I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1044: [Playoff! 】

The clown is out.

The next player will be on stage.

However, there were still surprises in the audience.

"Zhao Qiquan is nothing more than that!"

"Who is the real Hokkien singer?"

"The clown sings better than time!"

"Yeah, I don't know, I am surprised!"

"It turns out that Zhao Qiquan’s claim to be the number one Hokkien singer is just a fictitious one. It’s not how good he sings, but the competition is small. No one sings Hokkien songs, but if those well-known singers really come to sing, Anyone who comes out can sing better than him!"

"That's not the case, mainly because the clown is too fierce!"

"Yes, this guy is really awesome, how can he sing everything!"

"Pop, rock, duo, no lyrics, lyrics, Cantonese, Northeast, Mandarin, Hokkien, he sang it!"

"How can a singing show look like a martial arts movie? This clown is really proficient in all eighteen martial arts! Hahahaha! I'm so funny!"

"So enjoyable!"

"This issue is wonderful!"

"This is a professional singer competition, "Good Voice" is weak!"

"The sunset is red!"

"Yes, today's sunset red is also a fierce man!"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Okay, let's hand the stage to Sunset Red."

The sunset is red.

The audience also gave face and was quiet.

Xiyanghong nodded in thanks, then looked at the band teachers, nodded, indicating that he was ready.

In the second round of the competition, in fact, the clown and the sunset red had little hope originally. This singer and the two of them are difficult to fight with time. 80% of them may fall into the hands of time, because time is southern Fujian. Speaking singers, because so many Hokkien audiences came to the scene. However, when the clown's song "Love Fights to Win" was released, it was really too ruthless, and the situation has also undergone a reversal. It directly cut off the opportunity of time to take the song king, and two Hokkien songs were released. , Sunset Red, the only person who sings Mandarin songs, has some advantages, because the audience’s curiosity mentality has faded a lot, and the votes of more than 100 Hokkien audiences are also shared by the clown and time, subtle changes. Next, Sunset Red is the singer who has the greatest chance to take the King of Songs now!

"you ask me."

"Why never, not bow your head."

"you ask me."

"Why never, don't panic."

After only a few words, the guest seat showed a surprised expression! The sunset is red today, right? This state is also great. It seems that she has really become familiar with the stage gradually, and she is no longer nervous, and let go. This is the so-called accumulation of thin hair, right? No wonder even the petal rain was pressed by her in the first round!

After singing a song, the audience applauded!

Many people are moved by the quietness and delicacy of the red sunset song. This song was originally a slightly rocky song, a famous song by a male rock band, but it was adapted by the red sunset. She actually let her sing quietly with a woman's voice, whether the audience or the guests, everyone has never heard anyone sing this song like this. It is full of freshness, and they are all shocked!

The audience is in a dilemma!

"It's hard to choose!"

"Yes, who do you vote for?"

"It's all too good!"

"Sunset Red is great! I haven't paid much attention to her before, I didn't expect to be such a powerful singer!"

"Sunset Red should have won!"

"Well, she has too much chance of taking the King of Singer!"

"This song is so well performed!"

"The clown today is a bit like going to the end of time. The two of them fight to the death and the life is divided, but the sunset red should be the fisherman's profit!"

"Look at what the guests say first."

"I didn't think about whom to vote for."

Dong Shanshan took the stage.

The clown and time were also invited to the stage by her.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Wow, today's game has made me enjoyable." She gestured to her back, "I only knew it for the first time today. Listening to a song on the spot, I really know Sweat." Looking at the guessing team? She said: "I don't know what the guests think, Teacher Zhang Xia?"

Zhang Xia smiled, "Actually, I also sweat."

Dong Shanshan smiled, "Are you too?"

Zhang Xia nodded and said: "When listening to the red sunset singing, I enjoy sweating, and when listening to the clown singing, I am shocked to sweat!"

Everyone laughed!

Indeed, many people were stunned just now. No one thought he was fluent in Hokkien when he opened his mouth. At that time even the teachers of the Miracle Wheels band were stunned, because the clowns lined up songs before. When I did not sing the lyrics at all, they all thought it was a Mandarin song!

Zhang Xia thought for a while, "If I vote, I will give sunset red today, which is really great!"

