I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1143: [Human victory! 】

Live chess is dead!

Dead chess!

This is Zhang Wei’s famous "Zombie Stream" on the earth, and Li Shishi, one of the representatives of the world of chess, is a famous stunt!

There is no such genre in this world. No one has ever seen this kind of play. So when everyone sees Zhang Huan save the dead white, the shock in his heart is imaginable. The zombie flow is a very different style of play, the ultimate tactic of the player in adversity. This genre is even more demanding for the player than the "cosmos" game, because the zombie flow requires more than just It is the ability of the big game and the strong kill. For the dead chess, the understanding of thinness, and the control of the rhythm, each player requires the player to be higher than the ordinary. This extraordinary style of play, even the top players in his world who have studied the zombie flow, most people can't come out!

Chen Hao feels that he is already crazy. "Strongly recruiting two living sons! Professor Zhang’s white son on the little corner is alive! My God! This is really a god!"

Xiang Rong excited: "Too beautiful!"

Chen Hao called: "I didn't count this step! It didn't count!"

Yu Yingyi asked: "How many gaps are there?"

Xiang Rongyi counts, "There is only about 17 or eight heads left behind!"

Chen Yu and Xiang Rong said a word to me, "This is a miracle! It is definitely a miracle!"

From the gap of more than 30 goals, it has only caught up to a dozen or so. It is true that there is nothing wrong with miracles, because this is really incredible!

The old beauty is panicked!


Why not?

It shouldn't be! Impossible!

Now is the upgraded version! There is nothing that it can't calculate! Suddenly, the timer of the old beauty’s head looked at the timer and finally looked white and understood why this was! No time! It has no time to do in-depth analysis!


Counted in!

At this moment, the old people understand how important time is, and they know that their own people have been swindling Zhang Yi from the very beginning, and they have stepped down from the moment of the big oblique formula. Zhang Wei's trap! Zhang Wei has been waiting for this moment. The three stereotypes have no other purpose at all. Their only purpose is to consume time!

There are countless people standing up in front of the TV!

The people of the Chinese chess house are also excited after exclaiming!

Li Qinqin was anxious: "Can you catch up? Can you?"

Wu Changhe said: "I don't know! I don't know!"

Shan Donghe stared at the screen, sweating all over his palm!

Hu Liang’s heart is jumping out. “Ten are more than a dozen! There are still more than a dozen!”


"Professor Zhang! Chasing!"

"You can do it!"

"Yes! You must do it! You must do it!"

"Catch it!!!"

"Quick! It's too late!"

There are professional players who even shouted with a scorpion!

It’s been counted again!


At the last second, the child is in the middle!

Zhang Wei is forced to go up!


Zhang Wei does not let go, play another trick!

At this time, I played a good move. When a child is improperly stuck in a key position, it takes up the general trend of the middle road.

But Zhang Wei did not play with it. One son actually fell in the direction of the lower left, and even looked back at the big oblique formula that had become a semi-dead trend on the small corner!

The head of the old beauty got up and got up!

Hold on! !

You give me support!

Chen Hao immediately called: "It's coming again!"

Yu Yingyi also looked bloody, "Professor Zhang has come up again!"

"Can there be a miracle?" Chen Yuyin is getting bigger and bigger. "Is it still? We see that Professor Zhang is already under the city! What is he going to do?"

Did not care, continue to control the middle!

But Zhang Hao’s next white child has penetrated into the enemy’s back!

A glimpse, hurried back, broke a hand!

At this time, Zhang Wei actually sent a game of chess and went to the dead chess!

Chen Yu was shocked, "What?"

Yu Yingyi is in a hurry. "Why?"

Did not hesitate, directly mention the son, took off Zhang Yi a white child!

The beautiful old people are applauding!

it is good!

Well done!

However, Zhang Wei was smiling and hit it up without hesitation.

Strong and!

Zhang Wei is playing!

