs of Taiwanese into this? And whether it is sound, singing, or skill, is it better than Zhao Qiquan, the first person in Minnanese? This this……

And where is the song coming out?

It is the first time I heard it, but why is the melody so good? Is the lyrics so good?

The clown sings:

"I can't help but sigh."

"It’s chilling for a while."

"That lost hope."

"Drunk every day."

p> "No soul has a body like a scarecrow."



a hundred!

Many viewers are standing up!

Especially those who know Minnanese have the loudest response. Many people are screaming with a stunned expression while waving the light stick on their hands!

This song is great!

Really so nice!

"Life is comparable to the waves of the sea."

"Sometimes, sometimes it falls."

"Good luck, good luck."

"It’s always necessary to start work."

Time is green!

Not far from the spinach, I saw the face of time, and I laughed and snorted.

Next to the sunset red, I saw the spinach laughing like this, but also the sound of the music, look at the clown on the stage, and then look at the time under the stage, she really served this clown!

Chen Guang served!

Zhang Xia is in service!

Yao Jiancai took it!

The group and the people at the place are served!

They don't know what kind of language to use to evaluate the clown!

The clown pointed to the ceiling:

"Three days are doomed!"


"Seven points to fight hard!"


"Love will fight to win!"

In line with the rhythm of the drums, the mood of the audience is ignited!

AMY loud voice: "How can he speak Minnan!"

Wang chased the book: "Who knows!"

Chen Guangle, "This person has really brought surprises to people again and again. Right, who said that the clown must have lost this round?"

Zhang Xia smiled and said: "You said it."

Chen Guang coughed: "I have it? I didn't say it."

Yao Jiancai laughed. "Old Chen began to look back and make up, don't be round!"

Chen Yidong said without words: "Whoever thinks that he can sing the songs of Taiwanese, who thinks that he also has such an original Minnan language song! I am serving, who is this person?"

When they sing and talk, they can't help but subconsciously drop their gaze on the time of the field. They can see the shocked expression in the eyes under the mask of time. Even if he kills him a hundred times, he can't guess the clown. Today, I will sing a song in Taiwanese!

It’s really love to fight to win!

Everyone thinks the clown is too simple!

In the last issue, they had a faceache for Li Yu!

In this issue, they have a bad time for the time!

Han Qi was so excited that he screamed and waved his hand below. Everyone thought that the clown would lose, but who would like someone to come up with such a song!

"Life is comparable to the waves of the sea."

“Sometimes it sometimes falls.”

"Good luck, good luck."

"It’s always necessary to start work."

"Three days are doomed!"

"Seven points to fight hard!"

"Love will fight to win!"

Time has begun to linger in my heart. He has not been willing to believe until now. The clown really sang a song in Minnan. This is not a Cantonese language, there are many people singing, and there are many good songs in Cantonese, so I like to listen to Cantonese. The song people can sing a few words, and the pronunciation may be quite standard. The time is sung in the Minnan language. It is a very small language, and there are not a few special songs in the world!

This **** you will sing?

This **** you can sing too?

I am too much to be versatile, you! ?

You are full of heart!

On the stage.

The clown finished singing.

The following audience also broke out with applause and applause!




Those who know Min Nan speak loudly!

When I saw it, my heart snorted. He knew that he was afraid of losing today. The home advantage he relied on for survival has now become the advantage of the clown! He originally wanted to step on the clown to win the game, who would have expected the clown to pull a loud slap directly! Time really regretted coming to this stage, and the popularity did not earn much. Now it seems that he has to pay in the original popularity and status!

Although this stage also has wins and losses, even the petals have been lost, this is actually nothing. However, the current situation is different. It is the clown he first provoked. He is forcing the clown to confront him. As a result, he is a Taiwanese singer who has been beaten by a foreigner in a Taiwanese song. What kind of taste is this? Just think about it and can't look straight!

Is it a pain?

The eggs have to be broken!

Time to think about it, his face was red and green!

Zhang Wei walked off the stage briskly.

Petals rain thumbs up!

Spinach holds two hands up and thumbs up!

The sunset red also smiled, "I met you, it was a bad time!"

In the other direction of spinach, Baannu, "Mr. Zhao is crying! Clown teacher, you are too embarrassed, really too embarrassed, hahahahaha!"

Today's game is too lively!

Some people want to die, some people want to laugh.

People's eyes on the clown are even more confusing. There are more people who want to get rid of his mask. Everyone wants to know where the clown is sacred!

Mandarin songs, can you sing?

Can you sing Cantonese songs?

Also sang the song of the Northeast dialect?

What now? Even his mother can speak in Nannan! ?

Where did you learn this? Where are you from these songs?

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