I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1149: [World mathematics conjecture has been solved! 】

The next day.

early morning.

Funny than the chat group:

Xiaodong: "Ah, ah."

AMY: "Mr. Zhang is the first in the line? I rely!"

Li Xiaowei: "We only saw it! Is there such a big thing in the night?"

Chen Guang: "Yes, Zhang Wei's popularity is directly on the top."

Huo Dongfang: "Oh, I know this at night."

A director: "Congratulations to Xiao Zhang."

A famous actor, "Under the first line, Zhang Hao is already the first person!"

Ning Lan also came out, hate the teeth and tickle: "@张烨! Hurry out, don't sleep! Only the red envelope can comfort my injured heart!"

Xiaodong: "Hey, Ning Jie was overtaken."

The world also has red envelopes, but it has only slowly become popular in recent months. Although the specific interface and operation are not the same as the red envelopes on the earth, the concept is the same.

After Zhang Hao got up, he also saw the news in the group, smiled, and immediately sent a red envelope.


"The red envelope is coming!"

"Quickly grab!"

Everyone is busy!

Ning Lan received your red envelope!

Xiaodong received your red envelope!

Zhang Yuanqi received your red envelope!

It turns out that Zhang Yuanqi has been diving!

The red envelope was robbed in a few seconds, and everyone was angry!

Zhang Yuanqi: "Your sister!"

Ning Lan: "Your sister!"

Xiaodong: "Your sister!"

Huo Dongfang: "Your sister!"

AMY cried: "How come there are such awkward people!"

Li Xiaowei: "My traffic! Loss!"

Everyone has received a red penny!

Zhang Xiao smiled and typed: "Thank you all."

Zhang Yuanqi said: "The first person on the first line, even a big bag is not sent, I am not optimistic about you, huh, 宁兰, give him a job, get back your position!"

Xiaodong: "Ning sister, kill him!"

AMY: "Ning sister, kill him!"

Huo Dongfang: "Ning sister, kill him!"

A group of people copied and pasted, and they all felt that Zhang Wei was too embarrassed!

I was joking with everyone, and Zhang Hao’s mood was also good. These three months were the fastest outbreaks of others, entering the front line, struggling at the end, slowly reaching the middle, and suddenly went to the forefront, resulting in three games. After that, I suddenly found myself in the first line. It feels like dreaming. I originally set a goal for myself to enter the first-line star rating at the beginning of this year. Who would have thought that I would get such a brilliant result? Looking at it now, he seems to be only one line away from the super-line rating!

Of course, just think about it.

This one line is slightly bigger!

Zhang Wei is far from the throne of the super line. It is different from the first-line rating, and it is another different world and battlefield. For example, Ning Lan has actually got the first position in the first line, but only After taking it for three months, I didn’t keep the position, and I didn’t go any further, because it seems that it’s just a step, but this step is really too big, as if it’s separated by a cliff, there’s been a first-line time for a few years, and finally I haven't been able to take this step. I have changed Zhang Hao's position in this position. It is still a long way from the super line. Even Zhang Wei is not necessarily able to keep a few days in the first place!

The first line of the past and the second line of the current line have already surpassed him. Zhang Wei is only surpassing him with a particularly small popularity gap. This gap is quite small, maybe just a song, maybe just a half movie. Two microblogs can catch up!

Mom is already ready for breakfast.

Dad also bought a bunch of newspapers to come back.

Zhang Wei is speechless. "Buy so much?"

Dad put the newspaper on the table and said, "There is news from you."

Mom and Dad said: "My son is the first star of the first line, which newspaper dare not report! I must give my son the headlines!"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Where there are so many front pages, it is good to have an entertainment headline."

Today’s entertainment headlines are all Zhang’s. Except for a newspaper that may not be very good with Zhang Wei, the newspaper did not intentionally write him in the headline but moved it down. The entertainment pages of the rest of the newspapers can be opened. At first glance, I saw Zhang Wei’s color photos and headlines.

"Zhang Wei climbed the top line! 》

"In two years, Zhang Wei may have a hope to hit the first line? 》

"Zhang Wei has come out of an unusual way of popularity! 》

"Invincible" song swept through the major music charts! 》

"The first line, or just a flash in the pan?" 》

The family also turned over the newspaper while eating.

When the mother saw the last newspaper, she snorted: "What is a flash in the pan?"

Zhang Wei explained: "The people behind have caught up, and the gap is small."

The mother heard the words and said, "Then you hurry out of the work!"

Zhang Wei said: "Let's go with the flow. You can't make some work for this. It's too urgent to come. It's already beyond my expectations."

Dad nodded deeply. "My son is right, you can't be angry in order to increase your popularity."

Mom said: "Who is the family going to catch up with?"

"Catch up and catch up, big deal and then chase back." Zhang Xiao smiled.

Today, Zhang Wei is also a guy who has experienced a lot of battles in the entertainment circle. The small guns have also become old guns. They have seen more, experienced more, and people have settled before. A lot, although sometimes also jumped to the feet of the mother, but also when the anger is rushing to the crown, but that is the side of his character that can not be erased, the heart is still too much stability, at least speaking and doing things will not be so impatient. Some things can't be retired, but some things can't be rushed.

But the more he is not worried, the more things have progressed!

Just after Zhang Hao had just finished eating breakfast, the phone rang!

Caller ID: Pan Yang, Dean of the School of Mathematics, Peking University.

Zhang Wei picked up, "Hey, Pan, look for me?"

Dean Pan was a little excited, "Yes, yes!"

"What happened?" Zhang said.

When my parents heard it, they all looked over.

Dean Pan said loudly: "Good news for Tianda!"

Zhang Wei: "Oh?"

“Professor Zhang, I am now on behalf of the 'Dell Conjecture Argument Working Group' to officially inform you that the formula for conjecture arguments you gave, in the one-year research and analysis of many world mathematicians and mathematicians, all passed!” Long excited, the voice is dumb, "Dell guessed that you were solved! It was solved by the mathematicians of our Republic! You are not a world mathematician now! Your current identity can be said to be the world's top mathematician. One of them! You are great! Professor Zhang! You can glory for us!"


Finally verified?

Zhang Wei is also unable to sit still, "I am going to pass!"

"Good! Good! We are waiting for you!" said Pan Yuan: "The media has been notified at home and abroad, and a press conference will be officially held in the afternoon!"

On this day, Zhang Wei waited for too long!

On this day, Peking University waited too long, and the Republic waited too long and too long!

One of the most difficult mathematical conjectures in the world has finally been verified by the Republic’s mathematician Zhang Wei. This is definitely an extraordinary day for the world of mathematics. For Zhang Wei, it is definitely the most worthy of his life. One of the days of memory. At the moment when Dell suspected that it had not been confirmed, there was already an international mathematics award to find him. That is to say, even if there were any mistakes in the final verification, even if they did not pass, they would be willing to give this award, which also shows that Dell Guessing the status of the world of mathematics, I can see how difficult it is to convince. Today, dozens of world mathematics working groups have spent a year finally verifying success, which is also the reputation and prestige of Zhang Wei. A major upgrade, the world mathematician has become the world's top mathematician!

There are two more "top" words, but the meaning is different! The world's top mathematicians, those who used to be human wealth, are a legend of history, and today's Zhang Wei, will also embark on the most brilliant throne in mathematics!

Honored! !

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