I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1193: 【Out! 】

the next day.

I don't know a few things in the morning.

Ma Xufei snorted, "My waist, it hurts!"

This voice also woke up everyone in the house, and all of them saw Ma Xufei lying on the ground standing up, stiffly moving left and right.

Wang He yawned, "What time is it?"

Zhang Hao, who was kneeling on the table, also woke up. "Don't it be?"

Suddenly, the door of the "Little Black House" opened.

The director smiled and came in. "Okay, I packed up and I can go."

Zhang Yiyi, "Ha?"

Wang He did not respond, "Can you go?"

Ma Xufei was amazed. "Is it not detained?"

He Kui blinked his eyes. "What? Can we sleep for seven days and seven nights?"

Pharaoh: "Hey, do you think you are a pig? Sleep for seven days!"

At the moment, the director is also relaxed. He said: "The name of the surnamed person who is being beaten is not pursued. It is said that you are having trouble playing around. The hospital is not a big problem to check the people there, so it will be fine for the time being." Tell them: "Don't ask me why, I don't know what's going on, anyway, you can go, mobile phones and personal items are brought to you, who is the one who leads them."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "So, are we really gone?"

The director looked at his eyes and looked at it. "What? Is it still addictive to me? I said Teacher Zhang, you can stop making troubles in the future. Even if you fight again, don't you do it with my jurisdiction? Yesterday night The eyes of the people all over the country can all stare at our police station. The pressure is too great. I want to retire me in advance! Raise your hands, don't catch us a police station!"

Everyone said that they went out.

In the courtyard of the police station, many people are waiting there!

"Old Week!"

"Women, how come you?"

"You are a ghost! You are all in the game. Can I not come?"

"He Kui!"

"Ah, Dad."

"How old are you still fighting?"

"Oh, impulsive."

The family members have come to pick up people.

Zhang Wei also knows a lot, "Sun Auntie, Zhou Shushu."

Several parents looked at him. "Oh, I have to criticize you. You are the best among them. You should take the lead. How come with them?"

Zhang Wei busy said: "My fault, my fault."

Of course, Zhang Wei is the one who comes here!

Haziqi’s eyes are red, “Zhang Dao! You are dying to die!”

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "Sorry to be embarrassed."

Mom and Dad are coming, and the face is a slap!

Zhang Hao didn't give up, he listened.

Xiao Wang, they also came up quickly, and the studio people came three or four.

"Zhang Gui."

"You change your clothes."

"Hungry? I took it."

"Zhang Dao, drink water? Hot, you can drink!"

"Have you slept inside?"

The younger sister Yang Lan was waiting to drive there. "Brother, I brought you back to the Communication University bus, and Master Rao was outside to deal with the reporter."

A group of people busy and waited for Zhang Wei, some gave the ****, some gave water, and took a sip here, the napkin over there was handed over!

The classmates are all speechless, and the treatment is too big, right?

It is also the car.

It is also a tea.

It is pouring water.

We can mix it with this time!

This group of people is very red-eyed, staring at Zhang Wei with a bad face!

Suddenly, people came in outside, Hu Feifei, Dong Shanshan, Yu Yingyi and several female students.

Zhang Yan said: "Dad, Mom, let's go back first."

My mom gave him a look. "Go back and settle with you."

"You have to win it." Zhang Wei called Yang Lan, "Yang Hao, send my parents back."

"Okay." Yang Lan walked with Zhang Wei’s parents.

Then Zhang Wei asked Hu Feifei, "What happened?"

Wang He Ma Xufei, they also came up.


"How come out?"

"Who are you looking for?"

"What is the name of the pump?"

Hu Feifei smiled and said: "The public opinion is biased toward us. He is too stressed and can't stand it, so he is relieved, and he doesn't want to get into trouble. Who hasn't heard of Zhang's name? That's one of the best in China. The big man, the surname of He is also afraid of Zhang."

