I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 111: [Preliminaries start! 】

on Saturday.

It’s a bit cold.

The main entrance of the capital city.

Today, the school is a closed day. Only students and school teachers are allowed to enter the stadium with the staff and guest participants of the competition. Therefore, several other school gates are closed, leaving only the main entrance and one of the largest side doors. The brand, the side door is the import and export of students and teachers. Today's main entrance only provides the relevant personnel and spectators of the Yulian Contest. There are a lot of security, many school security guards are concentrated here, a dozen people, Xu is the most frequent social events in this period, so the audit is very strict.

Zhang Wei was also tried.

"Hello, please show the admission ticket." A staff member of the Literary Federation said.

Zhang Yan, who had been there for a while, didn’t need to line up. When he was about to enter the school, he was stopped. He said, “I am coming to the competition.”

The young man looked at him. "What is your name?"

"My name is Zhang Wei. You can check it out. You should give a pass to the association." Zhang Yidao.

"Okay, let me see." The youth immediately called a colleague to bring a small box with some entries for the listing. "Zhang Wei... Zhang Wei..." turned over for a long time, and the youth frowned. "I'm sorry, there is no entry permit for you here." Then I looked at the list. "Is Zhang Wei? Isn't there a list of entries for the co-authors, so you can't help it, you can't let you in."

"No me?" Zhang Wei was dumbfounded.

The couples of the Liberal Arts Association thought that Zhang Wei was deliberately trying to get into the game, regardless of him, and continued to check the votes of others.

Zhang Wei has already smelled some unusual tastes at the moment, which is what he guessed? The Beijing Writers Association invited him to invite him to join us? Is it hard to disgust him? But is this method too low for you? Or is it that only a small group of people who read the association see that they are not pleasing to the eye, so they have a scorpion inside? The people at the top of the association and the people of the Literary Federation may not know it? He thinks this is the most likely. Anyway, no matter what the possibility, it must be that some people are tired of playing tricks, because they have forgotten the cards of Zhang Wei because of mistakes? This possibility is almost zero

It is time to officially enter.

A lot of people gathered in the school gate and they started to go inside.

Over there, Hu Fei took Hou Ge’s brother and Da Fei Xiao Lu. They also arrived. As soon as they passed, they noticed Zhang Hao who was not very good in not far away.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang?" Xiao Lu said loudly.

Dafei also recruited, "Zhang Zhang, here"

Zhang Wei came up, Hu Fei also walked over and saw Hu Fei strangely saying: "Xiao Zhang, why haven't you entered yet? Now the preliminaries should start? Your competitors should be ahead of us."

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "I can't get in. The Beijing Writers Association didn't give me a ticket. Although I invited me, I didn't write me on the invitation list."

"What? Is there still this?" Hou Ge was on fire.

The younger brother understood it all at once, and gnashed his teeth: "Paralysis, isn't this a bully?"

They also recently learned about Zhang’s past deeds. They know that Zhang Hao had offended many people in the Beijing Writers Association. There is also a vice chairman, Meng Dongguo. In their view, the association is a big unit, and it is unlikely that it will be so small. This time, they invited Zhang Hao to come over to the eight achievements and wanted to make a foreshadowing. Then they recruited Zhang Wei to join the club, so they encouraged Zhang Wei to participate in the fight yesterday, but whoever thought they thought things too simple, invited Zhang Oh, but don't let him in? Are you disgusting?

Now on the Internet, Zhang Wei’s fans mostly know about Zhang Wei’s going to the competition. Many people are looking forward to it. They are all waiting in front of the live video. Finally, Zhang can’t go to the door? If someone asks you about the Beijing City Writers Association, give a "Zhang Wei's own waiver" instructions to go out? Let fans complain about Zhang Wei and use it to attack him? If someone has investigated it, you can also say "Oh, is it that the people below us have neglected to get the entry permit" and then blame the responsibility? This is too mean.

"This grandson" Hou Ge got on

Hu Fei is also looking very dignified. "Xiao Zhang, you call the person who contacted you."

"Well, I am also trying to fight." Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and dialed the woman who contacted her before. "Hey, I am Zhang Wei."

The women are very chaotic, and it is estimated that they are busy. "Zhang Wei? Oh, Teacher Zhang Wei, why haven’t you entered the game yet? Can’t you come? We have started the preliminaries here.”

Zhang Weidao: "I have arrived, but I can't get in." He explained the situation.

The women apparently did not know, and they were embarrassed. "Can't you? Should the preparations be prepared? You can wait for me to call them, I will contact you."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang said: "You go ahead."

