I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1113: [Zhang Wei's contribution! 】


Chinese chess house.

The outside has been surrounded by three layers of the reporter's three floors!

TV stations, newspapers, online media, and today's Chinese chess institutes have become the focus of national attention and the most central point of public opinion. Even other Japanese homes are watching every move of the Chinese chess house. After all, the level of Go in Asia, Still the first in the Republic, the top ten players in the world, half of them are republics, and the rest are the other players of Japan-Ben-Korean!

"Is the single director here?"

"Isn't Jiu Rong Jiu Duan?"

"I am from CCTV. Can you accept the interview?"

"I am from Beijing TV Station and would like to interview Changhe Jiu Duan!"

"If the letter is lost in the twenty-ninth paragraph, will we play?"

"Is there any confidence in winning the nine paragraphs?"

The chess house is almost bursting!

"Please wait!"

"The teachers are in a meeting!"

"Don't squeeze, wait a moment!"

Several staff members were busy with the press media.


Dozens of professional chess players are surrounded by them, and their faces are not very good-looking. Under the analysis of Chen Yu’s re-enactment and Xiang Rong Jiu Duan and Li Yi Jiu’s interpretation, the people finally watched the two games of PETER and Chen Chi Jiu. As a result, all of them were scared by the "intelligence" of PETER!

Xu Wei’s eight paragraphs said: “This is too exaggerated!”

"He really thinks!" Tian Weiwei has no blood!

Hu Liang does not believe in seven paragraphs, "Impossible!"

Li Yijiu's inhalation: "But only a few people, only people may come out, the machine is impossible to come out, how does this artificial intelligence do? This is not a simple big data imitation!"

"Can the letter two nine paragraphs win?"

"I do not know!"

"Now everyone is jealous!"

"Yeah, who knows nothing about this PETER!"

"We know too little about it, and it knows other world-class players through some data on the Internet and on TV!"

"It works! What the **** is it?"

“How could it be so smart?”

Everyone is incredible!

In these two games, they saw a lot of terrible things, and even some people have to believe that this artificial intelligence seems to be really thinking like human beings, and more detailed than human thinking, considering more comprehensive! This is too scary!



I finished eating lunch.

Zhang Wei called Wu Zeqing.

Zhang Wei asked: "Is the trouble in the world of chess?"

Old Wu sighed, "My dad went to the Chinese chess house. I was in urgent need to discuss countermeasures. If I believe that the second and the ninth paragraphs can be won, if I believe that the second and second paragraphs are also lost, then it is really troublesome. Now the chess house has a black eye, PETER The data and mode of operation have not been announced. No one knows what machine it is. Now the enemy is in the Ming, my dad are in the dark, so it is very difficult to get."

Wen Yan, Zhang Wei said: "If this is the case, I am clear."

"Oh?" Lao Wudao.

Zhang Wei thought about it and said: "In this way, I will send you some of my understanding of this artificial intelligence, not necessarily right, but I can give you a reference."

Lao Wudao: "Well, I pass it to my father."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei first found the game between Chen Chi Jiu Duan and PETER, and studied it for a long time, then there was probably a few.

The third sister pushed the door in. "Hey, brother, why?"

Zhang Wei laughed and typed and said: "Write something."

"Are you not resting for half a month without working?" The big sister also entered the house.

Zhang Wei said: "Hey, give people a favor."


Chinese chess house.

Shan Donghe was interviewed.

Xiang Rongjiu pushed the interview and threw it in the chess game where he sat down to study the PETER and Chen Chi, and sometimes shook his head and frowned.


Wu Changhe took a call.

"Prostitute, I am busy here."

"Dad, I have given you a drink, look at it."

"What information?"

"The little cockroaches sorted out how PETER works."

"He? He knows what!"

"Let's see it first."

“Is the information reliable?”

"You forgot what Xiaoxiao did? People are world-class math workers. Computer programs are all from mathematics binary. Are you reliable? In this one, he is professional, listen to one. Is the study of world mathematicians better than what a group of Go players have studied?"

"Okay, let me see."

Hanging the line, Wu Changhe took the file with his mobile phone.

After a short time, Shan Donghe came back and dealt with dozens of reporters' media, which made him very tired because he really could not give a conclusion.

People are getting together again.

Wu Changhe suddenly said: "Come, look at this!"



"Changhe teacher, what happened?"

Everyone looked over.

Wu Changhe said: "Someone gave me a working principle about what P." He gave his disciple Tian Weiwei, "Let it be shown on the screen."

Tian Weiwei immediately said: "Okay!"

Everyone is dubious.

"working principle?"

"Someone analyzed it?"

"is that true?"

"This is too fast?"

Shan Donghe also had a bright eye and quickly strode up. "Angkor, who sent it?"

Wu Changhe snorted. "You don't care who you are. It's a math job."

The screen is coming out soon!

Everyone looks at it!

Xiang Rong also looked up!


This is a Go artificial intelligence program.

It mainly consists of 4 parts:

1. Policy-Network, given the current situation, predicts the next move of the sample.

2. Fast-rollout, the goal is the same as 1, but the speed is 1000 times faster than 1 when the quality of the chess is properly sacrificed.

3. Value-Network, given the current situation, it is estimated whether it is white or black.

4. Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search (MCTS), which connects these three parts together to form a complete system.

Its main working principle is deep learning. Deep learning refers to a multi-layered artificial neural network and a method of training it. A layer of neural network takes a large number of matrix numbers as input, takes weight by nonlinear activation methods, and produces another data set as output. This is like the working mechanism of the biological nerve brain. By the appropriate number of matrices, the multi-layered tissues are linked together to form a neural network 'brain' for precise and complex processing, just as people recognize objects and label images. It has two "brains" that work together to improve chess by two different neural networks "brains". These brains are multi-layered neural networks that are structurally similar to those identified by image search engines. They start with a multi-layered heuristic 2D filter to handle the positioning of the Go board, just like the image classifier network processes the image. After filtering, the 13 fully connected neural network layers produce a judgment of what they see. These layers are capable of doing classification and logical reasoning.

The first brain: Move-Picker.

The second brain: the Position-Evaluator.

Etc., etc!

The research and analysis of two thousand words, like a research project book, is too professional!

Many professional chess players are stupid, a lot of professional words and words, they can not even understand, can only rely on Mongolia, but generally understand what exactly PETER is!

Xiang Rong Jiuyi said with amazement: "Who wrote this?"

Dean Shan Donghe also said: "Angkor, you still know this kind of high person? In the end, what number of scholars?"

"Who are you managing?" Wu Changhe couldn't understand these things anyway. "Do you say that it is useful?"

"Of course useful!" Chen Hao is the most radical-moving. She is not only a top female chess player, but also a schoolmaster. She is a student of the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University. "This analysis is too important! This has already PETER's mode of operation is exposed! If this is true, this artificial intelligence is not thinking like the old-fashioned, it does not think at all, just people think it will think, its core is data processing!"

Two "brains"?

Deep learning?

I finally know!

I finally know the true face of this PETER!

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