I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1150: [Can you take a snack! 】

Genius 壹 记住 Remember to provide you with wonderful reading.

nine in the morning.

CCTV news live broadcast, Beijing news channel, Tianjin news broadcast, and so on, more than a dozen TV stations released a major news at the same time: "Insert a news, this reporter just received the news, once a sensation of world mathematics The debate on Dell's conjecture has made a major breakthrough. The Dell Conjecture Argument Working Group organized by the world's mathematics community has sent a news conference. It will hold a press conference at Peking University at 1:00 this afternoon. The subsequent content will be timely. Follow up and bring the latest developments to everyone!"

Did not say all.

Did not say through.

However, this is enough!

The ordinary people are not stupid, how can they still not understand?

I saw that on Weibo, I was swept by Zhang Wei’s army!


"Oh my God!"

"Zhang Hao's formula is solved?"

"Already confirmed?"

"Too cow - forced!"

"Mr. Zhang is really your mother into the world's top mathematician!"

"The world's top mathematician, has there been any history in the Republic? Was there only a few world mathematicians who came over with one hand? And they all passed away!"

"I don't know, I didn't distinguish this before, so I don't have this 'top' argument. After really saying this, the Republic should only have Zhang Hao to win this title. Now, all can solve the world's major mathematical conjectures. And the mathematics workers who have made outstanding contributions to the world of mathematics will be given the title of the world's top mathematician. This title can't run! The person who can have this title, the whole world is full and over forty people! The estimated life is over 20 people!"

“Too exciting!”

"Yeah, our country is also a figure in the mathematics world!"

"Mr. Zhang is going to be fire again!"

"Ha ha ha, he couldn't keep up with the first line, and he will soon be caught up. As a result, this is also a coincidence. Teacher Zhang can finally hold his foot! This time, he must also add A lot of popularity, I don’t know if I can open the popularity rating of international artists!"

"Wait for the press conference, now it’s just speculation!"

"I still guess what, the fools see it!"

"Yeah, or what press conference?"

“Congratulations to Zhang Wei!”

"This year is Zhang Xiaonian? Haha!"


Peking University.

The student has been on vacation, so the school should have no one.

However, when Zhang Hao drove in the past, when he first arrived at the school gate, he saw a group of happy people. He knew him and he didn’t know it!

When I saw the car coming, everyone was all around!

Zhang Hao got off the front foot, and the back foot was given a bear hug by Pan, especially hard. The Zhang Huan slammed back and saw that today's old Pan is particularly excited!

Pan Yangdao: "Congratulations!"

Zhang Hao nodded, "Thank you."

Han Henian also came up and embraced Zhang Wei. "Congratulations to Professor Zhang!"

This is Zhang’s former rival, but the past has disappeared. “Thank you, Teacher Han.”

Lao Wu’s girlfriend, Xinya, also stepped forward. “I’m not holding it, congratulations!”

"With hi." Zhang Xiao smiled.

Xinya smiled and said: "Who is happy with you, you are Peking University, I am Tsinghua."

Zhang Yule said: "Professor Xin, why are you still so narrow?"

Xinya rolled his eyes. "You can't spit out ivory in your dog's mouth. I didn't see that I was joking. You are on the summit. It's a tonic for the mathematics community of the Republic! Who is not happy for you?"

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you."

Over there, the British female mathematician Jennifer smiled forward and hugged him. "Congratulations, my Chinese-nation friend!"

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you, my British friend."

Wang Yiming.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

German young mathematician.

Zhang Wei, a French mathematician who had known him before.

Wait a minute, too much, all on the scene, all applauding for Zhang Wei!

"Zhang, you are too powerful!"

"Welcome to Germany as a guest!"

"My friend! You are a great mathematician!"

"Congratulations! I know your formula must be correct!"

There have been countless reporters around, and more and more, many reporters have received news on a temporary basis, and then rushed to the scene in advance, wanting to get first-hand news, the reporter also saw countless foreign faces, there are Day-Ben-People, Beauty-Country-People!

However, Zhang Wei did not receive an interview. The press conference was in the afternoon. Now, I can’t say anything more. I went to Peking University with Mr. Pan and other people, and stopped the reporter.

On the road.

Xin Ya said: "This year, but we are tired, we are okay, at least in the domestic capital, but many people in other countries have to fly two heads, a few days back home for a while, after a while I have to come back and continue to work. Today, if you say something about this meal, you can’t run anymore. You must give it back!”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "That must be, hard work everyone."

The French mathematician smiled and said in English: "Zhang, I heard that you are a big star in the Republic. My wife likes Ms. Zhang in your country. Ms. Zhang’s film is also very popular in our country. Can you help me? Want a signature? I think my wife will be very happy!"

Zhang Yan smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "No 啪 愣!"

French mathematician dumbfounded, "hat licking?"

Xinya is speechless and translates: "It means no problem."

The Russian mathematician is a strong man, and he laughs loudly. "Zhang, you still don't speak English. Your English is really bad!"

Everyone laughs.

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes. "Don't say me, you can't go anywhere."

The Russian mathematician laughed.

At this time, Wan Academician found him. "Professor Zhang, are you interested in coming to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Zhang Yan sweated a bit. "I was asked before."

"I know." Wan Academician sincerely said: "I heard that you refused, so I will invite you again."

