I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1091: [Popular list repair, Zhang Wei ranking! 】

the next day.

Saturday, night.

The ultimate concert of "Mongolian King" is aired!

The audience who didn't have the chance to go to the scene had been in front of the TV set early, and opened the Beijing TV station early. They looked forward to it and looked forward to it. I am looking forward to it because they want to hear Zhang Wei, Fan Wenli, Li Xiaoyu and others sing, especially this kind of live concert, especially the ending singing of "Ming of the Masked King". Some singers have just been unveiled until last week's final. Only after knowing the identity of the singer, everyone still wants to do it. The tension is because everyone knows that the city’s sudden heavy rain last night, and the concert scene is open-air!

How to sing?

How to record?

Will it be terminated halfway?

The show aired.

The singers are coming on stage.

When the concert went on for more than half, it didn't take it for granted. Through the TV screen, I saw the raindrops falling down and the wind was great!

On the stage, Dong Shanshan announced that the recording was completed early.

"no surprise!"

"How can I not record it?"

"Ah, is that finished?"

"No way?"

"I haven't heard enough yet!"

"How could this be? Is it really over?"

"I have been waiting for a week, have you sang so many songs?"

"No way, the rain is too big."

"Yes, you have to understand, don't blame them."

However, when everyone talks about it, when many people are ready to change channels or turn off the TV, the songs suddenly coming from the screen make everyone stunned!


"true hero"

"In my heart, there was a dream."

"To make you forget all the pain with the song."


"Super hero"

"You said that I am your superhero!"

"Occasionally you are also a guest punch!"


"Three days and nights"

"Not tired at all!"

"I have been (three days and three nights!)"


Old Zhang family.

Today, Ning Lan and Fang Weihong are coming to visit.

Watching Zhang Zhang in the TV sing in the rain, they are also stunned!

Fang Weihong lost his voice: "This is too good!"

Ning Lan also said with amazement: "These songs are all written by him?"

Zhang Yuanqi laughed: "Ning Lan, the position on your popularity rating list, this year is estimated to be dangerous."

"Well?" Ning Lan blinked and said: "Zhang Wei will not be so bad? I have a good popularity this year. I have received seven movies. I am already in the second place. Zhang’s popularity rating has not come out yet. Still fixing, even if you add all the songs of today, he will not suddenly go from the last two of the first-line stars to the top of the first-line stars? It seems that no one can do it before!"

Fang Weihong is also very optimistic about Zhang Wei, said: "I didn't have it before, it doesn't mean that I won't be in the future. Zhang Yi, this person, can't handle it to him!"


Peking University.

The summer vacation has arrived, but there are also many students who have not returned home. They are not able to buy tickets, but many people want to stay and watch the "Mongolian King"!

At this moment, many dorms have been blown up!

The screams of countless students come and go!



"Professor Zhang is so handsome!"

"I am already excited!"

"Me too, I heard it too cool!"

"Enthusiastic! Really **** fun!"


When the last song came out, the audience watching the Beijing TV station across the country even reached a crazy high point!

"thank you."

"Together with me."

"Thank you for the day."

"My heart can understand you."

"Please for me, dance your hands again!"

"Let me know where you are!"

Zhang Wei fans skyrocketed!

The most intuitive is the number of fans on Weibo, which has reached an astonishing 25 million people. From the days since Zhang Jie’s "Meng Masked King" finals, his Weibo fans almost every day. It’s all one million and one million to go up, it’s the ultimate in the sky!

"Zhang Hao, you are great!"

"Mr. Zhang, we should thank you, you are with us in trouble! It is our heart, you can understand!"

"As long as you are in the day, our hands will always dance for you!"

"Yes, forever!"

“It’s too shocking!”

"Why didn't I be on the scene that day!"


Zhang Wei is on the phone with Hu Fei.

Zhang Weidao: "How did you broadcast it?"

Hu Fei smiled and said: "How can you not broadcast such a shocking scene?"