This establishment scared countless people!

Old beauty was shocked by a cold sweat!


Zhang Yuqiang killed!

Although I have just been mentioned a white child, I don’t know, Zhang’s purpose is not here at all. It is simply a trick, just to open the space on the other side, and Zhang’s purpose is only a strong living! He wants to swallow all this sunspot!

It’s too late to react!

Zhang Hao called to eat, first mention a child!

Fight back!

Zhang Hao ignored, hard-top!

Fill in the air!

Zhang Hao called to eat, and then mention a child!

Countless people see the blood boiling!

The people in the chess house shouted!

"it is good!"

"Play well!"

"God! It's so beautiful!"

"Professor Zhang!"

Already coming to the end, the space on the board is getting smaller and smaller!

Gambling peripherals fight back!

Zhang Wei's peripheral one block!

Fight a life!

Zhang Xiao smiled and started to touch!

Then, Zhang Yi played back and called back!

If it is a personal class, it must be a bloodless expression at the moment!

When the third child on the big oblique area was also taken away, everyone in front of the TV and on the scene was already scared to know what to say!

Live again!

The six or seven whites that are already dead chess are alive!

On the chess platform.

The network commentator is stunned. "Unbelievable! This is really an incredible play! Too beautiful to kill! Professor Zhang has levied three sunspots! Once again, let some whites come back to life! My God, this style of play can be Describe it with dreams! Really unheard of!"


The host shocked: "How many gaps are there?"

The narrator's expression is more frightening than the host, because he is a professional Go player, so he understands how incredible the scene is, "No!"

The host glimpsed, "What is gone?"

The narrator sucked the air: "There is no gap! Zhang Wei is only one or two behind!"

The host was shocked: "What?"

A female chess player screamed, "Ah!"

Wu Changhe shouted: "Catch up! Really catch up!"

The sound of Shan Donghe’s shouts has a dirty word. “Good! Really **** is good!”

"Professor Zhang!" Hu Liang shouted!

Li Yi shouted: "It's still a little bit worse!"

Liu Hongjiu said: "There are still two eyes! Just two eyes! Chasing!"

Xu Wei took the lead and shouted: "Come on!"

This time, countless people are responding!

"Come on!"

"Come on!"


"Professor Zhang chased!"

Li Qinqin's eyes suddenly suddenly do not know how red!

Can you do it?

Can Xiao Zhang do it?

on site.

It is the end of the stage!

There is no reason to say that Zhang Huan has lived a small piece of white, and no longer loves to fight. Instead, he only kills the middle road, and he goes up and fights!

A rush!

Zhang Qiangqiang hit!


Zhang Wei is on again!

Chen Hao has stood up, she can no longer sit still!

Xiang Rong’s breathing is getting more and more urgent!

Old and beautiful people are also looking at the side with their eyes wide open!

Almost over!

It is almost over!

Taking advantage of the previous advantage of the middle road layout, Zhang Han’s two white children were once again killed!

Zhang Wei did not panic, but actually hit it from the internal test!

Be a child, be strong!

As a result, Zhang Yi gave him a top back, and the next step was to fly back. The zombie stream reappeared, and the three whites on the right side were vividly revitalized, and the past was opened in the other direction!

The remedy is too late!

Zhang Qiangqiang hit, and the white son who was revitalized surrounded the sunspot!

Suddenly silent!

too fast!

Really too fast!

After Chen Hao passed for three seconds, she reacted. She looked at the chessboard slyly. Suddenly, the tears swept away and stopped.

Yu Yingyi was frightened. "What happened? What happened to Teacher Chen?"

Xiangrong’s hand is also shaking!

Yu Yingyi was busy: "To the teacher? Teacher Chen? What happened?"

Chen Yu cried, "Win!"

Yu Yingyi glanced, "What?"

Chen Hao cried loudly: "We won!!!"

Wen Yan, Yu Yingyi is stunned! To be continued

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