I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 112: [No one can answer the last question! 】

School square.

The women of the Literary Federation gave him a call.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang Wei, where are you?"

"I have come in, here in the preliminaries."

"Well? Why didn't I see you? Which one is you?"

"Are you wearing a long white dress? I saw you."

When she was on the scene, she called, and Zhang Wei looked for the past. It really was the woman of the Literary Federation. "Hello.

When the woman put down her mobile phone, she handed a card to him and said, "Sorry, Teacher Zhang, the person who has neglected it is missing. Now I found it. You can hurry to enter the competition. You don't have to register, you can answer the question directly, um, There is something on my side, let's go first."

"Thank you." Zhang Yan eyes to send her.

Not far away, Hu Fei greeted him, "Get it?"

Zhang Yan sighed and then looked at the preliminaries.

There are three question boards in front, separated by ten meters. Each front of the board is surrounded by a lot of people. There are contestants and there are also lively audiences. Of course, there are not many contestants at the moment. Many people have answered questions. After the end of the preliminaries, I have already entered the auditorium. The rest are just a few of the dozen or so people who are still answering questions. They are thinking hard about the problem board. The title seems not easy.

Standing next to the preliminaries:

One: Please ask the participants to answer the questions in accordance with the specifications.

Second: the judges pass the test after passing the test.

Three: The title is only fifty, and the maximum number of preliminaries is no more than fifty.

Xiao Lu called: "Only fifty questions? Is there a small 100 people in this competition? Is it meant to eliminate half of the people? It is too cruel."

Hou Ge is anxious: "Time is not enough"

The younger brother also pointed to the question board: "There are two questions left in this question board. Ah, the question board is full, all of them have been answered, and the third question board has one more question."

There are three more questions, and there are still more than 20 contestants who have not given up.

Some of the remaining contestants felt that they could not answer, and they had already gone to the audience to watch and automatically abstained.

"Quickly, let's take a quick look at the topic and hurry up." Xiao Lu said in a hurry.

The fifty questions are all couplets, four characters, five characters, seven characters, all without exception, the rules are very simple, there are many downfalls and writing brushes in front of the question board, as long as the contestants write the answers in the corresponding Under the upper line of the Shanglian, the work is done in harmony, and the artistic conception is in line. Even if the customs clearance is passed, the jury of the three Wenlian Writers Association will make an authoritative judgment. The judges are three old comrades who are not young, two little old men, a little old lady. Although Zhang Wei does not know, but seeing those participants seem to respect more people, they know that they are the authority of the industry. At least, it should be the leader in the field of reelection.

After calming down, Zhang Wei began to read the questions.



Zhang Wei simply swept a circle and found that the world's couplets are the same as his world form. Heaven and earth, rain and wind, the mainland has no difference in the sky, but he has seen some but never seen it. Many couplets are not in the world of Zhang Wei. Maybe it may be Zhang Wei’s ignorance or forgetting. After all, he has not studied the couplet culture.

Eat a memory search capsule first.

Zhang Wei opened the game ring and watched the prestige. With the help of the public service advertisement yesterday, his total reputation rose slowly. The increase was not fast. After two days and one night, it was finally 100,000 points. Zhang Hao clicked on the mall. Purchased a memory search capsule and swallowed it.

The memory is flashing.

Under the guidance of Zhang Wei's thinking, time returned to the 2ll years of his world.

At that time, Zhang Weigang went to college, and he thought that he would become famous. He had a very subjective absorption of all information. On a weekend, he had a book card and went to the Communication University Library to read books. At first, he didn't find the books he wanted to read, so he looked around in a haystack and turned to a couplet and a copy of the name.

Both books are not thick.

One page, ten pages, one hundred pages.

Five minutes have arrived.

The memory search time is over.

Zhang Yan slowly opened his eyes. At first, he had no intention and arbitrarily looked at it. Now he has made memory search to consolidate this hidden memory. Every pair of Zhang Huan remembers clearly.

Immediately, he looked at the fifty topics again.

