I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1175: [Zhang Wei said the Olympics (middle)]


The live room is ready.

CCTV Sports invited professionals also arrived, is the former National Table Tennis Team women's Grand Slam winner - Bao Han. Has been retired for many years.

"Bao Jie." Yu Yingyi nodded.

Bao Han smiled and said: "Mr. Yu."

The two have worked together many times and are very familiar.

However, when Bao Han saw another person sitting in the live room, he was blinded. Obviously, she knew each other and could not know it. How many people in the famous Zhangye did not know him? But Bao Han obviously does not know that Zhang Wei is also on the scene today. These former athletes come to explain, in fact, they are guest appearances. Sometimes she goes on, sometimes others, may also temporarily change people, not fixed, so for the CCTV sports channel internal commentator changes and some things, she Not knowing. It is estimated that CCTV Sports is not very embarrassed to tell her, after all, the shock of the Zhangye VS sports world that shocked the country, the initial fuse is the table tennis team.

Zhang Hao nodded to her.

Yu Yingyi quickly said: "Today we are going to take the team."

Bao Han snorted and looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei also looked at her.

Bao Han smiled and went up to reach out. "Hello, Professor Zhang."

"Hello." Zhang Wei also got up and shook hands. "There is still more than half an hour. Let's get to know each other and communicate with each other? It will be a good time."

Bao Han said: "I know you very well."

Zhang Hao snorted, "Is it?"

"Yeah, the trick is still on Weibo." Bao Han smiled.

Zhang Weidao: "Ah? Is there?"

Yu Yingyi is drinking water, almost squatting, "cough!"

Bao Han reluctantly said: "Yes, when you were in the Chinese New Year, we went to the sports world. We went to the hundreds of people. The result is that you have never been alone, so we said that we are not the first time to deal with, the original You don’t know what it’s like to give us a bunch of people’s popularity, but forget it, the previous things will not be mentioned, just rush to the 'God’s foot’ on the first day of the Olympics opening, and all kinds of past write-offs, One foot is really too deflated! You passed us once, and gave us a pot and a flattened." Then I remembered that this was the live room, saying: "Ah, the lens is not open?"

The camera laughed: "No."

Bao Han is not very good looking, but his temper is very interesting.

Yu Yingyi was really afraid that the two of them would meet and fight, it seems to be a false alarm.

"Then we are right words?"

"it is good."

The two whispered together.

Zhang Wei did not participate, he had no words at all.


Time is coming.

Mom turned on the TV, "Come on."

Dad said: "What does the son mean?"

"Who knows, let us watch the live broadcast in the afternoon." Mom said.

Dad snorted. "Look at it."


Old Yao family.

Yao honey shouted: "Get started!"

Yao Jiancai asked: "What competition in the afternoon?"

"Table tennis, women's quarter game." Yao Midao.

Lao Yao’s wife said, “That’s boring, definitely winning.”

"That must be seen." Yao Midao: "Everyone thinks so, and no one can see it. The Beijing Olympics is much worse."

Yao Jiancai said: "Okay, look!"


Big family.

I haven't started school yet, and my three sisters are getting together.

"Wow, it's over."

"Look at the Olympics!"

"Today is table tennis."


at the same time.

Many people have turned on the TV.

Someone took the mobile phone traffic on the subway to watch the live broadcast.

Someone secretly opened the website to watch the Olympics.

Of course, there are also many people who don't pay much attention to today's events. They think there is no suspense or a final, so the attention is not so high.

The live broadcast started!

After a piece of music, the camera cut into the live room.

Yu Yingyi appeared on the screen. "Hello everyone, here is the Olympic live broadcast room. I am Yu Yingyi. In five minutes, I will start the women's table tennis quarterfinal. The world's second-ranked Chinese player Sun Linlin is ranked 13th in the world. Day - the player Citigroup."

An opening commentary, there is nothing different from the previous one.

However, the following introduction made the audience sitting in front of the TV stand out!

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "First of all, let us introduce today's guests, everyone knows, Bao Han."

The lens is given to her.

Bao Han waved, "Hello everyone."

Yu Yingyi said: "Then we will be our new commentator, and the famous host who will partner with me during the Olympic live broadcast - Zhang Wei."

Everything is shot.

Zhang Wei’s smiling face appeared. “The audience is good.”

Mom is stunned at the TV, "Little!"

Dad is also amazed, "It’s a small sister!"

The big sister called: "Ah!"

Three sisters: "My brother! My brother is on TV!"

Yao Jiancai: "What?"

