I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1140: [Three difficult to solve the formula! 】

The knives are out!

The surface of the disk is like a mud!

Many chess players on the Internet have to blow up!

"I rely!"

"Can't watch again!"

"This is too messy!"

"My brain is hurting your mother!"

"How is this solved?"

"Where are there so many strange tricks from Zhang Wei?"

"If I am peter, I am absolutely forcing - kill him, me!"

The big oblique version of the lower corner has just seen countless people exhausted. There are countless kinds of possible and changeable players, such as Li Rong and Li Yi. The result is that when Peter is hard to break out, the next moment, the demon knife It’s coming out again, what kind of experience is that? To be sure, it is definitely a dog-like feeling! Fortunately, Zhang Wei is a machine opposite, and there is no thought. Otherwise, no matter who is sitting opposite Zhang Hao, after winning this game, it is estimated that the other party has to find Zhang Hao desperately. This is simply too **** wicked!

The demon knife is one of the three most difficult and difficult solutions in the world of chess. It is the most complicated and intractable cluster in the small eyes.

After Zhang Hao’s big flight, Peter didn’t move!

Chen Hao shocked: "Peter has entered the long test again, it has been fifteen minutes, and one has not moved. Is this Professor Zhang’s tactics? Can it really work?"

Xiang Rong is also a bit speechless. "This is too strange!"

Chen Wei agrees: "Yes, this formula does not seem to be anything, because there are only four children in the corner, but like the previous big oblique, look carefully, almost no solution! This formula comes out, it is the real test of two When the level of the players is at the level, we can't predict the outcome at all!"

Peter's time is getting less and less!

The timer has only been one hour left!

The old beautiful people are already rushing, and they cry in their hearts:



Open the gap!

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Peter's choice and response, because I can't see the expression, and no expression can be displayed, so no one knows what kind of state peter is at the moment!

Zhang Wei’s expression can be seen by everyone. It is a state of being more than enough. After a dozen or so goals, he is calm and unwilling!

Old beauty hates teeth itching!

But others can be sure!

Zhang Wei’s calmness gave everyone a lot of confidence!

Li Qinqin said: "Can you recover?"

Hu Liangdao: "Professor Zhang seems to have a good idea!"

Xu Wei smiled, "I can only think so!"

Everyone wants to see how the two people will play in this style. Because it is too complicated, many people have given up the analysis and they look at them!

Peter has fifty-eight points remaining.

At this time, it finally came out!

Peter broke Zhang Hao's big fly and fought in front!

Zhang Yi smiled, fell, and the outside pulled!

Peter is silent again!

After five minutes, peter grows up!

Zhang Wei didn't want to, let's go!

Peter enters thinking again!

Chen Hao screamed: "Too wonderful!"

Yu Yingyi turned and turned, "I have not understood it at all!"

Xiang Rongjie said: "It is Professor Zhang who is more active now. Although Professor Zhang does not seem to think much about it, his every move is quite beautiful. It is almost the best way to cope with this complicated formula. It’s really amazing!”

Chen Hao worried: "But the situation below seems to be entering the choice, and this choice is too important, I don't know what peter will do!"

Peter moved again!

Zhang Yi blinked and followed one!

Chen Hao called the road: "Good chess! Professor Zhang is good chess!"

Xiang Rong said: "This is a trick."

Chen Yiyi, "Cheats?"

Xiang Rong nodded.

A little analysis, and sure enough, Chen Hao is a cold sweat, "Really is a trick! Professor Zhang wants to lie to peter to come in!" I thought about why you are so wicked!

However, peter is not fooled, a move to open!

Zhang Yu is on top.

Peter's next time is obviously faster, one retreat, deliberately cut off!

Zhang Hao looked up and didn't think about it, but it was a rush!

Knife light sword!


This is not a war, there is no smoke, but on a small chessboard, it seems that there are two top masters who are killing, bloody!

Xiang Rongdao: "Peter has no retreat. It can only be a battle! Professor Zhang is even more so. This may be exactly what he hopes to see. It is also the reason why he played this style! The situation is now big. The same as the oblique formula, it is not that you are dead or that I live, unless one party is pale, otherwise no one can pull away, but now we don't know, who will eventually fall down!"

The battle room has shouted!

"Come on!"


"Professor Zhang cheers!"

