I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1177: [Zhang Wei said that the Olympics (中中中)]

The next day.


The Chinese delegation has won 13 gold medals. In the finals of several projects last night and this morning, Chinese athletes have amazing swings. Several gold medals are expected, and several gold medals are unexpected. Surprise outside, the host's Olympic advantage finally showed. The good results of these two days have also made the people of the whole country very excited and the enthusiasm for watching the Olympic Games is even higher.


Hey loudly: "Hurry up and turn on the TV."

Grandpa reluctantly said: "I haven't started yet."

"It’s going to be fast, open it first, don’t miss it.” He hurried.

The mother smiled and turned on the TV and broadcasted it to CCTV Sports.

The three sisters also came around.

"Sweet, don't squeeze!"

"I am sitting in front!"

"Oh, you are a little mischievous."

"My brother explained, I am waiting for a day!"

"Gua Zizi? I want to eat melon seeds."

Today is the weekend, the family is rare to gather once, but it is watching the Olympics.

Old Yao family.

Yao Mi gathered a group of classmates to come to the house, both of which were from Beijing University.

"Get started soon."

"Honey, your father? I want to sign."

"He went to the commercial show, what should he do with his signature? Let’s see our teacher Zhang. Did you read yesterday? Hahahaha, it’s so funny!”

"Looked at it!"

"Can you not see it, hey!"

"Mr. Zhang is too powerful!"

"That is, that is our teacher!"

"I don't know how Zhang will explain today."

At the moment, the same scene is born in many places.

Countless people in China are very much looking forward to today's game. One is that today's game is more eye-catching. Secondly, there is Zhang Jie, a commentator who does not follow the routine!


Live broadcast begins!

The Olympic live broadcast in the afternoon is open!

Today is the final of the men's 10-meter platform!

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Hello everyone, the game is about to begin. Let's introduce today's guest commentator, my old classmate Zhang Wei, and the former Chinese diving champion Li Yang."

Zhang Weidao: "Hello everyone."

Li Yang is somewhat cautious. "The audience is good."

Yu Yingyi said: "Today's game, Chen Xing can not defend the champion is a big point of view. If you can win this gold medal, Chen Xing will realize the Olympic Triple Crown in this project."

Zhang Wei rationally said: "In fact, everyone has been paying too much attention to the gold medal. The Olympics have been down hot. It is because the gold medal is too small. I don't think it is necessary. Every athlete on the court has paid a lot, each piece. Medals, every good result, every wonderful moment, I think it is worth applauding, this is the best aspect of sports."

Li Yang immediately said: "Yes, I think Professor Zhang’s words are very good."

The game is over.

Players from all over the world will continue to compete for this gold medal!

When the Australian player appeared on the scene, there was a major mistake. After the run-up, he did not step on the position, resulting in insufficient space for half-empty space, and the surface was photographed horizontally!


Loud noise!


Yu Yingyi said: "Hey, the Australian player has made a mistake!"

Li Yang frowned: "No, the final game is rarely such a low-level mistake, and Australian players seem to be in a bad state today."

The US-National player played and actually jumped!

When I entered the water, I was inadvertently, and the water flower actually picked up two meters!

After the American athlete swims ashore, he is also shaking his head with a black face!

Li Yangdao: "What happened today? Everyone is not in the state?"

Yu Yingyi was also surprised: "This scene is really rare."

Li Yangdao: "To Chen Xing, the first jump is a standard action."

Yu Yingyi: "Okay, perfect jump!"

“Very good!” Li Yangdao: “Chen Xing should be ranked first, this score will not be bad.”

Zhang Wei has never interrupted his words. His moderator's commentary style is not the kind of thing that has nothing to do with two sentences, but does not say that it is an amazing one!

Score it out!

Yu Yingyi stunned, "What? So low?"

Li Yang also said: "What is going on? This score is too low. It is definitely not the score that Chen Xing should get. What happened to the referee group? Hey, there are three referees who gave low scores and removed two. There is also a low score that has been recorded, which is why Chen Xing scores low! If so, Chen Xing is ranked third after the first jump? This is incredible!"

Those referees did not know which country they were, obviously it was lowering the scores of Chinese players!

Netizens are picking up.


"Come back?"

"What are you doing!"

"This is a two-force! Hey?"

"It is obviously a high score!"

"How can Teacher Zhang not talk!"

Yu Yingyi seems to have heard the voice of the netizen. She asked, "What does Professor Zhang think?"

Zhang Wei said: "I am very touched."


Also Nima moved?

Yesterday after the table tennis match, you are also moved by a celebration. You are so touched by you! What can you touch, tell me!

Li Yang stupidly said: "What are you moving?"

The audience in front of the TV also squinted their ears.

I only listened to Zhang Wei and said: "The most touching thing for this Olympic Games is not the athletes who still struggle with the medals, but the referees who are blind and still stick to their jobs!"

Yu Yingyi: "Hey!"

Li Yang almost smiled!

The audience stunned and then burst into laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Do you lose your eyes?"

"Hey, my grass is too bad!"

"Good job! Hahahaha!"

"Hello me!"

"On the most poisonous mouth in the world, I am **** to serve Zhang Wei!"

"The monks don't have dirty words!"

Next, Zhang Wei opened a series of face-playing modes, and this has completely entered the state of a commentator.

Several foreign players have made mistakes!

The Chinese players still maintain a high level, and the second jump is perfect again. This time the referee gave a high score and both low scores were crossed!

The third jump.

The fourth jump.

Chen Xing leads the way, no more suspense.

Every foreigner’s mistakes, Zhang Hao is shouting loudly!

Zhang Wei said: "Looking at the Chinese players diving is not interesting. There is no wave in the water. You look at the Australian players. Look at the Korean-National players. Look at the American-National players. When they enter the water, they will be like a wild boar. This looks more enjoyable!"


“Amazing waves?”

"The wild boar crosses the river?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Let me laugh for ten minutes!"

"This goods is too vengeful!"

"I like this eclectic commentary!"

On this day, Zhang Hao once again took out the various Olympic segments of his earth! (To be continued.) 8

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