I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1145: [How lonely is invincible! 】

Outside the chess court.

The sound of firecrackers suddenly started, and I don't know who set them off. The firecrackers were hung up one after another, and the sound of the firecrackers sounded like a Chinese New Year.

The shouts of the people could still be heard vaguely.

"Slap in the face!"

"Slap in the face!"

"Slap in the face!"

"Lao Mei, go home!"


The common people waiting at the door looked happy!


Zhang Ye's call was almost blown!

Big sister's phone:

"Brother! You are too fierce!"

"Haha, it must be!"

"I also want to learn Go, you teach me."

"Khan, you don't have this talent, forget it."

The phone number of second-line singer Xiaodong:

"You are amazing!"

"Haha, okay."

"Who do I think you can really win! We are all watching the live broadcast, I, Xiaoxian, everyone is stupid!"

More than a dozen calls!

Friends and relatives took turns to brush it again!

After hanging up the last call, Zhang Ye was also very happy. On a whim, he sang directly:

"How lonely is invincibility."

"How invincible is, how empty."

"On the summit alone, the cold wind keeps blowing."

"My loneliness, who can understand me!"

Zhang Ye sang more and more vigorously:

"How lonely is invincibility."

"How invincible is, how empty."

"She who is hiding in the sky, don't listen to me!"

"My loneliness!"

"Endless loneliness!!!"

Zhang Ye didn't even notice that there were a few reporters and cameras not far away, and he sang a song about the invincibility of his world!

Several reporters are silly!

The cameraman almost laughed!

What a shame!

This stuff is so terrible!

A middle-aged reporter suddenly looked at the camera and said loudly: "Is it recorded? Was the segment recorded just now?"

The camera was taken aback, and quickly checked it again, "Uh, it was recorded!"

"Great!" Several reporters were excited!

Regardless of your behavior, this is also Zhang Ye's new song!


All the people are here.

Zhang Ye was invited over, along with the people from the chess school and the staff from Lao Mei.

The press conference has begun. This is also the biggest press conference of the three games. Almost all the media that can come are here. It brings together all the mainstream media newspapers and television stations of the Republic, and there are also many Japanese and Korean reporters in it. There are also a few white reporters from Europe or the United States.

Countless reporters sat down and waited eagerly to ask questions. Some reporters couldn't even wait, they were already asking questions!

Shan Donghe pressed his hand, "Come one by one, okay?"

An assistant staff member of the chess institute pointed to a reporter who raised his hand.

The man got up and asked the people from the US, “If you lose, your artificial intelligence, which you claim can surpass human wisdom, didn’t win to the end. Then, do you now admit that the wisdom of machines is inferior to humans? Or, Do you still insist on thinking so?"

The U.S. person in charge said: "I insist that the future is the era of artificial intelligence. Today's failure is just a small failure on the long road. It is nothing. We are also very grateful to Professor Zhang for letting us know that human talents can still reach. At this point, this is something we haven't calculated before. In the later stage, we will continue the intelligent research and development! It will only become more powerful!"

Another reporter asked, "Will you challenge Professor Zhang again?"

The U.S. person in charge said with a deep face: "Yes, it will definitely happen. For example, the Chinese chess function we are currently developing, I believe we will never see you in a long time. Compared with surrounding, Chinese chess is also extremely difficult. Gao’s puzzle game, if it defeats humans in this respect, then"

He no longer mentions Go!

Lao Mei changed the topic to chess again!

The reporters were shocked and just about to ask questions, Zhang Ye spoke!

Zhang Ye deserves to be called the nickname of "Slap Face Zhang", and he pushed it up with a single sentence. He laughed and said, "Okay, I can actually play chess."

The person in charge of the old beauty fainted!

Several old American staff almost vomited blood!

I'm **** your second uncle!

How the **** you can do anything!

Why don't you die!

Why do not you go to hell!

As a result, the Americans became miserable at once, and did not even dare to mention chess in the following questions!

The reporter laughed!