Yao Mi is excited to die. "Mr. Zhang is the Olympic commentary?"

Lao Yao’s wife sat down. “This is interesting! I will also look at it!”

Online is also crazy!

"how come?"

"I am relying on me to be wrong?"

"How could Zhang Wei go to be a commentator?"

"He was the host!"

"But this is a sports commentary, he hasn't done it!"

"Is his relationship with the sports world not very stiff? How can I ask him to go? And still explain table tennis?"

"This is too exciting!"

"Let's see you soon, Zhang Wei wants to explain the Olympics to my God!"

"real or fake?"

"Really! Live broadcast!"

"No wonder Zhang Zhang Studio sent such a Weibo!"

"Mr. Zhang has taken a new job!"

"This work is too big! Surprise!"

"Rely, go see!"

"I'm coming!"

"Zhang Wei's face must be given!"

One pass and ten hundred pass.

The media was surprised!

Netizen was surprised!

Everyone was shocked by the appearance of Zhang Wei!

Originally, many viewers who were not ready to watch the afternoon games also opened the TV. This is the appeal of a first-line star. There is no need to say anything. It’s just a face, just put his name on top. It will be able to attract countless eyes first. This is one of the reasons why CCTV Sports should take the opportunity to ask Zhang Wei to explain. This first-line star is equivalent to the ratings! Of course, as for whether you can hold the audience and you can keep the audience for a long time, it depends on the ability of the explanation.

The attention is soaring!

Everyone wants to see what Zhang Wei’s comment is different from others!

In fact, even the CCTV Sports Channel people want to know that several leaders and many staff members of the camera are also watching the live broadcast.

The picture was cut to the scene.

Yu Yingyi said: "Okay, the game is starting."

Bao Han explained: "Sun Linlin seems to be in a good state today."

"Is it?" Zhang asked.

Bao Han said: "It is very exciting to see her, and my body is very relaxed."

Zhang Wei said: "That will keep us waiting."





Sun Linlin took the first game in just four minutes!

too fast!

It's too easy!

Yu Yingyi said: "Good!"

Bao Han smiled and said: "Sun Linlin is in a good state."

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "The first time I explained, I was ready to show my face for an hour. Is this going to solve the battle in twenty minutes?"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Now the Chinese table tennis team has no opponents at all."

Zhang Wei said: "There are still opponents."

“Hmm?” Yu Yingyi said, “Which opponent is there?”



Bao Han also looked at Zhang Wei and didn't know what he was going to say.

Zhang Wei looked at them strangely and said: "Isn't it obvious? The Chinese table tennis national team has only one opponent, that is, the ITTF. From high throwing to red and black, to changing the ball. The size, then to the 21-point system to change the 11-point system, is to create difficulties for the Chinese team, but it seems that it is not useful, I do not know what the mop will be in the ITTF."

Bao Han: "Hey!"

Yu Yingyi was also amused.

Audience in front of the TV:

"Ha ha ha!"

"The opponent is only the ITTF?"


"As a paragraph, this product is too professional!"

The second game has already begun.

Yu Yingyi: "Sun Linlin serves."

"Not good, mistakes." Bao Han said: "The quality of this ball is not good."

Citigroup took a beat and got a score.

However, Zhang Wei is screaming, "Beautiful!"

Bao Han fainted: "Ah?"

Yu Yingyi said: "Where are you, Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Wei said: "Of course I am the Chinese team."

"That person wins a point, you still say beautiful." Yu Yingyi speechless.

As a result, Zhang Yi’s words made everyone speechless. “Because of this, I hope that the Chinese team will lose a few more balls, which will give players in other countries an illusion that they can win, otherwise it’s really like this. Going on, I am afraid that the Olympic Games will cancel the table tennis project in the future!"

Camera laughs!

Bao Han laughs!

The audience is also happy!

"Ha ha ha!"

"Served this product!"

"This is a tease!"

"Are you really saying this?"

Soon, the whole game is over.

Sun Linlin won, she raised the racket to celebrate!

Bao Handao: "Linlin is very happy."

Zhang Wei gave a sentence, "Yes, I am not excited at all, but I have to pretend to be very happy. Otherwise, the opponent is too embarrassed. Sun Linlin is an excellent athlete. I know how to think about my opponent. I think this. It is the spirit of the Olympics. This is the spirit of sports. Today, the whole world should remember this athlete named Sun Linlin. This action of celebrating is really touching!"

Bao Han: "..."

Yu Yingyi: "..."

Are people really happy?

Where do people have this meaning, ah!

Touch your sister!

Where did your mother know that it was moving!

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