I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1122: [The game begins! 】

the next day.

In the morning, there are already many people outside the Chinese chess house.

Thousands of people were densely packed, like a parade.

The entire street was blocked, and the traffic police department urgently dispatched personnel to implement traffic control. Vehicles at both ends of the road could only detour.

"Get started soon!"

"I am going, so many people?"

"This is going crazy!"

"Crap, it’s Zhang Hao!"

"The final game of man-machine war, who doesn't want to come and see!"

"Even if humans lose, they have to witness it!"

"Zhang Wei! Come on!"

"Abuse the PETER dog!"

"I just ask Teacher Zhang not to lose too ugly!"

All are people, people on the third floor and three floors, the road is full!

I have lived around to see the excitement, and there are signs to deliberately come from far away to cheer, the slogan on the brand is also very varied, especially funny.

- Fight your face!

- Teacher Zhang, don't drop the chain!

- Teacher Zhang, don't be beaten!

- Zhang Wei, can you not do it?

There is also a school of more than a dozen students holding a red satin banner with a message on it: Celebrate Zhang Yi’s presence in the world of chess!

The reporters are all coming!

Someone has already entered, and someone has set up equipment outside.

A female reporter from the Beijing Sports Channel said: "Hello audience friends, my current position is at the front door of the Chinese chess house. We can see in the lens that the scene is full of ordinary people. Here, an hour later, we will Bringing a man-machine battle to everyone, the world's most intelligent artificial intelligence against the world's smartest man in the past 100 years! Today is the first live broadcast of PETER against Professor Zhang, who can win, please pay attention to later BTV-Sports brings you a live broadcast, let us wait and see!"

The screen is cut back to the live room.

BTV-sports live room.

The male host said: "Well, thank you for the report that our on-site reporter Xiao He brought to everyone." Saying, look to the side, "Mr. Li, what do you think of this game today?"

Li Nian - famous go commentator, commentary.

Li Nian said: "Today, it is really difficult to fight."

The male host said: "Yes, PETER has already demonstrated its strong chess power. After the Xiangrong Jiu Duan has been defeated in it, no one in the world dares to say that it can beat PETER, but what surprised us is that Under such a situation, the Chinese chess house actually invited Professor Zhang."

Li Nian said: "Yes, I am also very strange, because so far, no one has ever seen Zhang Wei playing chess. Everyone does not know what level he is, so if I estimate the outcome now, I can't estimate it. We can only analyze it slowly during the game. I believe that many people, including me, would like to know, Zhang Jian, the smartest person in the world today, how to play chess."

Male host: "Yes, Professor Zhang’s level is still unknown."



In the battle room.

Zhang Wei met with Xiangrong Jiu Duan for the first time.

Zhang Wei shook hands with him. "Hello, to the teacher."

Xiang Rongdao: "Hello Professor Zhang, I will briefly talk about my understanding of PETER. First of all, he is really smart, don't use it as a computer. I believe this should be clearer than me. I have tried it one step before. Chess, his coping style is definitely not the level of ordinary AI. Secondly, in a complicated situation, it will not have much impact on it, so if you are a first mover, I don’t recommend to start the diagonal start. Remember, don't drag the situation too long, try to be quick and quick, because the consumption of physical strength and energy will affect us a lot, it will increase the number of mistakes, but there is no interference to PETER, it has no physical and state restrictions, This is also its most terrible point."

Zhang Hao nodded. "I remembered."

Shan Donghe also came up. "Professor Zhang must be calm and calm, start a little steady, and take advantage of it!"

Zhang Wei said: "Well, I try my best."

Wu Changhe also came over at this time. "Your advantage is that the artificial intelligence does not have your data. It doesn't know what chess you are. I don't know what level you are. This can be used as a fuss. It can't be caught off guard. Start right away, don't give me a chain!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I know my uncle."

A female professional chess player came over a cup of hot tea. "Professor Zhang, drink water."

"Oh, thank you." Zhang Wei took over.

Li Qinqin also said: "Is it early?"

"Auntie, I ate." Zhang said.

Li Qinqin said: "Today is definitely a protracted war. You pay attention to physical distribution."

Hu Liang seven: "Come on!"

Xu Wei, 8: "Professor Zhang, come on!"

Chen Yuqi: "Please, please! I must win!"

Everyone shouted for him!

Zhang Wei loudly said: "Oh, then I am going!"

Everyone was nervously watching Zhang Hao go outside.

When Zhang Yan came to Wu Changhe, he only listened to Wu Changhe’s whisper and said, “If you lose, you don’t want to enter our house! Don’t hear it!”

Zhang Hao fainted!


Should you be so embarrassed?

This time, he is also nervous!

Battle room.

Everything is ready.

The old beauty has arrived, and the reporters on the CCTV Sports Channel have not left.

Zhang Ying’s old classmate Yu Yingyi saw him coming in and immediately greeted him. “Professor Zhang, hello.”

The lens is also over!

Zhang Weidao: "Hello Yingyi."

Yu Yingyi said: "How much is it today?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I don't know, go all out."

Yu Yingyi looked at the watch and said: "There are still many questions to ask, but time is too late, then I am in the commentary room, waiting for your good news."

The live broadcast was temporarily cut away.

Yu Yingyi put down the microphone and smiled bitterly: "You are really coming. The Chinese chess house invites you to come. Why don't you know that you will play Go?"

Zhang Yule said: "You don't know much."

Yu Yingyi said: "No matter what, come on, don't let the machine look down on humans!"

"Reassured." Zhang Yidao.

Yu Yingyi is gone, she will soon be working with Chen Hao to explain.

Zhang Wei slid to the seat of the opponent's side and sat down.

Next, the three staff members of Laomei are doing the final debugging work for PETER, and soon they are ready. A representative from the US side nodded and sat down on the chair representing PETER on the opposite side of Zhang Wei. He will represent the computer on PETER. The upper part of the "copy" came over.

Countdown to three minutes.

The two Go international referees were confirmed by Zhang Wei and the person in charge of the US.

The head of the old beauty nodded.

Zhang Wei also made a ready gesture.


Live broadcasts spread throughout the country!

Even some countries in Asia are broadcasting simultaneously!

This game is really a world-famous!





The game begins!

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