I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1121: [The last battle of man-machine war! 】

Zhang Wei?

Which Zhang Hao?

That Zhang Wei?

Silence for two seconds, the press conference suddenly disappeared, everyone could not believe their ears, was shocked by this news, foreigners do not know him, but how they may not know, The name is just like a slap in the ear. In their country, no one doesn't know Zhang Wei's, but no one in the place has thought that it will be heard on the occasion, at this moment, in the mouth of the Chinese chess house president!

Zhang Wei played?

Are you crazy?

Still we are crazy! ?


In front of the TV.

Mom and Dad are all stupid!

Mom is dumbfounded: "Old Zhang, who is he talking about?"

Dad stunned: "He said... Zhang Wei!"

"I rely!" The mother almost jumped up. "Hey son? Xiaoying wants to play on behalf of the world of chess. What do they say is the last line of defense in the world of chess?"

Dad fainted, "Hey son's stinking chess, where will go to go!"


Old Yao family.

Yao Mi opened his mouth. "Did he miss the wrong name?"

Yao Jiancai was shocked that his chin was falling. "Yes, he is talking about Zhang Hao!"

Yao Jiancai’s wife said: “Is it a name?”

“How many of the mathematics homes are called Zhang Wei?” Yao Midao said: “And the most intelligent person in the past 100 years, is it Mr. Zhang! I rely on! I rely! I rely!”

Yao Jiancai vomited blood, "Will the goods go to Go?"

His wife also shocked: "Is it wrong?"


In the days after home.

Zhang Yuan chess is awkward!

Ning Lan is also dumbfounded, scared the urinary tract: "What? Zhang Wei? This is going to harm the world of chess. Isn't he a vacation for half a month? How come it out? How do you have him?" I really took him! Teacher Zhang can't sleep for a day!"

Zhang Yuanqi: "He will go Go?"

"Who knows!" cried Ning Lan.



Rao Aimin looked at the TV and stunned.

Yang Lan was also at her house and exclaimed: "I am my brother!"

Chen Chen is speechless. "Da, you are busy again."

Rao Aimin said: "This Xiao Zhang, how do you get things done!"

As a broker of Zhang Wei, the media obviously has to find her.


The audience of the Republic is shocked!

Online is also crazy!

"Is it wrong, or is he wrong?"

"You didn't get it wrong!"

"Zhang Wei?"

"I am a big one!"

"How could it be him?"

"When did Teacher Zhang become a chess player?"

"He is a moderator, an entertainment star. He ran down to play Go! He also wants to be a Go star? Is the key to Mr. Zhang? Lost to the nine paragraphs!"

"Chinese chess house is crazy?"

"Who knows which of them is wrong?"

"It is possible to find anyone in this matter. How can you not find Zhang Haotou? Hey!"

"Mr. Zhang is everywhere!"

"I just missed the news of him for a week, and Teacher Zhang broke out again?"

"I admit that Teacher Zhang is smart and has a strong learning ability. He is top in all fields. He should be the smartest person in the world! But this is Go!"

"Does he play Go?"

"Ghosts know!"

The people are all unacceptable!

The people in Japan and South Korea are also dumbfounded!

They basically don't understand Zhang Wei. Almost everyone doesn't know him, but the Internet is too developed. You can know it when you check it out!

Japanese people:

"The superstar of the Republic?"

"What? Is he?"

"The one who is at Peking University?"

"Is he not the star of the entertainment industry?"

"Is that bastard? I heard about him!"

"Damn, why are you looking for him?"

Korean people:

"I know him!"

"It is the one who played Li Anxu!"

"Yes, the smell of the Republic entertainment circle - flow - hey!"

"The Chinese chess house is sick? How did you ask a layman to represent them?"

"This is the last time PETER has accepted the challenge! It is the last chance for the chess world to turn over! In such an important game, are they playing?"

"Well, the world of chess is finished!"

"He can't win! This is a giveaway!"


The outside world has already fried the pot!

The same is true at the press conference!

In the live broadcast, there were reporters asking questions at the time.

The female reporter raised her hand and said: "Single director, is it wrong? Why is it important to ask a layman to fight?"

