I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1190: [Uncompromising until getting older! 】

Great auditorium.

The atmosphere at the welcome party was warm.

"It’s almost over."

"To the final show."

"I heard that there are Zhang Wei and Dong Shanshan!"

"Yeah, we will come to the schoolmaster!"

"I am looking forward to me!"

"Yeah, I like them too much!"

"I heard that I want to sing, it is an original song!"

"I will take the Communication University this year because of Zhang Wei!"

"Me too, I will see them soon!"

The freshmen of the freshman year are extremely much looking forward to it. Some sophomores and juniors have come a lot today. They are also waiting for the program of Zhang Wei Dong Shanshan and others!

As everyone knows, the background is dying!

The staff were almost ruined.


"What about people?"

"How come still?"

From the moment they started the party, they didn't see anyone!

Su Yanhong was anxious, and she paced back and forth. Suddenly, a dense running sound came from her. She looked up and said, "Hey! My little ancestors, what have you done?"

Wang He panted, "We are here!"

Su Yanhong, "Hu Feifei is also?"

Hu Feifei is very excited, "Su, Su teacher!"

Su Yanhong grabbed her hand. "How did you disappear for so long? And you, how come here..."

The old king snorted and panted. "Teacher, it’s hard to say!"

Yu Yingyi asked: "Are we there?"

"Now is you!" Su Yanhong said: "Get ready!"

A school person there said: "What are you going to do, too late, come on stage directly!"

Zhang Yan said: "Okay, go!"

A group of people shouted: "Go!"

The stage is dark and the curtain falls.

The scene suddenly boiled, and I know that it is the finale program.





Countless people shouted underneath!

The venue for thousands of people is packed!

After the curtain, Zhang Yi Dong Shanshan picked up the instruments and the microphones were set.

Xiaoqian smiled and said: "Man, how long have we not performed on the same stage? Remember?"

"Four years." Hu Feifei smiled.

Dong Shanshan’s eyes are nostalgic. "Yeah, four years, the most recent one was at a party in the third year. One of our class sings and stunned the whole school. Because it was too bad, it was criticized by name!"

Dahui haha ​​smiled and said: "Then we will be shocked again this time!"

Zhang Weidao: "Look, let's tell our brothers and sisters stories!"

Hu Feifei stretches one hand, "You are not old!"

Zhang Hao's hand is up, "You are not old!"

Dong Shanshan: "You are not old!"

Everyone's hands are put together!



The curtain is opened!

Su Yanhong and many teachers are sitting under the stage.

Numerous students at the Communication University are also screaming crazy!

Zhang Wei took the electric guitar and walked to the position of the lead singer. Yu Yingyi took a violin and Dahui sat on the drummer's position. Everyone is here!

Zhang Wei nodded to Dahui.

Dahui slammed his fingers and drums rang!

a bit.

Two times.

Three times.

The piano sound came in!

The guitar sound is close behind!

Zhang Wei closed his eyes and walked to the front of the microphone. A hanging door was in a high position. A voice would shake all the teachers and students in the audience. He sang loudly: "Where is the world full of flowers?" If it does exist then I will definitely go."

The second lead singer Wang He laughed: "I want to stand on the highest mountain there, don't care if it is a cliff."

Dong Shanshan smiled and sang: "Work hard and love to love even the liver and brain, don't ask anyone to be satisfied, just be worthy of yourself."

Dahui tapped the drum and pointed his head to the front of the microphone: "I never chose to give up on ideals, even in the days of gray face."

Lao Wang held one hand: "Maybe I have no talent!"

Ma Xufei sang: "But I have a dream of innocence!"

He Kui smiled. "I will prove it, my life."

Hu Feifei moves - love sings: "Maybe my mouth is stupid than my feet!"

Xiaoqian glared at her: "But I am willing to keep looking."

Yu Yingyi shouted: "Do not leave all the youth to regret!"

Suddenly, the roaring sounds!

Music, rhythm, all violent!

All the people standing on the stage looked at each other in two pairs. Zhang Wei looked at Wang He, Dong Shanshan looked at Yu Yingyi, and Xiao Qian looked at Hu Feifei. Suddenly, everyone raised their arms and brushed their arms!

Everyone is together!

There are crazy laughs on my face!

"run ahead!"

"Catch the cold eyes and laugh at you!"

"How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering?"

With one hand, everyone patted their chest:

"Destiny, it can't make us beg for mercy!"


"The blood is full of arms!!"

"Continue to run!!"

"With the pride of the red!"

"How can you see the sparkle of life?"

"It’s not as good as indulging in it!"

"One day will sprout again!"

Su Yanhong looked shocked!

All the students underneath are shocked!

The story of youth that is ignorant of all blood, Zhang Wei, Dong Shanshan, Hu Feifei, the story of the senior schoolmates, at this moment, they seem to have seen it all!

All standing up!

At this moment, the audience is moving!

The door of the auditorium did not know when it was opened. Eight or nine policemen had come in. They didn’t go up to catch people, but all the policemen were there, staring at the group of people on the stage. A scene deeply knocked a hammer in my heart!

Zhang Wei?

Dong Shanshan?

Yu Yingyi?

Wang He?

What kind of person is this?

Everyone has the illusion of being flashed by dazzling light!

Zhang Wei, Wang He, Da Hui raised their fists: "Run forward!!!"

Ma Xufei, Lao Wang, He Kui arrogantly: "Climbing cold eyes and laughing!"

Dong Shanshan, Yu Yingyi, Xiaoqian excitedly shouted: "How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering?!"

Hu Feifei shed tears and cried and said: "Destiny, it can't make us beg for mercy! Even! Blood is full of arms!"

The people on the stage are getting closer and closer!

They are all kneeling together, one person standing on the shoulder of a person, screaming at the stage with the wildest shouts:

"Continue to run!!!"

"Pride with the red!!"

"How can you see the sparkle of life?"

"It’s not as good as indulging in it!"

Look at each other!

Zhang Wei took the lead and suddenly extended his **** and raised his head and pointed at the sky!

Dong Shanshan raised his head and extended his middle finger!

Hu Feifei raised her hand and extended her middle finger!

They all lifted the middle finger!

Go - you - mom - give up!

Go - you - mom - the timid!

Go - you - mom - the reality! ! !

Everyone is angry and pointing to the sky, looking up and squatting:

"For the good of heart!!"

"Uncompromising until getting older!!!"

Su Yanhong wiped her tears!

Many students are bloody!

This is their seniors!

This is their school sisters!

So beautiful! Your story... It’s so beautiful!

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