Yu Yingyi was sitting there!

Li Qinqin and others couldn't help laughing. This Professor Zhang, there is really no one! But what he said is indeed no problem, everyone has seen Zhang Ye's chess level, very high!

Just when the scene is relaxed and cheerful.

A female reporter stood up and said, "Hello, I’m a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Teacher Zhang, today you have defended your honor on behalf of the Go world and played a stubbornly brilliant game that turned defeat into victory. It’s really a cold sweat for many people. Everyone I am also happy for you, you are indeed the most intelligent person in the world today!"

Zhang Ye smiled, "Thank you, I dare not be it."

The female reporter asked: "Everyone now says you are a hero, what do you think?"

Zhang Ye immediately shook his hand, putting away his previous smile, and said, "I'm not a hero, I really am not. There are many heroes in the Go world, and there are some that you see, and some that you can't see. Everyone here has a share. The dream, there is a sincere love for Go, that kind of feeling may not be understood by many people, and I used to be too, but after the contact with everyone in the chess school these days, I am particularly touched." He looked at the professional chess players "Here, there are people who have retired for many years and still care about the Go world, and come forward when the Go world is in trouble. Here, there are active young players who are still studying chess in the chess school at 1 o'clock in the morning. Some of them have been brilliant. Some of them have never been known to outsiders, but these people have supported the Go world step by step to this day. I think if you want to talk about heroes, they are heroes!"

Many reporters were taken aback.

Zhang Ye pointed to one person, "Shan Donghe, made his debut at the age of 16, and won the World Go Championship in 1984!"

Immediately, thunderous applause!

Shan Donghe got hot under his eyes, got up and bowed softly.

Zhang Ye pointed to the second person, "Wu Changhe, once the world's number one in Go, led the national team to the first historic three consecutive championships and retired in 1995!"

Wu Changhe sighed and got up and bowed.

There was applause off the court!

Zhang Ye said: "Zhao Hui, Go eight-dan, in the absence of a serious illness in the World Go Tournament teammates, one person picked the lead, and defeated the Japanese team. He won the winning game and retired in 1998!"

Zhao Hui's eyes were moist, holding back no tears, stood up, his waist straightened!

Zhang Ye said: "Li Qi, 7-dan of Go, once ranked in the top 20 in the world. He retired in 2005. After his divorce, he voluntarily served as a national team coach for more than ten years. In the past ten years, he has trained many professional players behind the scenes. Show off your style in the world arena! I haven't gotten a family so far!"

Li Qi took pride and stood up slowly!

Applause from below!

Before TV, Li Qi's ex-wife cried.

Li Qi's daughter could not cry, "Dad!"

Li Yi.

Xiang Rong.

Chen Ying.

Zhang Ye introduced one by one.

The reporters were all moved. When everyone stood up, they applauded with all their strength! Many names they hadn’t heard before, many names they didn’t know before, but listening to Zhang Ye’s introduction of each of them’s deeds, no reporter interrupted, no reporter showed impatient expressions, they were very moved. A few young reporters even felt a passionate emotion filled their hearts. Two female reporters even wiped the corners of their eyes involuntarily, and their hearts were full!


Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I played three games in the middle of a monk. It's really nothing. They are the real heroes in the Go world. Please applaud for them!"

The reporters all stood up with thunderous applause!

Seeing this scene, countless viewers in front of the TV were also moved!

Well said, really good!

They are the heroes!

No, you are all heroes!

Push a good book

The pinnacle of the school flower

High school student Lin Can obtained the magic gourd seeds brought by the sixth baby Lori in the gourd baby, and started the gourd planting system. The system is activated, the world is changed, there are no novels, songs, movies, and variety shows, no hot pot or tai chi, no spicy stinky tofu, no one dares to eat crabs and watch Lin Can write the legend of the Condor Heroes and become a writer, open the sea Lao hot pot restaurant became a gourmet expert and invented spicy stinky tofu to let foreigners! To be continued

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