I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1093: [Zhang Ye's leave slip! 】


Parents (not going home.

Watch TV.

Listen to music.

Little days are pretty good.

Zhang Ye is going to give himself a half-month holiday. He doesn't want to take up any work or do anything, so he wants to rest for a while. Every time there is a major breakthrough in his career, Zhang Ye will do this. He is already considered him. The media and the public have become accustomed to the casual behavior of this product. What's more, this time he has directly entered the ranks of superstars. Zhang Ye will become famous and he will have to rest for a while. As the saying goes, rest is for better fighting. After the holiday is over, he has to continue to return to the entertainment circle to make troubles, and he has to think about what he can do to reach the top of the line. Don’t save energy. How can I sharpen it?

Bell Bell Bell.

Another phone call came. Some reporters asked for an interview. Some advertisers bypassed the agent to find Zhang Ye's private number and asked him to shoot the advertisement. Zhang Ye pushed them all.

He simply made a meager.

Zhang Ye: Please take half a month's leave. During this period, all work will be suspended, rest and rest, please contact my agent if you have anything to do.

After sending it, Zhang Ye called Wu Zeqing.

"Old Wu, where is it?"

"There is a meeting today, the suburbs."

"Still so busy on Sunday?"


"I miss you, what time will you be back after the meeting?"

"It should be three or four in the afternoon, but I might have to go back to my house first, and my family has arranged for me a blind date again, and I will go talk to them again."

"Also arranging a blind date? Did you talk about the two of us?"

"I raised a mouth, but didn't mention your name. I said I found a boyfriend who has a successful career, a good character, and a younger age than me. My mother is okay. I didn’t say anything. My father strongly opposed it. , I didn’t even ask who you were, but I didn’t agree, so I still have to do some work."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"When I get it done here, I will take you to my parents' place for an official meeting."

"Okay, then call me after you finish the night."


Blind date?

I have to hurry up, I have to marry Lao Wu as soon as possible, this is the big deal!

I hung up the phone and watched Weibo again.

Countless netizens responded below!

"Ask for leave again?"

"Puff, Teacher Zhang is too wayward!"

"The popularity is soaring. It's the time to make money. Is this time to ask for leave?"

"The entire entertainment industry can do such a thing as Teacher Zhang!"

"Hahaha, isn't he always like this."


"Yes, no approval!"



"The reason for asking for leave is insufficient!"

"Fight back and rewrite!"


Many people booed about Yangko.

Zhang Ye looked at him, but he couldn't laugh or cry for a while, so he was not allowed to ask for leave? No rest and rest to accompany her lover, my girlfriend will have to run away!

He once again sent a request for leave: I almost forgot what his girlfriend looks like, I want to go and see, please approve.

——This is Zhang Ye's famous leave slip on earth.

As soon as this Weibo was published, good multimedia people and colleagues were shocked!


"Zhang Ye has a girlfriend?"

"Who? Who is it?"

"Damn, this big news!"

"No news?"

"When did this happen?"

However, many netizens disagree.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!"

"Mr. Zhang loves to brag-force!"

"Hahaha, this leave letter amused me!"

"Puff, should Teacher Zhang be so miserable? Can your girlfriend forget what she looks like?"

"I do not believe!"

"The premise is that you have to have a girlfriend first!"

"What is Zhang Ye's criteria for choosing a spouse?"

"Yes, don't blow it up, you say a standard, we will help you introduce it."

"Want to be beautiful?"

"Long hair and short hair? Big eyes and small eyes?"

"Ms. Zhang is going to ask for a blind date? With a smile!"

"My sister is very beautiful, introduce it to you!"

"What standard do you have? Tell everyone about it!"

Zhang Ye's Weibo application for leave drew countless attentions. He is now becoming popular, and it is when he has the highest popularity and highest attention. But no one thought that the next moment Zhang Ye threw a poem and smashed it up, and many people were stunned by the beauty of the poem, and they were so intoxicated by the beauty of the poem!

Zhang Ye is meager:

Holding a paper umbrella, alone

Long and long

And the lonely rain alley,

I hope every time

A clove

The sad girl.

She has

The same color as lilac,

Fragrance like cloves,

Sorrow like lilac,

Lamenting in the rain,

Sad and hesitating;

She wandered in this lonely rain alley,

Holding a paper umbrella

like me,

Like me


Indifferent, desolate, and melancholy.

She quietly approached

Approached, then cast

Taixi vision,

She drifted by

Like a dream,

Sad and confused like a dream.

Drifting by in a dream

A lilac,

This girl floats by my side;

She was far away silently, far away,

To the wall of the slumping,

Walk through this rainy lane.

In the mourning of the rain,

Eliminate her color,

Loose her fragrance

Dissipated, even her

Taixi-like vision,

Lilac melancholy.

Holding a paper umbrella, alone

Long and long

And the lonely rain alley,

I hope to drift

A clove

The sad girl.

Netizens are all stupid, I just write poems if they don't agree with me!

But it's really beautiful!

The woman described in this poem is really beautiful!

All of a sudden, the comments exploded!

"This is the most artistic leave form I have ever seen!"

"Distressed Teacher Zhang!"

"The girl like lilac has already gone far, Teacher Zhang, go after it!"



"That's it!"

"Mr. Zhang, we have a holiday for you!"

"go quickly!"

"Come on!"

A woman who walked in, wiped her shoulders, and walked away left many netizens in their dreams. They didn't know who was so unlucky that Zhang Ye fell in love with her, but this life-long event must be supported!

Only some people in the literary world couldn't help but give Zhang Ye a **** slogan. Their literary literacy is obviously much higher than that of ordinary people!

A member of the Writers Association sighed secretly, "What a great poem, what a great poem, let him use it! This, isn't this a violent thing!"

The people of the Yiwenlian said angrily: "Where is the beauty of this poem so simple? There are clearly a lot of deeper artistic concepts in it! Let Zhang Ye use it as a leave slip?"

"A waste of talent!

"Give me joy!"

"This Zhang Ye, all his talents are used here! I'm so angry!"

A poem once again caused countless controversies!

Zhang Ye knows better than them. This is not a poem about women, a girl like lilac, nor a woman in general, but rather a vague hope and hope, but in Zhang Ye’s mind, Wu Zeqing is His hope is his hope.

In his eyes, Lao Wu is the girl who looks like lilac.

What happened?

Are you biting me? ?

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