I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1112: [Ying Rong? It seems to have heard it! 】

The news is out!

The whole of Asia is sensational!

On Weibo.

"Challenge all humanity?"

"I rely!"

"This old beauty is too arrogant!"

"Don't you win a person? What kind of cow he blows - forced!"

"The key it wins is Chen Chi Jiu Duan. Lao Chen is a Chinese American. Although he did not represent the Republic in the international competition, he has added a lot of trouble to our national team in the international arena. It is now the highest level player in the world. One, the world's top ten, what is this concept? Don't you understand? If it is just a normal amateur player, or an ordinary professional player, it will be won by artificial intelligence, but now it is Chen Chi Was won, zero to two defeated! This news is incredible!"

"A machine, is it so powerful?"

"Yeah, Go is too complicated. How can an artificial intelligence play?"

“Old America claims that this machine can think for itself.”

"No? Isn't there a big problem?"

"Yeah, the whole world of Go is facing a big robbery!"

"No, it's not just the world of chess, it's a human disaster!"

"Wisdom is the strongest and last line of defense for mankind. If in the field of wisdom, mankind loses to the machine, then... the consequences are unimaginable! This is too subversive!"

"Humans are not as good as machines? By!"

"**** Ah! What **** PE!"

"Yes, let them see how powerful humans are!"



Netizens also bombed!



"He doesn't know if we have a letter to the 29th paragraph?"

"This artificial intelligence is too self-sufficient!"

"Yes, give them a look at the color!"

"I want to be smarter than humans? Funny! The machine is still far away!"

"How can human wisdom be designed to transcend humanity?"

"But Chen Chijiu has lost!"

"He must have made a mistake!"




"Will you win a single person and dare to challenge all mankind?"

"A machine that is not self-contained!"

"This is an insult to Go!"

"It's too simple to look at Go!"

"I don't believe that it can win. There are many players who are better than him. For example, Park Youxi's predecessors, such as the letter of the 29th, and the great warriors of our Korean nation - Xiangrong Jiu Duan! I Firmly believe that human defense will not be killed by machines!"

"Ah? Is it not a Chinese-national person?"

"No, he is a Korean-national-human, this is a long story..."


Things are getting bigger!

The news is overwhelming!

"The machine challenge to humans! 》

"Can humanity accept the final dignity? 》

"PETER - the strongest artificial intelligence in history! 》

"The machine that will think! 》

"Humanity has ushered in the biggest threat in history! 》

"World Go organization urgently discuss countermeasures! 》

"The machine and Chen Chi Jiu Duan's game is exposed! 》

In Asia, the popularity of Go is too high. For those who fight against machines, everyone is no stranger. Any Go software can basically compete with computers. Merchants call this intelligent AI, which is intelligent. In fact, everyone who knows knows This is not smart, the machine will make a lot of mistakes that normal Go masters will not make, they will come up with a lot of inexplicable chess, some Go beginners may be defeated in the battle against the computer, but for some high-end amateur players Said, the basic is to hang the computer, and everyone does not like to play chess with the computer, BUG too much, too programmatic.

But now, PETER is born!

This artificial intelligence seems to be completely different from the previous computer AI. It actually won the Chen Chi Jiu Duan. Many people blame it and look down on it. In fact, they still feel hairy because they simply don’t know what it is. Will think ф!


at home.

A few sisters have also seen it!

Mom and Dad heard the news and they all came together.

The second sister blinked: "So powerful?"

My mom is half-knowing: "Artificial intelligence?"

The big sister’s face is white. “If this PETER really wins all the top players in the world, does it mean that the machine can replace human wisdom in the future?”

The third sister yelled, "This is terrible!"

Zhang Wei looked at the TV but did not speak.

The big sister wants to hear Zhang Wei’s opinion. "Brother, what do you think?"

Many people have been caught off guard by this incident, including the Chinese chess house is also a mess, countless people are shocked, perhaps only Zhang Wei is the most stable one, he may be the earth in addition to the development of PETER Outside the parent company, the person who knows the most about this program!

Zhang said: "It is impossible to say that it will think."

The big sister wondered: "Really?"

Zhang Hao nodded and said: "But if he is the one I know, it is really difficult for humans to win him." In his world, the Alpha dog is too famous, but it is also caused by all of Asia. Concerned, even Li Shishi, the top player, lost. If the PETER is really the same thing as the Alpha dog, then the world's Go players can have headaches.

This app is really amazing!

It is not the kind of computer AI in the past!

At this time, another big event that caught the attention of all of Asia happened!

The challenge book of artificial intelligence PETER to declare war on all mankind, finally someone responded!

All the Asian TV, newspapers, and the Internet suddenly broke out at the same time!

Japan - the top chess player, this year's World Go score ranked the top five letter two nine paragraphs, held a press conference in Japan - this announcement, announced the acceptance of PETER challenge!

The US-State company quickly responded!

No nonsense!

There is no guest road!

The response is only eight words: two days later, the final battle in Tokyo!

Going to war!

Japan-Ben-People accepted the challenge book!

Someone is worried!

Someone is uplifting!

This "human-machine war" was suddenly heated up!


Dad said: "I believe in the twenty-ninth paragraph? He should be able to win."

Zhang Hao shook his head and smiled: "hanging."

The third sister was amazed: "Can't win?"

Zhang Wei said: "Then I don't know, it's hard anyway."

The big sister bit his teeth: "But on the human side, there is also a section of Xiangrong Jiu Duan. It is not good. Xiang Rong Jiu Duan also guards the last line of defense!"

"Yes, Xiangrong is very powerful!" Dad also knows him.

Zhang Wei snorted, "Who?"

"Yong Rong Jiu Duan!" The big sister said: "The world's first player in the world of Go, brother, are you going to play Go? He don't know you?"

Zhang Yanba’s eyes, "This name is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it."

Dad said: "Of course I am familiar. There is no better person in the world than he is playing chess. You have to go with him and you can't win twenty of them."

The older sister smiled and corrected: "You have to have thirty."

Zhang Wei wonders, is there such a powerful player in the Republic?

Xiang Rong?

Xiang Rong?

Hey, where are you coming over?

Zhang Hao gave it to me.

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