I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1189: [Please let us sing this last song! 】

The police car stopped urgently.

Because of the police calling the group, the police station dispatched three cars.

A policeman got out of the car, looked at the wailing person, and then looked at the familiar faces in the distance and ran into the car, a little unresponsive.


Teacher Dong Shanshan?

Teacher Zhang Wei?

And CCTV that Yu Yingyi?

gang war? Let's film it? Is Zhang Wei finally going to enter the film and television industry?

The police are speechless. "Who is reporting the police? What is it?"

"Ambulance! Ambulance!" The fat man screamed in his stomach.

The policeman gave him a look. "Oh, don't call, which of your crew?"

Fat man: "..."

The surrounding people: "..."

The policeman said: "Get up, the director is gone, what are you doing? Is it so hard? Are you quite good at playing, playing in the middle of the show?"

A bunch of beaten people were blown up!

Hey, someone even spit out a broken front tooth!

The policeman stunned.

The people who got off the bus are also stunned!

"I rely!"

"Not a filming!"


"Get on the bus, chase!"


Zhang Hao drove crazy!

Dong Shanshan also opened a car in front, faster than him!

Liu Tie wows, "Catch up!"

Yu Yingyi exclaimed: "Quickly open!"

Zhang Yan asked when he opened the door. "When does the welcome party start?"

"It has already started!" Xiaoqian said.

Yu Yingyi added: "Our show is the finale, catch up!"

Zhang Xiao laughed and said: "Well, I have settled on it!"

Hu Feifei is crying. "Zhang, you still laughed? We have a big disaster this time, and we have a big disaster." She looked at the police car in the rearview mirror and broke her heart. Self-blame: "I blame me, I blame me for putting you tired. I knew I wouldn’t come to you! What should I do now?"

Wang He is also in their car.

Wang He was worried after the impulse. He said: "I don't care if I have a small anchor. If I can't leave it for a few days, what can I do? Zhang Wei, Shan Shan and Ying Yi are different!"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "If you can't do it, start over again!"

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "Say well, big deal will start again!"

Hu Feifei hurriedly said: "But you..."

Zhang Wei interrupted: "Hu Feifei, I will ask you, it is not fun?"

"... enjoyable!" Hu Feifei gritted.

Zhang Wei asked again, "Is it out?"

Hu Feifei also smiled, "Unwind!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Haha, this is not the case! It is more important than anything else. What other people do with him! Who loves his mother? Who is this, Feifei, you have a good smile, and let the buddy see the university. Your eyes are higher than the top, yes, keep it! Let’s be the Hu Feifei, who is all over the place, is not a good bully!”

Hu Feifei can't smile. "You don't swear at me. You use this adjective. Are there any good words?"

Yu Yingyi said: "He has always been so hurt!"

Xiaoqian glanced at her shoulder. "Fifi, go back and divorce him!"

Yu Yingyi said: "Yes, we all support you! Have us!"

Hu Feifei took the courage and nodded hard, "Good!"

She looked at Yu Yingyi, looked at Xiaoqian, looked at Zhang Wei, unconsciously, Hu Feifei picked up her mouth and her eyes were red again.

Today is the most happy day of her graduation!

Still good classmates!

Still old guys!

Thank you, thank you!

Zhang Wei: "Sit steady, accelerate!"

Wang Hedao: "Run!"

Yu Yingyi: "GOGOGO!"

In this tense moment, Xiaoqian began to sing loudly, and the mood seemed to be good. "Run forward! Face cold eyes and laugh at..."

The people in the first few cars are also fleeing!

The old king was scared: "What to do! What to do!"

Ma Xufei: "Ah? Zhang's car?"

Dong Shanshan glanced at the rearview mirror. "They went to the police, let's hurry up, all the schools gathered, the song must be sung!"

He Kui slams off the road: "Fir Shan, you didn't do it anyway, you don't go with us. When the car arrives, you run, the police catch people and we stand!"

Dong Shanshan said: "What is the name that is said! Everyone who commits things together must be together!"

"it is good!"

"Let's top!"

"Blessed are the same, there are difficulties!"

In front.

The Communication University is here.

Several cars rushed into the door and rushed into the door.

The security guards are watching, I don’t know what happened!

Zhang Wei took a circle with the police. He was the last one to come in. The window had already shook. He went to the gate and was a sudden brake. After shouting at the guard, he had a policeman behind me. Delayed, thank you big brother!"

The guard looked at Zhang Wei and suddenly said: "Professor Zhang? Good! I know!"


Why are there police officers?

He did not ask much, and quickly closed the door!

Zhang Wei is a graduate of their Communication University and an associate professor at their school. They don’t have to ask, they must be helping their own people!

Another guard came out blankly. "What's wrong? Why close the door?"

The old guard said: "Don't ask, go, let's die!"

The young guard is dumbfounded: "Pretend to die?"

The old guard: "Let's stay in the toilet, no one will open the door. Professor Zhang Wei is sure to cause a big deal again. Let's help him drag it for a while!"

Young guard: "Hey? Zhang Wei? I understand!"

Outside the auditorium.

Dong Shanshan and others have been waiting anxiously!

"What about people?"

"How come yet?"

"Call Zhang!"

"Is it caught?"

"Come on, the welcome will be over!"

More than ten people have turned around!

The sound of the engine is getting closer!


"It’s Zhang’s car!”


BMW stopped!

Zhang Wei and Yu Yingyi Hu Feifei several people rushed off the bus!

Dong Shanshan shouted: "Zhang Er!"

Zhang Hao yelled, "Run up!"

Wang Hedao: "Go! Fast!"

At one click, Zhang Wei took the lead and rushed into the auditorium!

Dong Shanshan Hu Feifei smiled at each other and more than 20 people followed.

There are students around.

There are also some teachers.

Looking at this scene, everyone is embarrassed, what happened? What are they doing? The party has already begun, how come they come?

Twenty people are running like crazy!

They all know that they have caused trouble. They all know that today is absolutely insignificant, but no one stops, but the faster they run, the more blood in their hearts is getting more and more boiling. At this moment, it seems that everyone has returned to the student. In the age, I returned to the time of desperation, and returned to the years of laughter and roar. At that time, they were so crazy, chasing, running, never stopped!


It’s coming soon!

Just a song!

Please let us sing this last song!

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