What is between the clouds? do not know

What is flying snow? do not know

What is it? never seen it

After reading a lot, it wasn’t Zhang’s work in the world. He couldn’t start, but when he thought that the world’s couplet had no cross with him, a couplet appeared in front of him, then Second, third

Really, I really know what he knows.

The same as his world's couplet

For example, the forty-first question, the last link is: two three four five.

I don’t know who is already out of the league, and the next link is: six seven eight nine.

This couplet looks a bit silly, but also some inexplicable. In fact, there is hidden mystery. In the memory of Zhang Wei’s search, the couplet analysis has recorded this link. In professional terms, this is a hidden word. Why is it necessary to be two seven four five five? Because there is a lack of one in two, three, four, five, it is also lack of clothing, and less than ten in six seven eight nine, also known as eating less. Lack of clothing and eating less - this is the hidden word.

This discovery made Zhang Wei very happy. He observed it overall. Although he had a couplet in the world, the number only accounted for 20% and 30% of the 50 heads. Enough to make Zhang Wei happy, indicating that he still has a chance, indicating that the two worlds still have works intersecting, and there are still many crosses. In fact, it is also a similar history. Some historical figures are still the same. Even if they have been modified by the game ring, the overall trend of the couplet culture should not be too biased. It is not unusual to have the same couplet.

Xiao Lu suddenly said: "Hey, this couplet may be able to come out. I saw a similar one when I was editing. It should be done right now. Morning snow... No, morning dew..."

Hou Ge urged: "Little Lu refueling, fast"

"Don't worry, I think about it." Xiao Lu grabbed her hair.

"It's not something in the morning, will it be just right?" Houdi also helped to think together.

It can be seen that they all really want to help Zhang Yi into the finals, to avoid being used by some of the despicable villains of the Beijing City Association to attack Zhang Wei’s prestige in the literary circle.

But over there, a middle-aged contestant suddenly slammed his head and took up the brush when he strode up. He wrote the answer on the couplet that Xiao Lu and the younger brother were considering. After writing it, he looked at the three judges and saw that two of them nodded. He laughed and passed.

Xiao Lu was almost mad, "being robbed"

Waiting for the younger brother, he said: "It’s a step, let’s think about it."

"There are only two questions left." Dafei reminded.

However, Hu Fei sighed and pointed, "There is one more."

I only got a Zhang Jian’s old acquaintance who didn’t know when to go up. He wrote a pen and wrote a pen, and his writing was strong and powerful. This person is Dalei, a poet in the capital city. After seeing the judges passing, he smiled. "Thank you teachers."

The bald judge of the old man looked at him and said: "Da Lei, you are the runner-up of the last Beijing Yulian Contest, have you used this for a long time?"

The second judge, the old lady smiled and said: "I didn't see it? Dalei did not do those relatively simple questions, but chose one of the two most difficult questions. This is the pride of the last runner-up, huh, huh. However, that is, Dalei has this level. If he does not answer this question, no one can estimate it."

The old judge of the third judge said: "The last question is left? Oh, I guess it is good. It’s really the problem is left. The old man, you can’t answer this question. This is the preliminaries. Is it so difficult? Who is right out in such a short time?"

Money is always the first judge of this competition, and the oldest of the oldest. He touched his beard: "This is the reunion contest. What is the point of difficulty?"

Dalei obviously knew them. He heard a message: "The 50th question is that money is old? No wonder, I just thought about it for a long time and didn't think of the next line. This is estimated that no one is right, let alone Even how to read is a problem, even if the insider may not necessarily read the right."

Of course, Qian Lao and the industry are people who are known as ghosts. He is not a Beijing-Cultural Federation or a Beijing-based association. He is a member of the Republic’s Writers Association. He has a high reputation and is good at making some difficult questions. It is not only the category of the couplets, but also the high exam questions this year. He is also one of the authors. The questions he gave were generally not for people to take points, but to open the gap between the excellent students and the inferior students.

There are a lot of contestants who have given up, there are many excellent writers and university professors, who can face this problem. Once they hear the conversation of Qian Laolei, everyone will retreat and know that there is no hope for the finals today. Or honestly be an audience.

They gave up, only Zhang Wei was still staring at the subject, and his eyes were still stunned. There was no reason for it.

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