Zhang Yihan said: "Is it not said that it is not recorded?"

"It was said before, but as soon as you open it, I let the staff open all the camera positions." Hu Fei smiled and said: "If this paragraph is broken, it would be a pity."

Zhang Wei smiled. "The accompaniment is not clear. The rain on the scene is too loud and it has an effect on the microphone. These songs are very common, not the version I am most satisfied with."

Hu Fei said: "You look at the scene at the time, so many people have been moved, you still said very general? I feel very good, others feel good, I promise, even if you record in the studio Can't find such a good live effect, the soundtrack can be more perfect, the rain sound can be eliminated, but the atmosphere and shock, there is really no way to re-copy, so this is the best version!"

Zhang Wei smiled. "Well, you are the general director. You have the final say."


That night.

Zero in the morning.

Weibo is on the shackles.

"It's right now!"

"Is the latest popularity rating not coming out?"


"I don't know if there is any Zhang Hao after the refresh today."

"Isn't it fixed yet? Isn't it said that it will come out this week?"

"Yeah, it’s already Saturday, not yet?"

"How much has Zhang Zhang’s popularity increased?"

A lot of Zhang Wei's fans are in front of the computer, constantly refreshing the rating list, they now want to know, Zhang Wei is the last few!

More than Zhang Wei’s fans.

There are also netizens in all directions.

There are also people in the entertainment industry.

Everyone is too curious, because in this "Mongolian King", Zhang Wei's watch is too amazing, and this program has created another myth of ratings. The ratings of the finals have been counted. The national audience rating is 3.89%, a record-breaking number, and the total number of click-throughs of the entire network of billions of dollars, it can be said that most people have seen this program, plus this concert, so everyone is curious Zhang Wei How popular is the popularity!

Five points past zero.

The list suddenly refreshed!

A faint exclaimer!


"The new list is out!"


"There is a slap!"

"The list has been fixed!"

"I rely, look!"

On the latest popularity rating list, Zhang Wei’s ranking has disappeared in the last two positions of the first-line star!

Beyond a person!

Over five people!

Over ten people!

Jiang Hanwei.

Huo Dongfang.

It was all passed by Zhang Wei!

At this moment, Zhang Wei’s name appeared in the third place in the first-line star. There were only two people in front of him. One was the first star in the first line, and the other was Ning Lan, who ranked second in the first line!

The top line is top!

Zhang Hao went to the top of the line overnight!

The Tianwang Tianhou, who is far ahead of the front line, is getting closer!

No one has soared so much popularity at one time, you know, at the level of the first-line star, there is a huge difference in popularity between the ranks of each of the two first-line stars. Someone may soar from the five-line artist overnight. To the third-line artist, but the popularity value between them may not be comparable to the difference between the last star of the first-line star and the penultimate third! At the first level, every step is too difficult! Wanting to exceed the ranking of the previous one is a huge popularity support and leap, so the ranking of the first-line rankings, before the emergence of Zhang Wei, has not been changed on a large scale for many years!

But the wolf is coming!

This night, Zhang Wei ranked more than a dozen!

Netizens were shocked.


"Third? Third line?"

"Zhang Wei entered the ranks of superstars?"

"I am relying on it, too fast! This is too fucking!"

"I am going! Zhang Hao is going against the sky!"

"The gap between the first-line stars and the first-line stars is also very big, and it is completely different. The people behind the first-line stars are mostly called big coffees, big names, and only the top three artists in the first-line stars. Can you call a superstar! Teacher Zhang arrived overnight? I am dizzy!"

"Too scary!"

"Mr. Zhang boarded the throne of the superstar!"

"How long has he just been on the line? Is it going to the top?"


The industry is also exclaimed at this moment!

They thought that the popularity of Zhang Huan this time may grow very large, it may be an unprecedented surge, but he did not expect that he would actually rise so much!

The third line?

Domestic superstar?

This is incredible!

The superstar level of the Republic has ushered in a "no business"... host! ?

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