I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1144: [Hero is born! 】


We really won?

When I heard the live broadcast of CCTV Sports Channel, the audience in front of the TV set up and stared at the screen, watching the battle of Zhang Wei and Peter, because the game is not over, because many people are still not sure Chen The words of the seven paragraphs are not true!

One child.

Five children.

Ten sons.

Zhang Xiao smiles.

Peter is getting more and more embarrassed, and mistakes are also increasing!

At the end of the closing, the two international referees are quickly stepping up to confirm!

The old beauty is like a white paper color!

This moment, the scene is terrible!





"How's it going?"

"Who won?"



"What is the situation?"

"How is it?"

"Quickly announce the results!"


Not to mention the Republic here!

"Have you won?"

"Quickly announce!"

"What is the result of my grass?"


on site.

Because the game was too critical, the international referee confirmed it several times. The two men finally looked at each other and one of the older referees smiled.

The lens is aligned!

The eyes of thousands of people have looked at him through TV!

Just listen to the old referee and announce loudly: "This plate, Zhang Yusheng!"


Zhang Hao won!

Humans have won!

And it won twenty more!

In the final stage of the finals, Zhang Wei won with a crushing advantage, from behind 30 to several hundred to anti-win, this is a miracle!

Yu Yingyi shouted: "Win! Win!"

Chen Hao is still crying. "Congratulations to Professor Zhang! This is a historic victory in the world of chess! Professor Zhang has helped the world of darts to keep human dignity! Too great! Professor Zhang is too powerful today! This is absolutely human Go. The highest level! This is definitely the most memorable game in the world of Go! After three days of competition, Professor Zhang finally won the artificial intelligence with a score of two to one! Professor Zhang told the machine and those with his actual actions. The beauty of the world - the country - the people, in the field of Go, human beings are invincible!"

The old beauty of the world?

The guide quickly reminded Chen Hao in the earphones!

However, Chen Hao has not been so excited, and wherever they can still take care of these words, she can only use her voice to express her emotions!


Xuanwu Old Age Go Club.

A middle-aged man threw the game in his hand to the sky!

An old man trembled at the screen, tears!


"Zhang Yu won!"

"Victory is ours! It is ours!"


at home.

Mom yelled a sly!

Dad is too excited to be himself!

"My son won!"

"Small smashed the computer!"


Old Rao.

Yang Hao, a screaming shouting, heard the whole building!

"My brother won!!"

Rao Aiming rolled his eyes. "Is this kid really winning?"


Radio and television.

Wu Zeqing smiled and called the white secretary.

"Wu board?"

"At noon, I will treat you and ask everyone to eat."

"Ah, okay."


Old Yao family.

Yao Mi shouted: "Reverse defeat is victory! God!"

Yao Jiancai’s wife said: “Xiao Zhang really did it!”

"He is going to heaven!" Yao Jiancai was also stunned!


The live broadcast is still going on!

The scene was already in a mess. At the moment of the announcement of the results, the door to the war room was pushed away from the outside. The next moment, the people of the Chinese chess house rushed in, Wu Changhe, Li Qinqin, Dan Donghe, Li Yi, Liu Hong, everyone’s face is a surprise!

Zhang Hao got up and waved at everyone.

He was surrounded by excited crowds!

Wu Changhe asked aloud, "What is your definition?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "The big oblique, the demon knife, the big avalanche."

Dandong River: "What is the final play?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Call the zombie."

"A good zombie flow! A zombie flow!" Wu Changhe's voice was shaking and excited, and he couldn't stop laughing. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Li Qinqin said: "Xiao Zhang, you are awesome!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It was quite thrilling. I almost lost. Fortunately, I didn't make anyone shame."

Suddenly, it was in the live footage.

Hu Liang stepped forward to grab Zhang Wei!

Xu Wei immediately followed!

Tian Weiwei also rushed over!

A dozen young people raised Zhang Wei to their students, and I don’t know if they had discussed it early or temporarily.

Zhang Wei was shocked. "Hey, take a moment! Stay a little!"

The people, regardless of him, suddenly pushed him high!

Zhang Yu’s soul is flying, and everyone is shouting!

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

Throw high!

Catch it!

Throw high again!

Many professional players use their own way to express their excitement!


"We won!"

There are a few female chess players who are crying with tears in their eyes. They are really excited. They really don’t know how to describe their feelings at the moment. Perhaps only tears are the most sincere expression, they are the most direct Reaction! Many people are crying!

Even after watching the Dongdong River, the eyes are a little moist!

At this time, no one can control the mood!

Because this really can't be controlled, because it's really incredible!

Letter two nine paragraphs!

Park Youxi!

Xiang Rong!

One by one, Go is in front of artificial intelligence. Just when human beings are about to face a fiasco, Zhang Wei stood up and almost saved the game by himself. This kind of picture, let alone the world of them. People, the audience in front of the TV are boiling!

User screen!

Almost a piece of slaughter, the sky is quickly opened!

"Too cow - forced!"

"Zhang Hao, you are so handsome!"

"My grass, I didn't like him very much before. I started to turn the powder today! And it is iron powder!"

"It’s a face-lifting thing! I said that he is not so bully! Who is Zhang Wei? When did the goods have suffered losses? Also artificial intelligence? Also upgraded version? Upgraded and used for what! Not the same Was it swelled by the face? You look at the expressions of the old people!"

"Too bad!"

"It's so enjoyable!"

"I really have no one! Zhang Hao is too cow!"

"In the first five hundred years, after five hundred years, it is impossible for the entertainment industry to have another person like Zhang Wei!"

"Don't let peter tear China!"

"It’s still a good performance!"

"Idol! Zhang Wei is the idol of my life!"

"I want to learn Go!"

"Me too, suddenly I fell in love!"

"Although I don't understand Go, I watched the previous game and listened to the explanation on TV. I don't know how my tears will fall down! It's so exciting! Teacher Zhang is really the wealth of all mankind. He is! Otherwise, if you meet this kind of thing in the future, who can go up? Who can turn the tide like Zhang, who is not like this? No one has this ability! Are you saying that?"


"There is nothing wrong with this,"

"Yes, I won't marry him in the future!"

"I will rush to this man-machine battle, and I will support all the works of Zhang Wei in the future!"

"Today's teacher Zhang is too **** handsome!"

"Today's Zhang Wei is a hero in the world of chess!" (To be continued.)

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