I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1114: [Human VS Artificial Intelligence (Part 1)! 】

The next day.

The news of artificial intelligence PETER once again bombed the whole of Asia!

The reason is that the Chinese Chess Academy unilaterally exposed the operating principle of PETER. The analysis report with thousands of words was written in too much detail. The end of the report also marked the author. It said: A mathematics who did not want to be named Worker.

Netizens were shocked!

"So it is!"

"It plays chess like this!"

"Still thinking? Nonsense! Who is the old Meimeng!"

"The U.S.-China-people love to brag too much-it's forced!"

"Who analyzed this?"

"Too awesome!"

"This is only one day?"

"A math worker who didn't want to be named?"

"Thank you for your contribution to mankind!"

"Unsung hero!"

Experts at home and abroad are also shocked at this moment. They have verified through a large number of reverse deductions and found that perhaps 90% of the content of this analysis data is true and reliable! In just one day, the PETER's operating mode was analyzed through only two games? Who did this?

Old Wu's parents' house.

Li Qinqin was surprised, "Chang He, is this analyzed by your chess school?"

Wu Changhe groaned, "Ah, ha."

"Chen Ying is the only one who studies mathematics at the chess school, right?" Li Qinqin didn't believe it.

Wu Changhe said, "Who do you care about."

Li Qinqin said: "I'll take care of it, who is it?"

Wu Changhe curled his lips and muttered: "It's a kid with the surname Zhang!"

"Xiao Zhang did it?" Li Qinqin laughed at the words, "I'll just say, where are the people in your chess school at this level? This kind of analysis report is made by professionals, how about it? I said Xiao Zhang is not bad, right? You still think people are not pleasing to your eyes. They are so concerned about your affairs. If you know that you are in trouble, I will help you analyze it immediately. They are not ambiguous at all."

Wu Changhe stared and said, "That kid has given you ecstasy soup, you always talk to him!"

Li Qinqin smiled and said, "Hehe, it's also strange, I just see how he likes it."


The Japanese side is highly concerned.

"Finally figured it out!"

"That's it!"

"The odds of winning the second and nineth dan are one more point!"

"Thank you China-China-people!"


The same goes for the Korean Go world.

"This analysis data is too precious!"

"This is what it really is!"

"Chinese-Chinese mathematicians are too good!"


Old beauty.

PETER's production company is in chaos at this time!

The above went crazy, and all the core members of the company were called!

"Who is it? Who leaked the information?"

"damn it!"

"How could China-China-people get it!"

"It's okay, even if they know how PETER works, they can't win!"

"But what I want to figure out now is, why would they know? Why?"

Everyone was silent and looked at each other.

The people in the old American company would never think that besides them, there is actually someone in this world who has already seen a similar artificial intelligence that can play chess. This person is called Zhang Ye-a person who does not belong to the meaning completely. People of this earth.


one day later.


Zhang Ye made an appointment for dinner and booked a restaurant box.

Dong Shanshan, Yao Jiancai, Chen Guang, Fan Wenli, Xiaodong, AMY, Li Xiaoxian, Zhang Xia, etc., are almost all guests and performers related to "The King of Masked Singers", and several others, Zhang Ye, also invited. However, the other party had an announcement and couldn't spare the time, so he didn't come.

"Come on, say yes today I will invite you!" Zhang Ye Zhang Luo everyone sat down.

Dong Shanshan sat with Erlang's legs tilted, "Don't worry, no one will grab you."

Yao Jiancai laughed, "Yes, we are not polite to you."

Chen Guang opened the menu, "Let me see which dish is expensive."

"You don't have to save money for Director Zhang." Fan Wenli and her lover sang and made peace.

Zhang Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "Can we be polite? I just get a dead salary. It's not easy to make some money. Just take it easy, it's almost enough."

Dong Shanshan glanced at him, "You're a domestic superstar, and you are so stingy?"

Xiaodong chuckled and said, "Yes, you are the most popular among our group of people. You finally find time to celebrate for you. Do you still want to save money?"

Li Xiaoxian didn't talk much, she was a quieter person, and just laughed there.

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very good.

Suddenly, Dong Shanshan called the waiter and turned on the TV.

AMY asked, "What's wrong?"

Dong Shanshan said: "Don't you know? Today is the first time human beings have been challenged by artificial intelligence in history, and the war is about to begin."

Yao Jiancai patted the table, "Yes, I almost forgot!"

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it too."

Xiaodong said: "Haha, I dare not talk about it in other fields, but in the field of wisdom, machines will definitely not be able to beat humans. You don't have to look at this!"

Li Xiaoxian said, "That's not necessarily true."