Shan Donghe said: "Believe me, we are very clear about what we are doing, because it is an important confrontation related to the dignity of the world of chess, we only asked Professor Zhang to go out of the mountain, because we can't afford to lose, and we can't lose again! Once, we will go all out to deal with artificial intelligence!"

A male reporter said: "But Zhang Wei is an outsider!"

Shan Donghe asked: "Whoever said that a layman would not play Go? Professor Zhang is recognized as the smartest person in the past 100 years. He has made achievements in various fields. I don't need to say that everyone knows if you doubt that he will not play Go. Then I can give everyone a reassurance here, Professor Zhang will play chess, and as far as I know, he learned Go when he was a child."

The reporters are all laughing and crying!

Did you study as a child?

When I was a child, I also learned Go!

What is the use of that? What is the use? The opponent has won the artificial intelligence of Xiang Rong Jiu Duan Xin Er Jiu Duan and Park You Xi Jiu Duan!

Shan Donghe looked down. "Is there still a question?"

A reporter from Shanghai TV station raised his hand. "Can we win?"

Dandong River Road: "That should be seen by Professor Zhang! But no matter whether we win or lose, we have to thank Professor Zhang for the sake of the world of the chess world. - Because this thing has nothing to do with him, Professor Zhang. He has been famous all over the world. He is not short of name, and he is not short of profit. He does not need to come to this drowning water, but for the sake of Go, for the dignity of humanity, Professor Zhang has stood up without hesitation, so we must thank him!"

When the old people hear this, they can figure out who they are coming to play!

An amateur?

Not a professional chess player at all?

Even amateur players don't even count?

Old people feel very funny!

The people of your republic also look down on our artificial intelligence program too!


Parents at home.

Mom took him out of his son's bedroom.

Zhang Weidao: "What are you?"

My mom blinked: "Do you want to represent the world of chess and computer games?"

"Yeah, hey, I didn't tell you?" Zhang Yan said.

Dad shouted: "What have you said!"

Zhang Weihan said: "I just forgot to forget it. Didn't the family come before? Is the Chinese chess house coming to me, let me help the world of chess."

Dad was shocked: "Are you promised?"

Zhang Weidao: "Accepted."

Mom fainted: "When people let you out, you will be out? You are so bold! You have learned a few gossips in elementary school junior high school, you dare to play with artificial intelligence?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Try it."

Dad said: "Is going to fight tomorrow?"

Zhang Yan sighed.

The bell rings and the phone rings!

It is Chen Guang.

"Old Chen, what?"

"You said it! You have to go to heaven!"

"Hah, watching the news?"

"Of course I saw you, are you OK?"

"Must, fight with it!"

Then there is Dong Shanshan.

"Zhang Er! Is the press conference true and false?"


"Do you really want to go out?"


"When did you learn Go?"

"Primary school, I will always go down."

"I didn't think of it, the Go game world will find you!"

"I didn't think of it."

The phone is one by one.

Yu Yingyi, Zhang Xia, Yao Jiancai, Xiaodong, Ning Lan, Haqiqi, etc., a large group of friends of Zhang Wei were alarmed, and each one shocked and called to confirm the news!

The conference is over!

Rao Aimin’s phone was blown up by the media!

The same is true for the Chinese chess house!

On Weibo, many experts openly questioned it!

That night, the news of the incident also swept the country!

"Zhang Wei will represent the final battle in the world of chess! 》

"The fourth chess player representing humanity is Zhang Wei? 》

"Zhang Wei vs. PETER! 》

"The fourth game of man-machine wars - Zhang Wei will play! 》

"The shock decision of the Chinese chess house! 》

"Zhang Yu was once again pushed to the cusp! 》

"Can humans pull back a city? 》

"What is the level of Zhang Wei's chess power? 》

"The strongest human brain is against the strongest artificial intelligence. Who will win?" 》

The situation is pessimistic!

Don't talk about experts and the media. At this time, even Zhang Wei's fans don't believe him!

"Don't you miss Teacher Zhang?"

"Well, what's the right thing?"

"Do you mix in the world of chess?"

"Hey, you are not giving yourself a holiday!"

"I can already see the picture of Teacher Zhang's disappointment!"

Questioning is questionable, pessimism is pessimistic, but one thing is beyond doubt:

The life and death of Go?

Human dignity?

At the moment, all fell on Zhang Wei’s shoulder!

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