Wang He wondered: "No!"

Ma Xufei said: "Yeah, how could it be so simple?"

This public opinion is biased towards them. Most people think that they are justifiable. Although some people criticize them for doing something wrong, they absolutely do not support Hu Feifei’s husband, even if they criticize Zhang Wei’s husband. A group of people, all without exception, were hustle and bustle of Hu Feifei's husband, and they were even more embarrassed. Some people gave the family name and company status to the human flesh, and the family address was exposed. It must be said that there is pressure, but it will not let the attitude of the surname of the next day come to a 180-degree turn.

Hu Feifei transferred the topic, haha ​​smiled: "Yes, there is a big good news, I want to divorce, everyone congratulations!"


“He Xi He Xi!”

"Good thing!"

"It should be like this!"

Zhang Wei is still squatting, he must figure out, "What is going on? Hu Feifei, you tell us the truth, really we are fooling?"

Hu Feifei smiled and said: "This is really the case, he can't stand the pressure."

Zhang Wei looked at her. "Do you say nothing?"

Xiaoqian has been screaming, "I said!"

Hu Feifei blinked, "Xiaoqian!"

Xiaoqian did not listen, said: "Hu Feifei signed a divorce agreement, and no family property is divided, the net body is out of the house, the condition is that the surname must be recognized, you write off his business!"

Dahui is wrong, "What?"

Wang He said: "Hu Feifei, are you stupid and stupid?"

Ma Xufei said: "You are sick? You divide him money! He has been violent for so many years, you can't get anything? What are you doing! We will shut down for a few days in a few days, what is this?"

Hu Feifei smiled. "He, in fact, it doesn't have that much money. His company has gone from bad to worse in recent years. It has sold a car and a suite to pay off debts. It is hard to protect itself, and I also want to Understood, he broke the money, I don't want a point, I want to go back to the moderator, money, I earn a little bit by myself, hey, it's that the homework has been pulled down for too long, and I don't know if I can make it up." Also a little embarrassed, "You said, can I still go on stage?"

Wang Hedao: "Sure!"

Yu Yingyi: "Yes! You are fine!"

Zhang Wei praised: "If you think about it, you are right. He needs a bit of money to break the money."

Xiaoqian yelled at him, "Zhang, you have to find a good job for Fifi, this big guy will be handed over to you."

“You can rest assured.” Zhang Wei’s big bag said: “I will help Hu Feifei in a moment.”

Dong Shanshan also smiled and said: "Fifi, I will live in my home for the first time. I am not alone."

Hu Feifei is also welcome. "Well, I have no place to go anyway. I will disturb you for a few days. I will move after I find a suitable house."


"Go home!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The police officers at the police station also saw some emotions.

A group is to be willing to be detained for the sake of classmates!

One is to save the students who are willing to go out!


What a wonderful word!


It was blocked by reporters outside!

When Zhang Wei Dong Shanshan and others came out, the reporters would have to embrace it!

Zhang Wei gave Haqiqi a color, and the studio people would like to know and immediately go up to stop people.

"Guys, run!" Zhang Yi shouted, Hu Feifei and others all took a big step in an instant, escaping the reporter and rushing out, not knowing who brought the head, the song suddenly sounded, Zhang Wei and others also Sing loudly!

"It’s not as good as indulging in it!"

"For the good of heart!"

"Uncompromising until getting older!!!"

[Take this good book: "The Unbeatable Female Immortal"]

[Author: Ann Xiao House]

[800 years of the Great Wilderness, the aura is exhausted, all the rune magic weapons have been researched and transformed into low-cost aura, and even do not need the presence of aura.

Chiqing, an expert who specializes in how to make the most use of aura, low-cost aura running rune magic, because of an accident, accidentally passed back 800,000 years ago, aura is full, the most prosperous period of cultivation. As a result, Chi Qing began a period of serious cultivation and diligence. 】

·(To be continued.)

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