I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1139: [The world is difficult to solve the second! 】

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Zhang Wei’s big oblique style shocked countless people!


"Mr. Zhang is a god!"

"This item is out of the moth!"

"Ha ha ha, PETER is dumb!"

"This style is really ever-changing!"

"PETER is still thinking! Counting the time before, it has been used for half an hour, and its database is definitely not the same!"

"Zhang Wei is too bull - forced!"

"Get it in one fell swoop, Teacher Zhang!"

“Who said yesterday that Teacher Zhang would not have a new style of play?”

"Zhang Wei just takes a hand, and your mother is shocking!"

"On the face, I will serve Zhang Wei!"

"Yeah, the brain of this goods is simply a computer than a computer!"

A piece of excitement!

Once again, everyone saw the possibility of winning chess!

At this time, PETER finally settled, this step is very strong!

Zhang Wei thought for two minutes before returning to a child!

PETER thought again, after three or four minutes, one fell!

Zhang Hao turned to the top!

PETER also considered a lot of different, drop!

Many people in front of the TV have been dazzled, so wonderful!

Chen Yu explained: "The disk on the small corner has reached a stage of white heat. Now neither of them can stop the hand. Only you are dead and alive, the situation changes too much. We also cannot tell who is dominant and who is inferior, but from time to time. On the upside, it is clear that Professor Zhang’s thinking time is shorter, almost no timers are consumed, and PETER’s thinking is more, and it takes more than a quarter of the time!”

Xiang Rong Jiu Duan said: "If PETER does not break as soon as possible, it will be difficult to fight later. It has been dragged here by Professor Zhang for too long!"

Chen Weidao: "PETER stopped again. Let's see what response it will give this time... Hey, PETER shot! This game is so beautiful!"

PETER has a top!

Just like this, let Zhang Hao become very passive!

Zhang Hao welcomes!

PETER is coming again!

Zhang Shuo!

PETER hit!

After the confrontation of the seven-eight-handed chess, the situation on the left lower corner is already abrupt!

Xiang Rong no expression: "PETER broke!"

Chen Hao looks ugly!

Yu Yingyi was shocked: "Is it broken?"

Chen Hao inhales: "Not only was it broken, but PETER almost circled the face of Xiaojiao, and Professor Zhang’s sons were almost dead!"

"What?" Yu Yingyi was surprised.

Xiang Rongdao: "This is the worst case. In the small-scale fighting, PETER has already shown its extraordinary computing power. Today's upgraded version of PETER is obviously better, and many small-scale processing is more accurate. It is also more aggressive. Professor Zhang apparently suffered a big loss here. He had to drag the PETER into the chaos, but the result is the worst. The PETER not only got out of the way, but also brought a dozen advantages! White Chess is not good! Professor Zhang’s formula is very powerful, but PETER’s computing power is obviously better!”

More than a dozen?

At the beginning of the game, the advantages of two or three purposes are extremely favorable, and they are very difficult to obtain. As a result, they lost more than a dozen items. The little white chess is almost completely annihilated?

The face of the chess house is pale!

Hu Liang called: "It's over!"

Xu Wei said bitterly: "The gap has been opened!"

"How is this still playing?" Li Yijiu also squeezed a sweat for Zhang Wei.

Wu Changhe angered: "I have long said that this kid won't make moths! He still doesn't listen!"

"What should I do now?"

"This is too much behind, how to chase?"

"Is the upgraded PETER really so powerful? If it was before, even if it can break the game, it is impossible to bring more than a dozen advantages in the situation of such a complicated situation!"

When the old people saw it, they all breathed a sigh of relief and their expressions were relieved. Although they spent a little more time, they did not expect it, but the result was that they would like to see it. PETER has already taken an absolute advantage, and this It’s not long before the start!

The head of the old beauty looked at Zhang Wei not far away, and said that you know the chess power after the upgrade of PETER? No matter what you are doing today, no matter what new genre you are playing today, PETER will analyze it one by one, and it is impossible to be led by someone!

It's simple now!