But soon, their faces have changed!

When Zhang Wei’s white chess was played together, Peter made a wonderful trick!

After thinking about it for three minutes, Peter made a direct pressure and directly broke the momentum of Zhang Wei in the corner. It was a cut from the middle!

Zhang Emei, his expression in the lens is a little helpless.

The old beautiful people are screaming!

it is good!


It’s beautiful!

And others who stand on the side of Zhang Wei are sighing!

Zhang Yi has a hand!

Peter again!

Zhang Yi and!

Peter chasing!

Zhang Yi had no choice but to give up the entanglement here.

Xiang Rong sighed, "peter broke again!"

Yu Yingyi hurriedly asked, "How is Professor Zhang?"

Chen Yu answered her. "Professor Zhang once again suffered a big loss. In this series of confrontations in the upper corner, he lost at least ten more than one eye. He has at least five or six sons who have been circled!"


Still dead?

Yu Yingyi is desperate!

The audience in front of the TV heard the words and they were desperate!

I lost more than a dozen items before, and now it is more than a dozen items? Isn’t it a loss of about thirty items? This is also playing a fart!

Want to lose?

This is no longer possible to fight?

Chen Hao’s seven paragraphs sadly said: “Professor Zhang is very dangerous. Although I hope he can win, but the current disk, hope is really too small.”

Xiang Rong also sees this. "If it is me, I will vote at this time."

The voter is to admit defeat!

Xiang Rong said so, it can be seen that Zhang Wei’s situation is really no hope!

However, Zhang Wei did not!

Not only did he admit defeat, Zhang Wei’s expression was still calm, and he continued to go down. This time, he even hit a small corner that had already been laid out before the third!

Peter does not say anything, break!

Zhang Hao cuts in!

Peter does not let go!

Zhang Hao had to be hard!

Peter cuts his hand!

The knives are also broken. The rest of the calculations should be no more difficult for peter. It has become the previous high efficiency, and there is almost no time to waste. Every one of them falls within one minute. Zhang Wei’s thinking time is getting longer and longer.

The disk has entered the middle plate!

The two sides have recruited seven or eight hands in that little corner!

Although Zhang Wei is still playing, but in the eyes of others, how do you mean something to die!

The old beautiful people have already won the prize, and some people’s eyes have even been removed from the board. I feel that it is unnecessary to watch this time. The overall situation has been fixed!

Big oblique setting?

Monster knife set?

Peter cracked one by one, showing extremely powerful chess power!

They believe that everyone believes that Zhang Hao has been dead end, no tricks!

But at this time, when Peter suddenly fell into a place where others looked very exciting, Zhang Xiao suddenly smiled!

I finally waited!

I guess you will go here!

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi has a son!

At first, everyone did not see any problems.

However, when peter fell into the third long-term thinking after the big oblique formula and the demon knife set, the crowd suddenly saw that it was wrong, and a bad premonition suddenly struck!

Xiang Rongyi, loudly said: "It’s coming again! Professor Zhang is coming again!"

Chen Hao is also a dumbfounded eye, just looking at the game with a stunned look!

I am grass!

Come again?

Are you coming again?

Hu Liang’s foot is shaking!

Xu Wei almost fainted again!

Wu Changhe: "..."

Shan Donghe: "........."

After seeing the sinister and shamelessness of Zhang Yi’s son, everyone in the heart silently gave Zhang Hao the grandson to the blacklist!

Will not play chess with him in the future!

Never - forced to go with him!

Play chess with him, you have to vomit blood and die!

What kind of chess?

What is the style of play?

Old Americans have a level of Go. They are not seen in the World Series. Even if they are, they are basically Chinese Koreans. But this does not mean that the United States does not understand Go, since it can be responsible for this peter. The person in charge and team members who declare war on human chess players must know Go! When I saw Zhang Yi’s hand falling, I saw that Peter was once again in silence. The mood of the people on the old side can be described as grass mud horses. I have already sent Zhang Wei’s ancestors ten times!

Why do not you go to hell!

You are finished, my grass!

One is over?

The second one is over and the third one?

what is this?

What the **** is this time?

Countless old anger, Zhang Yan looked indifferent.

The big avalanche is fixed in the three difficult three-dimensional formula on the earth! (To be continued.) 8

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