"You don't go to us." Xiao Ludao: "Going in together"

Hu Fei touched the bag and handed the ticket to him. "You first take my ticket and go in and say, go to the preliminaries first. Since you have invited you, even if someone is doing your hands and feet, you must be on the big list of the Literary Federation. The entry permit will be fine."

Zhang Wei waved his hand. "No, you are advanced." Everyone is coming all the time. How can he go in and leave others outside?

Suddenly, a few shouts came.

"Ha ha Xiao Zhang"

"Xiao Zhang teacher is here"

"How come you are? Oh, you are participating in the competition."

The person who came from Zhang Wei’s former radio station, Sun Auntie and assistant Xiaofang, Zhang Wei greeted them, and then looked back, Zhao Guozhou and several other well-known radio stations and other frequency staff and leaders also After seeing Zhang Wei, Zhao Guozhou smiled and stepped forward.

"Xiao Zhang, I haven't seen you for a long time." Zhao Guozhou laughed.

Zhang blinked and immediately said: "Zhao Ge, do you have extra tickets?"

"Admission ticket? Are you coming more? Tickets are not enough? No, your TV station can have more tickets than our radio station." Zhao Guozhou is puzzled. The radio station and TV station in Beijing were merged early, and the ticket was first sent to the TV station. The extra money was given to them. It was counted as a unit and the seats were all squatting.

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "No, I can't get in, the entry card didn't work for me."

When Zhao Guozhou heard it, he realized that there might be other things in it. "Do we still have tickets?"

Zhou Dajie said: "No, I have one person. This time, the couplet contest is very popular.

"I will ask you." Zhao Guozhou turned back to ask several leaders of other departments.

Xiaofang immediately said: "Mr. Zhang, you use my ticket, I have anything to do, I didn't want to come today." Everyone knows that she said it.

Zhang Hao shook his head, not to live or die.

Just as they found the ticket, Tian Bin and his wife suddenly appeared together. Today, Tian Bin is the hottest late-night anchor of the Central Broadcasting. His "Ghost Blowing Light" has achieved even more success. It is several times higher than Zhang Wei’s listening to the radio station in Beijing. After all, it is covered all over the country. The central station, the number of people covered by the Beijing Radio station is much more, this is not surprising, and the Central Radio Station is also a large unit, a lot of votes, Tian Bin can naturally get it, so he also brought his wife.

"Zhang Wei." Tian Bin's wife smiled and waved.

It is estimated that they heard their conversation. Tian Bin took out a ticket and directly put it on Zhang Lan’s hand. "I have four tickets. I have two friends who want to work overtime and can’t come over and give it to you."

Zhang Wei confirmed: "Not your own ticket?"

"No." Tian Bin said: "My ticket, you want me not to give you."

"That's it, thank you." Zhang Wei took it.

Tian Bindao: "Hurry up, they can still flatten you with this little trick? Let the people who help the Beijing city learn to know who you are."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "good"

Then everyone lined up in succession.

After chatting with the old leader of the old colleague, I entered the school gate. Zhang Wei went with the new colleague and Hu Fei and went straight to a small square in the center of the campus. It was the place where the preliminaries were held. Only the initial preliminaries were passed. In order to qualify for the finals of the auditorium.

It has been a long time since it started.

Time may be too late.

Xiao Lubi Zhang Wei is still anxious, "Mr. Zhang, you hurry, the gang will give you a scorpion, it is to fight your reputation, and they may all consider it, even if you finally get the ticket in. It’s been a long delay, and the preliminaries are coming to an end. If you don’t even pass the preliminaries, they will definitely announce you when they go back. They will continue to blacken you and then retrieve their original face, so we can’t Losing them must go to the finals and let them know that you know Mr. Zhang’s power makes them think again that the Mid-Autumn Festival poetry will be beaten by you."

Hu Fei remembered the matter. "You haven't asked Xiao Zhang whether he will reunite. This is another field that is different from writing a poem. It is totally different."

Hou Ge was amazed. "Oh yes, Teacher Zhang, would you?"

Zhang Yan sweated a bit. "I don't know much, I don't know."

“What is unclear about this?” Xiao Ludao: “You said that you have studied the couplet?”

"No." Zhang Yi tells the truth, in his world, the couplet is more popular in ancient times, in contemporary modern times? In addition to Wen Qing and scholars who still study it, at most there are many absolutes accumulated in the past, but he still does not understand the world's couplet environment, and I don't know if it can come in handy.

"You really can't?" Xiao Lu heart is cold.

Hou Ge also sighed: "There is no way."

Waiting for the younger brother: "It doesn't matter, let's help Zhang to make suggestions. Let's go to the finals and say, I will still have some pairs."

Xiao Ludao: "I also understand that I have done some related special issues in the newspaper before."

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