Chen Guangen said: "Yes, this time the old Americans are coming aggressively, they would not dare to challenge all mankind unless they are absolutely sure."

The TV turned on.

CCTV Sports Channel.

The scene is broadcasting live in Tokyo. The game has not yet started, but Shin 2-9 has already appeared on the scene. The international referee is talking to him. There is no audience nearby. Because of absolute silence, only the players and referees are on the scene.

From the CCTV commentary booth, Yu Yingyi's voice came, "We see that the game is about to begin."

Zhang Ye said, "Yingyi went too?"

Dong Shanshan said: "Yes, she is the host."

Yao Jiancai asked, "Who is this?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "My classmates from Shanshan and I are in the same class. Now we are hosting on the CCTV Sports Channel. I didn't expect Ying Yi to play chess too?"

Yu Yingyi is the host and the main job is not to explain.

The person responsible for the explanation is Chen Ying 7th Dan next to her, a beautiful chess player.

ten minutes later.

The game has started!

As the first player of Japanese-Ben Go, Xin Er Jiudan is still very stable. He plays black chess and lands without hurries. Because the opponent is artificial intelligence and can only be displayed on the computer, and traditional chess players are used to it. Playing chess on the board with real swords and guns, so there needs to be an intermediary representing PETER. After Xin'er 9 paragraphs have a move, the intermediary will operate the same position on the computer to place the piece. After PETER has placed the move, the intermediary will return to the board and take Qi Baizi landed in the same place-the middleman was a white man, a representative of PETER production company.

Dong Shanshan and others watched chess while eating.

Some people can understand, some can't play, only listen to the commentary.

Zhang Ye was actually more concerned about this game, although he felt that this matter had nothing to do with him.

Five sons.

Ten sons.

Twenty sons.

As the game progressed, Zhang Ye's brows frowned.

Li Xiaoxian has put down his chopsticks and exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

AMY blinked and said, "Who is great?"

Xiaodong also knows that Li Xiaoxian can play Go, "Who has the advantage?"

"It's PETER!" Li Xiaoxian said.

On TV.

Yu Yingyi said: "Teacher Chen Ying, what do you think of this move?"

Chen Ying 7th dan was shocked and said: "The letter 2nd and 9th dan miscalculated, this game may end early!"

Yu Yingyi said in surprise: "That's the end?"

Sure enough, not long after, after a long time of thinking in Xin'er 9th paragraph, his expression became more and more irritable. In the end, he abandoned his son in the middle of the game and gave up!

The referee immediately came up to confirm.

Yu Yingyi also exclaimed, "Oh my God! We saw that the abandoned son of Xin's ninth paragraph gave up!"

Chen Ying 7th Dan said: "If PETER can win even the second 9th Dan, then this is really terrible!"

Yu Yingyi said: "At the same time tomorrow, there will be a second set of PETER vs. Xin's ninth dan. Let's look forward to the second set of Xin's ninth and nineteen!"

The game was two wins in three sets!

If you lose another set tomorrow, the letter two and nine dan will really lose!

After the meeting, the press conference was held, and the letter two and nine of paragraphs sat there in frustration and answered reporters' questions, seemingly absent-minded!

When it was the turn of the person in charge of the US to show up, the other party looked very excited and high-profile.

Xiaodong can't stand it anymore, "This old beauty is so terrible!"

Yao Jiancai said: "Can't you win the second and ninth dan?"

Chen Guangdao: "Is there really no one to treat them?"

"There is still another game tomorrow, so we can't make a conclusion too soon." Li Xiaoxian said.

Zhang Xia said: "It's really not possible, we also have Xiang Rong 9th Duan."


At this moment, the focus of the entire Asia is on this "War of the Century" in Tokyo!


"You lost the letter two and nine?"

"How come!"

"This, this can't be won?"

"Is Xin Erjiudan perform abnormally?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"Damn, wait for tomorrow!"

"Yes, I can definitely win tomorrow!"

"If it doesn't work, there will be Park Youxi 9th Duan, and Xiang Rong 9th Duan!"

"Yes, PETER can't win all!"

"Humans cannot lose to artificial intelligence!"

"The field of wisdom, but the last dignity of mankind!"

"Humanity will win!"

"Humanity will win!"

This game of chess ignited the fear of many people. On this day, countless people were panicked. They suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. They suddenly became a little scared. If human beings really lose wisdom to artificial intelligence, then...this It is something that I can't even imagine!

[The contract for this book has been transferred back to the starting point Chinese website. The book on the Chuangshi Chinese website has been blocked. I didn't know this beforehand. Sorry, everyone can tell each other. You can still watch it in QQ Bookstore. 】


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