I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 113: [Zhang Ye's bottom line! 】


The preliminaries are almost over.

"Is it almost time?" Qian Lao said.

The second judge said: "Well, wait two minutes."

The third judge nodded and said: "Okay, let's close the stall if no one comes up right, haha."

The three judges gave the final deadline. This preliminaries cannot go on indefinitely. The auditorium over there is still waiting for the opening ceremony. In fact, speaking of it, they didn't plan to have anyone able to match the second couplet, and there was not enough time. This second couplet is very mysterious. Every word must be broken and crushed before they can go to the second couplet. Otherwise, you don't have to think about it.

Old Qian looked at the contestants who had given up and shook his head slightly. Inwardly, he still hoped that someone could match his couplets, but he also understood that it was impossible.

not far away.

Xiao Lu was anxious, "Quickly right"

Brother Hou couldn't laugh or cry, "How is this fiftyth question right?"

Dafei also looked at that one of the two most difficult questions, "The sea is going up and down? Is this a couplet or a tongue twister? What kind of shit?"

Brother Hou stared, "Is it wrong? Why are there so many times?"

Xiao Lu came up with an idea and said, "Why don't you just try your luck with someone else and just get rid of the wind?"

Yes, it must be a tornado when it blows so hard, Zhang Ye smiled bitterly.

Da Fei fainted, "Why are you wrong?" The dungeon walks around you, huh?"

Xiao Lu also knew that it would not work, and said dejectedly: "What should I do?"

Several people were talking here. Da Lei suddenly saw Zhang Ye, smiled, and walked up and said, "Oh, Zhang Ye is here too? Why haven't they met? But this one is the only one left." Da Lei is good at writing poetry. He is also good at couplets, otherwise he won't get the runner-up in the last year. So this time he stood in front of Zhang Ye as a couplet contestant again. Da Lei was very confident. He admitted that he might not be as good as Zhang in writing poems and lyrics. Ye, can couplets? Do you compare with me? Then you are really funny, Da Lei is fighting for the championship this year

Zhang Ye glanced at him, "What's wrong with the one left?"

"Then you have to hurry up, there is no time." Da Lei smiled and said, "And are you sure that you can be right with this joint? This is a question asked by Qian. Don't magnify it and say that you can be right. Let's listen to this Shanghai League read it again? I'm afraid your reading is wrong, so it won't be right."

Xiao Lu whispered: "Teacher Zhang, just write something nonsense"

"Yes, just write it, maybe you will run into it," Xiaodi said: "Why don't you just write the one Xiao Lu said?

Several people discussed in whispers.

Da Lei shook his head and said, "Can you still couple the couplets collectively? This is cheating, right?"

Xiao Lu gave Da Lei a vicious look. What's the matter with you about this old bald donkey? Could it be that you did not give the contestants to Teacher Zhang before?

The first judge, Qian Lao pinched the watch, "Okay, let's stop here."

They got up and were about to leave, and the staff of the nearby school came over to move the table and plan to clean up the scene.

But at this time, Zhang Ye said loudly: "The judges and teachers will wait a moment, I want to try."

Da Lei was startled, happy, and said to his heart that you really want to couple this joint? And how long have you just been here? Why are you right in such a short period of time, even if I want to match this second line, I am afraid I have to think about it for an hour or two. It may not be right, or it may not be right. It depends on you?

The other contestants stopped and paid attention.


"Who is this person?"

"Is this the absolute? Anyone else wants to try?"

"It's not absolute, but it must be very difficult."

"Is he all right? Why haven't I met him? Is it someone in the circle?"

Sister Zhou, Auntie Sun and Zhao Guozhou were also watching not far from the field. When they saw Zhang Ye was about to go on, they all shouted.

"Teacher Zhang Ye, come on," Xiaofang shouted.

"Xiao Zhang let them see what you are capable of," Aunt Sun said.

Zhang Ye looked back and saw that Tian Bin and his wife were also cheering for themselves with gestures. He nodded to his old friends and colleagues to signal them to be relieved.

However, with their call, many players who abstained were stunned.

"Zhang Ye?"

"He is that Zhang Ye?"

"Shui Tiao Song Tou is really good, it turned out to be him."

"I heard that he slapped the Writers Association in the face last time. Do you really dare to come today?"

Some people still don't know Zhang Ye, but some still treat him like a whirlwind. They all gather in threes and twos to discuss and talk about it.