Zhang Wei thought about it and smiled bitterly: "Let me consider it again."

Wan Academician had to say: "Yes, I am waiting for you."

There are a lot of people here, and Wan Academicians have not said much. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is an academic institution. Unlike those companies and TV stations, they can hold money and wave people to recruit people. When they want to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the most important point is their ability. The point is voluntary, this is hard to come by.


One p.m.

The press conference will be held on time!

A black and white press reporter has filled the scene, countless cameras set up live broadcast, countless camera flashes into one!

Zhang Wei sat in the middle of the podium.

Wan Academician, Pan Dean, Xin Ya, and the mathematics workers of those working groups are all on the sidelines!

In front of the TV, the audience can't wait!

"How many press conferences have been opened in Zhangye in the past few days!"

"In the past few days, the entire domestic news page has been screened by him!"

"Really hanging!"

"Quickly announce!"

"Yeah, wait!"

Zhang Wei’s parents looked at them early!

Zhang Yi’s relatives are also in front of the TV!

There are also Ning Lan, Xiaodong, Li Xiaoyu, Chen Guang Fan Wenli, Yao Jiancai, Zhang Yuanqi, Wu Changhe, Li Qinqin, Rao Aimin, Yang Lan...

Although I have already guessed the results!

Although I already know that there is no suspense!

But I don't know why, countless people are still eager to turn on the TV, and I want to hear it, I want to witness the arrival of this moment!

Mr. Wan was in the right microphone and announced aloud: "This morning, the argument of Dell's conjecture has come to an end. On behalf of the verification team, I officially announced that all the arguments and procedures of the Dell conjecture proposed by Professor Zhang Wei were verified and confirmed. ”

In an instant, the applause broke out!

The reporters of the Republic are desperately clapping!

Foreign media reporters also sent warm applause!

The applause was taken for a long time, and it took a minute to stop. Many foreign mathematicians stood up and gave Zhang Hao a thumbs up! In the past year, although Zhang Wei has rarely participated in the verification of conjectures, he was originally proposed by him. He is also not good at personal participation, but at least he will occasionally go to the foothold of the working group. Foreign mathematicians are mostly familiar with Zhang Wei. Even the two American-Chinese mathematicians who had been beaten before, have a very good relationship with Zhang Wei, so they spared no effort to send blessings. And congratulations!

It’s time to ask questions from reporters.

A US-National female reporter raised her hand.

Pan Yang, who presided over the meeting, valued her, "This lady."

The US-National female reporter asked: "Mr. David, may I ask why the verification of Dell’s conjecture has dragged on for so long? Is it a year?"

There are translations translated in Chinese.

The American-Chinese mathematician David clearly knows each other. "Ms. Danny, you may not understand the verification process of a mathematical conjecture. It is very cumbersome and meticulous, and Dell guesses differently from other mathematical conjectures. It is the most difficult solution in the world. One of the big guesses is that the workload is obviously bigger. Fortunately, the formulas and processes that Zhang provided for us are quite detailed, which greatly reduces our verification time. Otherwise, it will take a long time. Zhang is very good.” He looks Zhang Wei, "He is one of the youngest, most talented, and greatest mathematicians I have ever seen!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and nodded, thanked him.

Comrade David is very good!

Then countless reporters quickly raised their hands!

Pan Yang ordered a French reporter.

The French reporter said: "Professor Zhang, some people say that the verification of Dell's conjecture is a historic moment in the field of mathematics, and that you have saved the mathematics community of the Republic, so that the mathematics workers of the Republic have the opportunity to regain the attention of the world, as far as I know. In the world, there are already five or six new mathematics institutions or research projects. During this year, they have invited some mathematicians from the Republic to participate in the project. This is undoubtedly your contribution. I have interviewed before. A young mathematician, he said, you are a hero in the mathematics world. What do you think?"

This is indeed the truth. Recently, many international mathematics projects around the world have indeed invited many Republic mathematicians to say that if they are not led by Zhang Wei, the fools do not believe it!

Wan Academician looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei didn't want to, didn't want to, said directly: "I am not a hero, really not. There are many heroes in the mathematics world. You have seen them, and you can't see them. People here have a dream, and there is a pair. The sincere love of mathematics. It is said that the Republic has a number of predecessors in the field of mathematics, and later said that there will be countless young mathematicians in the Republic, leading the world. These predecessors, step by step, support the Republic’s mathematics community. Today, those who are about to emerge will step by step to lead the Republic of the mathematics community to go further. What am I? I don’t think anything, I think heroes, they are heroes!"

Translation is synchronous!

When the French reporter heard it, he immediately apologized and got up and applauded!

The German reporter next to him also clapped his hands!

The foreign mathematicians heard it and screamed more!

But the reporters of the Republic Republic are almost fainted to the ground!

Academician Wan: "...((%¥#¥#!!"

Pan Yang vomits blood!

Xinya also fell from the chair!

The audience in front of the TV is even more black!

In this case, how is this **** so familiar?

I was in the press conference after the man-machine war yesterday. What do you say is this set of words? And his mother seems to be the original words, I am going?

Everyone is dressed!

It’s really a five-body vote!

What is the occasion? This is a conference for the whole world!

Can you take a snack!

You can't take a snack, don't you feed! ? (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse m to read, a better reading experience.

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