I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1178: [Zhang Ye talks about the Olympics (Part 2)]

The seventh day of the Olympics.

Table tennis team finals.




Yu Yingyi applauded: "Okay, the score is 1:0!"

Bao Han is here again as a guest guest, "Just follow this momentum, no problem!"

Yu Yingyi said: "Our national football is still as strong as ever, it's really beautiful."

Zhang Ye said: "Now many foreigners have demonized our table tennis. Oh, the camera shows a pair of foreign father and son, they are whispering something."

Yu Yingyi subconsciously said: "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Ye said: "The kid must ask again:'Dad! What kind of sport is table tennis?' His father touched his head and told him:'Silly boy, table tennis is not a sport, it is a Chinese spell. '"

Yu Yingyi: "..."

Bao Han: "..."

Zhang Ye said: "We always said that the 1.3 billion Chinese cannot find 11 who can play football. We are too much. Look abroad, more than 6 billion people cannot find 4 who can play table tennis."

Yu Yingyi: "Puff!"

Bao Han smiled and said: "Because our training system is relatively complete, the current national players have been trained since childhood. Every step is very hard. They have persisted in training that ordinary people can't. So now they are standing at the best in the world. At the top, the last laugh."

competition is over!

Three to zero, easy to win!

Yu Yingyi said: "It's over."

"Congratulations to the Chinese team, it's great!" Bao Han looked a little excited.

"It's time for the reporter to interview and award ceremony." Yu Yingyi smiled: "Congratulations to the Chinese team for resisting the pressure and standing on top of the world again. Happy for them. They should be able to relax for a while after this game."

Zhang Ye said, "That won't work."

Yu Yingyi: "Huh?"

Zhang Ye said: "There will be more difficult matches behind."

Bao Han was stunned: "Nothing, singles and groups are over."

"Yes." Yu Yingyi said: "We won the Olympic table tennis champions. What more difficult matches are there?"

Zhang Ye looked at them and said, "After they come back, they have to fight for a national championship."

Yu Yingyi: "..."

Bao Han: "..."

National champion!

Co-authoring the Olympics is the warm-up match!

But what Zhang Ye said was so reasonable, Yu Yingyi and Bao Han couldn't refute it!


The eighth day of the Olympics.

Archery arena.

Yu Yingyi said: "What's the matter? South Korea appealed!"

The former female archery contestant said: "Reshoot?"

Yu Yingyi said: "This is another mistake!"

The former female contestant said: "What? Going to appeal again?"

Zhang Ye said: "In the archery arena of this Olympic Games, an event called'Appeal' was born. The South Korean team has the absolute ability to win the championship in this event!"

Yu Yingyi: "Puff!"

"Oh my God, the Chinese team won!"

"Won, we are champions!"

"Unbelievable, the men's archery team created Olympic history!"

"Captain Wu Yun is very excited! Oh, he took off his shirt and the vest inside! Roar to the sky!"

"The South Korean team protested, and did they appeal again? Oh, what they appealed to was the action of the Chinese team to undress!"

The two of Yu Yingyi followed each other.

Zhang Ye said directly: "What's wrong with taking off your clothes and celebrating? Can't you get excited? Make a fuss, if you win, you have to take off your pants!"

Take off your pants.

Yu Yingyi fainted!


The ninth day of the Olympics.

Men's 10,000-meter long-distance race final.

"it has started."

"There is an interesting thing. We saw that among the Canadian team players, there are three identical people who are triplets brothers."

Zhang Ye said, "Then we are in danger."


Zhang Ye said: "If these three people run for a period of time, we will have no hope for the championship."

Yu Yingyi: "..."


The tenth day of the Olympics.

Swimming final scene.

Yu Yingyi: "The camera is in the rest area, and Chinese player Sun Qi is warming up."

Zhang Ye said, "Why hold something like a wheel? Oh, Sun Qi is going to make trouble."


What do you think!

Yu Yingyi said: "Professor Zhang, that is a warm-up tool."

Zhang Ye said: "The camera is here, look at the man sitting with his work permit."