It is the pain of hitting the dog!

The old beauty wins in the grip!

The people in the chess house are very nervous!

The audience in front of the TV is also anxious!

Only Zhang Wei and the expressions of all of them are different. The camera on the scene suddenly gave Zhang Wei a close-up lens close-up, but found that Zhang Wei was actually smiling, as if he was behind a dozen or so destinations for the opening, not at all. In the mean, it is completely indifferent!

Chen Yudao: "We saw that Professor Zhang is very calm!"

Rong Rong blinked, "He should have a way!"

The old Americans do not believe that Zhang Hao can return to the sky. In their view, the next step will be the situation where PETER will kill all the way!

on site.

Zhang Wei is really calm, because this is what he expected. He knows that the big oblique formula can't trap the PETER, and it is impossible to make it mistakes. On the contrary, this formula may be more disadvantageous to Zhang Wei because his computing power is not PETER is so strong, a small range of trembling, he asked himself is not the opponent of PETER, even if he has a lot of research on his big oblique formula in his mind, but it is only an auxiliary effect, and the chess that is beneficial to him is PETER. See through, Zhang Hao has no good way.

What he did this time was a temptation, and the result is already there!

Artificial intelligence really upgraded! Is the analysis accuracy and depth enhanced? Yesterday’s last trick and two new styles I have never seen before, let the old people panic? So strengthen the calculation depth of this aspect of PETER, and want to use this to crack Zhang Jian's new style of play? Want to count every move of Zhang Wei? For example, this big oblique formula is to break the game with the powerful analysis depth after the upgrade? Thinking of this, Zhang Hao smiled again, huh, huh, then you may be in vain, this upgrade may be your biggest mistake!

Want to countless? Yes, your machine may indeed be able to do it!

But you may have forgotten that this kind of computational depth is a price to pay, and that price is - time!

He looks at his own timer.

Then look at the counter of the opposite PETER.

Has it been used for forty minutes? well! Then come try this again!

Chen Yu said: "Hey, Professor Zhang shot!"

Xiang Rongyi, "Top left?"

Chen Yu also said: "Professor Zhang gave up the lower left corner, and the chess game hit the top left. PETER didn't think about it this time and immediately returned!"

But at this moment, Zhang Xiao smiled and dropped a child!

Then, PETER is silent again!

Xiangrong was surprised, "This is!"

Chen Hao is also stupid, "This..."

five minutes!

ten minutes!

PETER does not move!

Zhang Wei smiled and cocked his legs, and he was very leisurely.

The old man is angry!

The audience in front of the TV exploded!

The professional chess players in the chess house are all fainted!

"Come back?"

"Are you coming again?"

"What is this time!"

"I rely!"

"How come **** is such a complicated formula?"

"What is this stuff?"

"I am going to go! How come out again!"

"It's too complicated. I want to vomit blood, I am grass!"

"If the person who is playing against Professor Zhang is my word, I have already smashed the table! Professor Zhang is too sinister, and the big slant is done, and then one more!"

"What is this called?"

"Who knows! I have never seen it!"

Shan Donghe was shocked to see Wu Changhe. "Have you seen it?"

Wu Changhe smiled and shook his head. "It’s unheard of, but it’s really complicated! A cursory look, there are dozens of changes! This..."

Li Yi said: "Isn't Xiao Zhang asking for trouble? Just ate a big loss, he still doesn't have long-term memory? Is he still playing a moth?"

Shan Donghe suddenly said: "That is not necessarily, you see, the person who is the most headache now is definitely PETER!"

PETER is still silent!

It’s been fifteen minutes!

The old beautiful man stared at Zhang Wei, and wanted to go up and take him to death!

Are you finished?

You are finished, are you?

What the **** is this playing!

Are you a heart of you?

Yes, in fact, Zhang Wei is a heart!

The devil's knife is fixed - Zhang Wei, the earth is not difficult to solve the three major formulas!

[Like a friend, please add my micro signal: changyubenzun (taste the deity), or public number search: taste it! Massive blockbusters waiting for you to come! 】


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