I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1174: [Zhang Wei said the Olympics (on)]

the next day.

The fifth day of the Olympics.

Zhang Wei didn't sleep for almost a night. One person did his homework in the studio. He had a commentary on the previous Olympic Games in his ear. The desktop was full of the specific schedules and rules of various Olympic events. The referee's penalty standard, the world of the project. The record, the best results of the athletes, a few gold points, and so on, the thick hill-like information Zhang Hao had seen all the night, this is the studio people to help him temporarily collect Come over. If you want to comment on the Olympics on the live broadcast, it is definitely not possible without a foundation. This most basic homework, Zhang Wei, must be prepared beforehand. Since he took the job, he would not be unsure.

the phone is ringing.

It’s mom, "You didn't go home last night?"

Zhang Weidao: "Ah, the studio is busy."

Mom asked: "Don't call, will you come back later?"

"Let's talk about it at night, there are still things during the day." Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, let me talk to my dad, live at the Olympics in the afternoon, remember to watch."

Mom wondered: "What?"

Zhang Weidao: "Haha, you both know."

In the morning, Zhang Wei’s official Weibo also released a message.

Studio: Please watch the Olympic live broadcast in the afternoon on time, there are surprises.

Netizens don't know why.

"Olympic live broadcast?"

"What surprise?"

"I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"Advertise the Olympics? I heard that CCTV Sports Channel's ratings have dropped significantly in recent days. Several CCTV people are anxious. Several hosts also urge everyone to pay more attention to the Olympic Games. After all, this is our country's number one. Once held, the ratings are too low and the face is not good."

"Hey, who made this year's performance bad."

"Yeah, I didn't see it."

"I am still watching, support the Olympic athletes no matter how bad the results!"

"I don't know which studio is Zhangye?"

Everyone is in the fog.


Olympic venue.

Zhang Wei came to the live broadcast room of CCTV. The morning game was broadcasted. At noon, the staff were eating lunch. Some people also watched the manuscript while preparing for the afternoon game.

"Ying Yi." Zhang Hao greeted.

Yu Yingyi, who took the box lunch, looked up. "Come on? Have you eaten?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "No."

Yu Yingyi immediately said to the side: "Give Mr. Zhang a copy."

A staff member was busy bringing a box of lunch to him.

"Thank you." Zhang Wei did not have anything to say. He took the chair and sat down to eat it. He ate it with relish.

Everyone in the house is watching Zhang Wei. For this legendary figure, many of them have seen it for the first time, and they have seen him a few more times.

Yu Yingyi also stared at him. "You can eat a box lunch with such a big wrist?"

Zhang Yule, raised the rice in his hand. "Is there anything I can't eat? You have a good meal. When I recorded "The Tip of the Tongue" in the foreign country, I didn't even have this. Rice, the cake is harder than one, and you can't swallow the mineral water. Oh, you have to eat this lunch. If you go out with our shooting team, it is estimated that you will starve half."

Yu Yingyi laughed. "I thought you have always been pampered."

"Get it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "The net has suffered in the past few years."

At this time, the leadership of CCTV Sports Channel came.

Leader and Yan Yue, "Mr. Zhang, this time depends on you."

Zhang Wei took the box lunch with his left hand and shook hands with him in his right hand.

Then they simply exchanged information about their work.

The leader asked, "Is Xiao Yu talking to you? Is the work familiar?"

Zhang Weidao: "Almost."

Another leader, Khan said: "Don't be like Teacher Zhang, we all point to you to pull the ratings. You have never been a host of sports events before, so many things on the basis are a problem." He quickly took out a big one. Stack the file, "This is the situation of the afternoon game and related data. Who is the last gold medal, what is the best result in the world, and it is written on it. You should hurry and see if it is wrong."

When Zhang Hao took it, he returned the document to him again. "No, I have already backed up all the information and data of the Olympics."

Yu Yingyi stunned, "How do you back?"

"Just so back." Zhang Wei said: "I am the host, never need a draft."

The people around me are also staring at Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei does not need a manuscript. CCTV people know that this is not a program. This is an Olympic game. The data involved is too much and too detailed. Who can remember all the names of foreigners? Yu Yingyi's professional sports commentary will not work!

Yu Yingyi does not believe in evil: "Who is the world record for women's hammer?"


"A few meters?"

"81 meters 05."

"Who is the best result of this year's men's pole vault?"

"Robert, 6 meters 10."

"Women's balance beam, who is the eleventh in the world?"

"Day-this player, Waishan Suizi."

Someone dare not hurry to check it out!


"which one?"

"I rely!"

"It’s really a mountain tassel!"

The bird is silent.

Yu Yingyi called out: "Are you all back down?"

Everyone saw a ghost-like look at Zhang Wei, carrying a few world record holders or the best results of this year, this is justifiable, because this is the top and most concerned, but you mom you Even the eleventh person in the world of women's balance beam remembers clearly? Your memory is also very good!

Zhang rubbed his shoulder and finished the last few lunches. "Otherwise, you thought that I didn't sleep at night, why are you going? I am a professional host, don't doubt my professional skills."

Yu Yingyi can't smile. "But you are too professional! I am amateur?"

Someone is served at the place!

The leader gave a thumbs up. "Professor Zhang really deserves a good name. It is the smartest person in the world in the past 100 years. It is really long-sighted today. Before we were worried about your strangeness to the live broadcast of sports, it seems that we are more worried. Professional is professional, amazing!"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Don't, I just take the money to do things. Since I have received the work, I will definitely do it well. You can rest assured that you can ask for any explanations."

The leader nodded and said: "The previous Olympic live broadcast may be too old-fashioned, too traditional. Now the audience's requirements are getting higher and higher, and the things they like are not the same as before. We analyze this is in addition to the results of our delegation. Other reasons for the decline in ratings, such as the poor, please come here, we also want to make some changes and try to see if there are some changes in the commentary."

Zhang Yan said, "I understand."

Invited Zhang Wei to serve as the Olympic commentary. The CCTV Sports Channel took a lot of risks. They almost met for a whole day and finally made this decision! This is a bold attempt, and how effective is this attempt? No one knows now!

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