Yu Yingyi said: "Who is that?"

Another commentator said: "That's a lifeguard."

Zhang Ye said, "His expression on his chin is a bit lonely. I guess he must be thinking about life at this time: "What is the meaning of my existence?"

Yu Yingyi: "Puff!"

Game start.

"Come on!"

"Too intense!"

"Come on for the Chinese team!"


"Gold Medal! Gold Medal!"

"Sun Qi is good! Good!"

Yu Yingyi and the other commentator were so excited that they almost jumped up.

ten minutes later.

The national anthem sounded and the awards ended.

Sun Qi was very excited while biting the gold medal. Suddenly, he walked off the podium, trot to an area, hugged the coach, hugged his teammates, and then the camera showed that he seemed to have received something from his teammate, and I couldn't see clearly, the object resembling a small box, then strode forward.

Yu Yingyi was stunned, "What is Sun Qi going to do?"

Professional swimming commentator: "Hey, where is it?"

In the next moment, everyone will understand!

I saw Sun Qi walk up to a woman, hung the gold medal on her neck excitedly, then knelt on one knee, opened the small box, revealing a diamond ring!

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "It's a marriage proposal!"

The female swimmer Li Xiaoxiao, the bronze medalist of the women’s 400 meters in the last Olympic Games, Sun Qi and Li Xiaoxiao’s love relationship is no longer a secret, the public basically knows it, but no one thought that Sun Qi would actually win the gold medal. Proposing to his girlfriend is still in the Olympic Games or under the live broadcast!

Li Xiaoxiao covered her mouth in astonishment, and cried at once!

Yu Yingyi was also happy for them, "This scene is so warm!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Li Xiaoxiao agreed, and Sun Qi put a diamond ring on her!"

"Great, bless them!" Yu Yingyi said.

Zhang Ye suddenly said: "Their combination has solved a world problem for mankind."


Yu Yingyi was taken aback, "What world problem?"

Zhang Ye said: "Who will save your mother and daughter-in-law if they fall into the water?"

Yu Yingyi laughed!

The camera and staff in the live room laughed!

The audience in front of the TV heard the words, and they all leaned forward and backward!


After the Olympics for a few days, the people were confused by Zhang Ye’s commentary. It was obviously a fierce competition, and it was obviously a very exciting scene. As a result, every time Zhang Ye suddenly came out with a comment, it was able to Take the atmosphere to another road!



"Oh, I can't do it!"

"Teacher Zhang, I really take it!"

"It's so funny! I'm so happy!"

"This commentary is **** god!"

"I like Teacher Zhang so much!"

"The Olympics are coming to an end, and Zhang Ye is getting more and more reluctant. Can you invite Zhang Ye to explain in future sports games? If Zhang Ye is a commentator, even if it is to explain Chinese football, I **** watch it! "

"Yes, I watch it too!"

"It's so amazing, wherever this product goes, it is the protagonist!"

"In the future, his resume will have to add the title of a famous sports commentator!"

The audience ratings of the Olympic live broadcast continue to hit new highs!




It turned out to be 54.3% in the end!

In addition to the credit of the Chinese Olympic delegation, Zhang Ye was able to create this fabulous ratings. He also played a very important role in it!

The domestic media also praised it!

"The Chinese delegation won 25 gold medals! 》

"Zhang Ye's commentary was unanimously recognized by the public! 》

"Zhang Ye added a different landscape to the Olympic Games! 》

"The Birth of a National Snooker!" 》

"An official of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee said: I also hope to see Zhang Ye in the commentary booth at the next Olympic Games! 》

"Olympic ratings set a record! 》

"Zhang Ye's domestic popularity has skyrocketed again! 》


[PS: Push the book]

"The Extraordinary Soldier King"

Author: difficult 8

Hidden Dragon, China's strongest troop, and Longya is the strongest Hidden Dragon.

The ultimate goal of every soldier is to become a hidden dragon tooth.

Deceive my brother, kill!

Those who insult my loved ones, kill! !

Those who offend me, kill them! ! !

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