I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1123: [Zhang Yuzhen will play chess! 】

In front of the TV.

Parent's home.

Zhang Hao’s aunts, a few sisters, and the whole family almost came.

The third sister called: "My brother is out!"

Dad inhales: "Begin!"

The aunt is nervous: "Is it a small trip?"

Mom said: "He can't let the computer break up, how much shame!"


Chen Guangjia.

Lao Chen and Fan Wenli have been in front of the TV.

Chen Guang looked at the beer while drinking. "Do you say he is OK?"

Fan Wenli can't smile, "God knows."


Haqi Qijia.

The old colleagues are all gathered together.

Zhang Zuodao: "The beginning is the beginning!"

Xiao Wang called: "Zhang Gui will win! Dry - it!"


Zhang Wei’s friends are paying attention to this live broadcast!

Netizens have also quarreled in the sky, Zhang Hao and the artificial intelligence war, have made headlines!

"Don't lose too much!"

"Mr. Zhang, come on!"


on site.

Take the lead.

Zhang Wei is white, then down.

Soon, the peter on the computer fell.

The person in charge of the old beauty looked at it, picked up the black chess, and put the chess piece down in the same position.

Zhang Wei almost did not hesitate, smiled, and picked up the white child and fell a son.

Peter put another chess.

Zhang Wei thought about it and took a step.

The room in the battle was very quiet. Except for a few cameras, they were all referees and staff. No one was speaking. There is a room outside, which is a special observation room. The area is very large. At this moment, many reporters and the leaders of the Chinese chess house and professional chess players are watching chess there. There is a big screen. They can watch very well on every move on the board. Clearly, every step above, they will talk about it.

Hu Liang: "Peter's start is very stable."

Xu Weidao: "Professor Zhang is also a regular start."

Shan Donghe nodded: "Xiao Zhang liked the opening of the game before, but it seems that he listened to our words and changed."

Wu Changhe stared straight at the board and didn't say a word.

Li Qinqin also looked at his fists nervously.

This game of chess can really be said to be related to the life and death of Go, no one can care!


Zhang Wei has already dropped the seventh move.

The battle on the little corner has already started!

Interpretation room.

Yu Yingyi anxiously said: "Mr. Chen, what is the situation now?"

Chen Hao seven paragraphs: "just opened, because peter is a first mover, so definitely have to take advantage of the two, the start of the two is a very traditional style of play, are very conservative, but now there is a watershed, to see the next step How will the two go, this step is crucial!"

Yu Yingyi looked at the screen and said: "Peter made a move!"

Chen Hao’s face changed. “Hit a fight? Peter’s attack is very strong. Is it going to take the little corner? Or is it attacking?”

Zhang Hao shot!

He flew a child!

Yu Yingyi was shocked. "What is Zhang Wei? Why?"

When Chen Hao saw it, he immediately called the film, "Good chess! Really good chess! Professor Zhang finally shot! No hesitation! I hit it! Peter is now passive, he has to go back, otherwise the structure will It was controlled by Professor Zhang. Sure enough, peter came back! Hey, this move is really wonderful. Professor Zhang has at least caught up with the three-purpose gap. If you count the stickers, Professor Zhang has already occupied a slight advantage. !"

Yu Yingyi was shocked. "What?"

Zhang Wei?

Do you have an advantage?

Beijing Sports Channel.

The famous commentary Li Nian was also shocked. "This hand is so beautiful! This 'flying' is too bold and too creative. We have seen that Professor Zhang has let peter fall into the passive, it has to let go of just The layout on the small corner, come back with Professor Zhang to grab the position!"

Zhang Hao once again made a move!

Peter fight back!

Zhang Hao has another son!

These moves really look dazzling!

Watching the room, everyone applause!

Dean Shan Donghe took the lead and said, "Good! Good! Good!"

Xu Wei-Dynamic: "Good Professor Zhang!"

"Hit! Catch up with him!" Hu Liang is also excited!

"Niu-force! Too cow-forced!"

"Professor Zhang really is Professor Zhang! Not at all according to the routine!"

"This is the turn of peter headache!"

"Professor Zhang is mighty!"

Although whoever loses and wins can not make a final conclusion, but can be like this with peter, has let everyone see unlimited hope!

Xiang Rong looked at the game with no expression, and said nothing. He knew that when he was not happy, the greatness of peter had not really been revealed.

on site.

Zhang Wei does not have a light enemy. He has confidence in himself. If he can play a tie with Xiang Rong before, then at this moment he has drawn more than one billion worth of Go skills, which should be better than Rongrong. However, when the game was played against him on the same day, it was not a state of full effort, so this is still a question mark. Zhang Wei is careful every step of the way, he will never be merciful when attacking, but when there is no chance, he does not dare to attack blindly, because he knows that he can not make mistakes!


Make a mistake?

This is the biggest difference between humans and machines, and it is also the most inferior place for humans!



It is three steps.

Zhang Wei and Peter are **** for tat, and no one is willing to give up this fight!

The head of the old beauty has been a bit uncomfortable, and his heart is also quite shocked. How can he not think of it, and there are still such powerful people in the world of chess? In addition to Xiangrong Jiu Duan, in addition to the letter of the second paragraph and other people, the original chess world has such a high chess player? But why didn't he come out before? But why was he silent in the field of Go? After being shocked for a while, he also calmed down and calmed down. It doesn't matter, no matter who comes, it doesn't matter, because he and his team believe in peter! Peter can't lose!

At this time, the battle of Xiaojiao has been deadlocked!

Originally, everyone thought that the battle would continue, but Zhang Hao suddenly had a glimpse of his eyes, and a white man fell in the middle of the road, and he calmly opened the middle road!


I see what you do.

Zhang blinked and glanced at the direction of the computer.

This time, the computer did not move, and fell into the longest "thinking" time since the start.

Interpretation room.

Yu Yingyi Zhenfen said: "Peter has not settled down, has been 'considered' for a long time!"

Chen Yu smiled. "Peter is calculating. It is more complicated here. Professor Zhang is deliberate. He deliberately took a very open layout, but because of the small angle, the layout here is inextricably linked to that. The connection, if you are careless, you will lose all!"

Beijing Sports Channel.

Li Nian loudly said: "Good! Now the problem falls on peter's head! It's really beautiful! I really didn't think Professor Zhang played chess so beautiful!" Looked at the camera: "Audience friends, if you really watch the live broadcast, if You have been as worried about me as to whether Zhang Wei will play Go, then I can tell you with certainty that he will not only go down, but the level is definitely the top level!"

Before the TV.

Many people are stunned!

There are chess players who will play chess. They have already seen the level of Zhang Wei, and they are all shocked!

Some viewers who don't understand Go, also know the current situation through several hosts and Go game explanations of various TV stations, and they are shocked that their chins are gone!

Online explosion!

"I rely!"

"What did I see?"

“Zhang Wei is dominant?”

“Professional top level?”

"God, this is a real thing, he will play chess, my grass!?"

The people of the whole country are jealous - forced!


[First fill two yesterday, I take a break, today's update I made up at night! 】(To be continued.)

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