At this time, the video network cameraman of the partner unit also called Zhang Ye. They did not broadcast the preliminaries, but they also wanted to record, and then cut the wonderful footage before sending it online.

The three judges also looked at him, "Try it." It was not too short of this minute.

Zhang Ye didn't care about everyone's comments, and was about to go up.

Xiao Lu said in amazement, "You really want to write about me?"

Zhang Ye smiled, saying in his heart that fools would not use your broken pair, and even the sound of the characters is not symmetrical. If you write this way, you must be laughed to death by insiders. That Shanglian has a hidden murderous intent. Where can anyone try their luck? But Zhang Ye didn't have the pressure. By coincidence, the fiftieth question was also the last one of the two most difficult Shanghai Leagues in the so-called preliminaries, and it happened to be the same in his world in that twenty to thirty percent The couplet, and the Xia Lian has long been confronted by the capable seniors of his world.

The question board is getting closer.

Standing in the front, Zhang Ye stopped and bowed his head, picked up the brush and licked the ink from the inkstone, and when he raised his hand, he wrote his bottom line without thinking.

Dalei glanced, but did not see the doorway for the first time.

The other contestants also looked at Zhang Ye's second couplet inexplicably, because they really didn't understand this Shanghai couplet, and most people didn't even know how to read it, so even if Zhang Ye wrote the second couplet, they also Can't understand, confused.

But the only thing worthy of praise is that this person's calligraphy is very beautiful

Brother Hou shouted: "Good words"

Hu Fei's eyes lit up, "Teacher Xiao Zhang is so elegant in calligraphy, and he has no shortage of power"

Xiao Lu was dumbfounded, "This character is so beautiful, Teacher Zhang Ye still has such a good calligraphy skills?"

Other spectators who participated or did not take part in the competition also looked at Zhang Ye's pen and ink a few more times.

Zhang Ye writes down and finishes writing

Everyone focused their attention on the bottom couplet given by Zhang Ye--the floating clouds grew long and long and faded.

What is this next line?

What does this mean?

It's not obvious on the surface

Da Lei and a few high-achieving couplet masters stared at the lower couplet, thoughtfully, and tried to read it several times but did not read it.


Is the next couplet right?

They also don’t know it, the upper and lower lianlians seem to be very obscure, they are difficult to judge

Even the second judge and the third judge didn't take it seriously when they saw it. They thought it might have been written by the young man, but the words on the situation were in a neat contrast. The deep meaning and artistic conception of Qian Lao Shanglian are absolutely absolute. It's a mess, it's impossible to come up right.

There was an audience booing.

"What is this?"

"Haha, if you type a few words in a row, it will be a link?"

"Yes, then I can do it too, this Shanghai League is definitely not that simple."

"It's just nonsense, it's long and long? What is it?"

Only Mr. Qian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Young man, how do you read this couplet?"

Zhang Ye smiled and asked, "How do you pronounce your Shanghai League?"

"My Shanglian is," Qian Laonian said: "The sea tide, the tide, the tide goes down."

After reading the pronunciation, the meaning of the consecutive words "朝" became very clear. Many contestants and the audience suddenly realized that it was like this. It turned out to be like this. No wonder the last runner-up Da Lei said that insiders may I don’t think it is right. The mystery is so deep. This is a couplet of the same character with different sounds. This couplet is simply too difficult, right because it is very complicated. how is this possible

Xiao Lu said speechlessly: "This Shanghai League is too obscure."

The younger brother sighed: "Ms. Zhang must not be right. It's long and long? Isn't it asymmetrical?"

Brother Hou said: "Forget it, it's nothing to be a pity. Anyway, Teacher Zhang's strengths are not the couplets. He said before that he would not have studied couplets."

The second judge looked at Qian Lao, "Let's go Qian Lao, go to the auditorium."

"Yes, I have to judge the finals later." The little old man of the third judge said.

But no one thought that Old Qian would not move, just looking at Zhang Ye, "Where is yours?"

"The sea tide, the morning tide, and the morning tide fall." Zhang Ye read it repeatedly, then laughed, and said his lower couplet, "Floating clouds rise, long rise, long rise and fall."

The second and third judges who had already turned to leave heard the sound, brushed the floor and turned back in astonishment.

Many spectators and contestants were also going to disperse, but after hearing Zhang Ye read out the bottom couplet, the expressions of many people visibly changed from being ignorant to stunned.

Da Lei stunned

Hu Fei, Hou Ge Xiaolu and others also stared.

At this moment, the entire small square of Beijing University seemed to be quiet

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