I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1092: [Superstar’s team! 】

The next day.

Early in the morning.

The weather is fine, and there are white clouds floating outside the window.

Some people went to bed early last night and didn't know what happened after midnight. They didn't know that something big happened in the entertainment industry and the newspapers were flying all over the sky until they came together this morning!

"Zhang Ye is on the throne of a superstar! 》

"First-line artist third place! 》

"Boom!" unprecedented! 》

"The popularity of letting the rating system crash!" 》

"Zhang Ye is unblocked-killed! 》

"The King of Masked Singer: Zhang Ye's most correct move! 》

"Zhang Ye is back! 》

"Zhang Ye's friends congratulate! 》

"Many people in the industry were silent and did not express their views on this matter! 》

Meager is still so lively!


"Zhang Ye is third in the line?"

"Damn, what happened when I slept yesterday?"

"Congratulations, Teacher Zhang! This news is so exciting!"

"Zhang Ye is mighty!"

"Teacher Zhang will work harder to get ahead!"

"Puff, let's forget about the super-first line. The popularity has just skyrocketed, but it's not stable yet. You have to let Mr. Zhang stabilize first and gain a firm foothold as a superstar."

"Too awesome!"

"So many people like him?"

The country is still in a shocking atmosphere!

Everyone was talking about this. TV, newspapers, the Internet, and even the streets were all discussions about Zhang Ye, all about Zhang Ye.


Parents’ home.

Zhang Ye seemed very calm.

I was woken up by the phone in the morning, and the phone was never disconnected.

Old classmate Yu Yingyi:

"Hello, Superstar classmate."

"Ha, step on me, don't you?"

"What is your mood now?"

"I feel like I want to sleep a little longer. I'm exhausted these days."

"You are hot now. You are now the most popular host in China. No professional host has ever reached your level. It has never been in history. Haha, I really show our classmates. Win glory for our broadcast host!"

"Hey, I have contributed so much?"

"It's necessary, so it's time for a treat."

"Hey, it turns out that treats are the point, girl!"

Ninglan's phone number:


"Thank Sister Ning."

"You can be merciful, I am ahead of you now."

"Come on, I can't beat you."

"Just tell me, I'm afraid that one inadvertently will let you overtake me. I decided to take two more plays this year. Your momentum is really too strong."

"I'm far from your popularity."

"It's not far, do you want to paralyze me, and then suddenly give me a big move?"

"Khan, am I that bad?"

"Do you think you have a good reputation? Haha!"

Liao Yiqi.

Chen Guang.

Fan Wenli.

Yao Jiancai.

Dong Shanshan.

Zhang Zuo.

Ci Xiufang.

A dozen friends called over to congratulate me.

We talked for more than an hour.

Zhang Ye was not sleepy anymore. He hummed a song and got out of bed to wash. When he looked at the living room, he yelled twice. His parents were not at home. It is estimated that his mother was pulling his father to brag again-forcing him to go, he smiled. I got used to this scene a long time ago, and I turned the refrigerator to heat up some leftovers to eat early.

How does it feel different to be a superstar?

In his opinion, there is nothing different.

No, you have to eat leftovers.

Zhang Ye was unprepared for the surge in popularity this time. On the surface, he was calm, but in fact, he really didn't have much preparation. He was in the top three at once? Anyone has to be dumbfounded after changing. When I think about it at the beginning of the year, Zhang Ye’s goal for this year was to see if he could get a first-line rating. Who would want to be on the first-line after a few months? Who would have thought and used it again? Months, direct first-line third! This is simply a triple jump, one jump is higher than one jump, no wonder industry insiders and netizens can't accept it, even Zhang Ye himself is confused!

At this time, Rao Aimin's call came.

In order to repay a great favor, Lao Rao is now Zhang Ye’s only agent. Although Lao Rao’s personality is a bit fucking, he loves to answer everything, and his mouth is broken, but Zhang Ye has most of her affairs. Still have been dealing with one by one, at least the chain is not dropped.

Lao Rao: "Why?"

Zhang Ye smiled: "Just finished eating."

"You still have the mind to eat? My old lady hasn't closed her eyes for the night!" Rao Aimin curled her lips as soon as she came up: "You said you have nothing to do with "Masked Singer"? What song do you sing? Famous, I’ve come here, do you know how many calls I have received in the past few days? Ah? More than two hundred! Seven crews invited you to make a movie, eight TV stations are looking for you to cooperate, and nine The music company wants to sign a contract with you, more than sixty come to you for a commercial performance, and there are other calls. I forgot the details!"

Zhang Ye quickly said, "Tough, hard."

Rao Aimin said impatiently: "Can't you take these jobs?"

"I won't pick it up now. I want to take a break during this time." Zhang Ye said, "And I didn't think about what to do next. Wait a minute."

"It's OK." Rao Aimin exhorted at the end: "Don't be famous anymore, it's okay, it's almost done."

Zhang Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Huh?"

Rao Aimin suggested: "When it's okay, scold more, fight more, lose popularity, and hang up!"

Zhang Ye said with sweat: "Just for this moment, it will be better after this moment."

The agent asks the artist not to be too famous and curse more? Fight more? What do I ask for? The entire broker circle is also Rao Aimin!

However, Zhang Ye was not upset. Lao Rao was not an agent at all. He was pure and wild. He acted according to his mood. His purpose of looking for Rao Aimin as an agent was to "self-defense". He had too many enemies and offended people. There are too many. Zhang Ye can't worry about finding someone else to be his agent. If something happens and encounters revenge from the enemy, Zhang Ye will kill them. Lao Rao doesn't need to worry, her injury is probably healed seven or eighty-eight, and dozens of people don't want to get close to her. By the way, he can also help Zhang Ye block some work. This saves Zhang Ye from major issues. Otherwise, if Zhang Ye takes care of himself at all times and he picks up the phone calls by himself, then even if he has 25 hours a day, it’s not enough. Use it, you can only work hard first.

Bell Bell Bell.

Junior sister's call came.

Yang Shu: "Brother, do you use me today?"

Zhang Ye: "No, what are you doing?"

Yang Shu: "Then I won't go, I'm teaching everyone to punch."

Zhang Ye: "Don't let the city management catch you."

Yang Shu: "Ah, I see."

Now, Zhang Ye's team is a mixed bag.

These few of them can be said to be the most weird team in the entertainment industry.

I am advocating Ye: the only strange flower recognized by the entertainment circle.

Agent Rao Aimin: A master of national martial arts who doesn't do business, a well-known **** in national martial arts circles, thinks every day that Zhang Ye's popularity will drop.

Bodyguard and driver Yang Shu: A stunned young man who only wanted to carry forward Taijiquan, sent out flyers in several nearby communities every day to punch the old man and the old lady, and severely hit the rising square dance team!

Logistic support Wu Zeqing: Just this one normal person.


This is a member of the team of a domestic superstar, Zhang Ye is sometimes embarrassed to talk outside.

The long road is long.

There is a long way to go.

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