The sunset red bow, "Thank you teacher!"

Chen Guang smiled and said: "The one I admire most today is the clown. I really can't think of his song, but if rap skill and delicateness are concerned, I might vote for Sunset Red."

The clown nodded.

Sunset Red bowed again, "Thank you."

Yao Jiancai chuckled and said, "I give the clown, I can't say professional advice, I think this song "Fight to Win" is too good!"

The guests all expressed their opinions.

Four are optimistic about the sunset red, and two are optimistic about the clown.

The time on the side seemed to be left there, only Wang Zhuishu, whom he had known a long time ago, praised him, which was also symbolic, and the others didn't even mention it. In fact, this is the best result for time. For the Hokkien song of the clown, whether it is in terms of singing skills, lyrics, or tunes, time knows that it is far from as good as it is. If a few guests really use professional From the perspective of analysis, time has no face, and he, the first Hokkien singer, will be even more unable to come to the stage!

Then, voting begins!

The number of votes for three people is constantly changing!

The audience's exclamation and expressions are also constantly changing!

"Ah, the clown is up!"

"Sunset is the first red!"

"Give time!"

"Ouch, vote!"

"Sunset red!"


The voting is over!

Zhang Ye didn't look back at all, because he didn't have the mentality of being a king of songs today. No one's attention can always be at the top. He always has to give others a chance, and the low key now is for the real total song. Make preparations for the King Finals, otherwise, if all the attention and popularity are overdrawn now, and all the killers are taken out, what will happen to the final King of Songs Finals?

All his mentality is very good, this guy came to abuse time today, his mission has been completed!

However, the voting was over, but he found that the expressions of the audience were a bit stunned, and Dong Shanshan had not announced the result for a long time!

what happened?

What happened?

Sunset Red won, right?

The audience was stunned.

The column team was stunned.

The host was also stunned.


"This one……"

Zhang Ye couldn't help but look back, he was also slightly startled!

Time: 36 votes!

Joker: 232 votes!

Sunset Red: 232 votes!

It turned out to be the same vote!

Joker and Sunset Red have exactly the same number of votes!

Dong Shanshan laughed and looked at Hu Fei and the people in the director group. "This is the first time this situation has occurred. We didn't expect the same vote to happen, so I have to ask the director group for advice. ."


The directors gathered together to discuss.

Time is the most tormented person. His votes are too low. It is so low that even he himself can't stand it. It is simply horrible. Whoever you love wins and who wins, end it quickly, and let me stand with you on stage. What are you doing? Shame me? Can you hurry up?


"Time has lost so badly!"

"Puff, who told him to start clamoring and provoking the clown a few days ago, so he got such a result? Want to talk about Li Yu? I'm embarrassed for him!"

"The winner is the winner!"

"Time is not the opponent of the clown!"

"Well, it won't work for him to practice for many years, he is not a singer of the same level.

"I didn't expect it to be a tie."

"I thought Sunset Red would definitely win."

"Yes, most of the guests are also optimistic about the sunset red."

In fact, Zhang Ye didn't have this preparation himself, and he thought it must be Sunset Red who took the title of the singer, but he didn't expect the audience to give him such a face. Zhang Ye wants to say that you guys don’t talk about it. Let’s just give Xingyanghong this issue. I will abstain from voting, but I can’t say that because this is also a disrespect for Xingyanghong. He deliberately lost the game last time. I rushed to Li Yu, this time it won't work, sunset red will definitely not agree!

After a few minutes.

The result of the discussion came out.

Dong Shanshan got the decision of the director team from the headset, "Well, okay, I understand." Then, she smiled: "Because the gold content of the singer in each competition is relatively large, it will be The order of appearance in the Singer Finals has an impact, so the director team decided to have an extra match!"

The audience was excited when they heard it!


"A playoff?"

"Haha, great!"

"I listened to others again!"

"I bet on sunset red to win!"

"I bet on the clown! This man is really unfathomable!"

Dong Shanshan looked at the two singers, "What about their opinions?"

Xiyanghong is in excellent condition today, and she has a strong desire to compete. She glanced at the clown, smiled, and nodded: "I have no problem!" It seems that she also wants to compete with the clown.

Zhang Ye smiled upon hearing this, "Then I have no objection."

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