I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1194: [The mother-in-law is on the door! 】

in the afternoon.

Less than two.

Wu family, courtyard house.

The courtyard door was open, and Zhang Yi came in and pushed in. "Auntie, uncle, at home?"

Li Qinqin was surprised to come out from the North Room. "Small? When did you come out?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I just came out in the morning, Auntie, I bought you some fruit, I am in the hospital." I placed it on the stone table at will.

Wu Changhe also stepped out. "How did your boy come?"

Li Qinqin said: "Hurry into the house."

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "I am coming to escape. When I go home, my dad and my mother will yell at me. I am a morning. The studio is full of reporters. If I haven’t been surrounded in the past, I will be on the scene. Your family is hiding, I called Lao Wu, and she said that it will come soon."

The voice just fell.

Wu Zeqing is here.

"Hey, how fast?" Zhang Huan turned back.

Wu Zeqing smiled. "I saw your car coming over, and we were both legs."

Li Qinqin complained that Zhang Wei said: "You, you can rush us."

Zhang Haohe smiled and said: "Hey, aunt, I am fine."

Wu Zeqing let him enter the house. "My mom asked a lot of things to inquire about you yesterday. I want to take you out, but I can give her an emergency."

Zhang Hao was very moved. "Auntie, you still have to worry about it. I am too much to care about."

Wu Changhe is not salty and not faint: "Do you know if you want to go to the group with people?"

Li Qinqin pushed his wife, "I didn't ask Xiaoyan about it yesterday, but also urged me to call my old classmates in a branch!"

Wu Changhe snorted. "I am my daughter."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "Look at how good my parents are to you."

"Thank you, uncle, thank you Auntie." Zhang Wei sincerely said.

Li Qinqin licked his daughter. "You are not in a hurry."

Wu Zeqing said gently: "He can handle it himself, what am I worried about."

Li Qinqin was not happy: "What if something happens?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "He has a measure."

"What is the size?" Wu Changhe said without words: "Which first-line star do you see with people? I have never heard of it!"

Li Qinqin also said: "Yes, don't be impulsive in the future!"

Zhang Wei does not know how to answer.

Instead, Wu Zeqing said: "If he does this, he must have done this. If you do, don't say this." Looking at Zhang Wei, "Do you have some food?"

Zhang Hao touched his stomach. "I didn't eat well at noon."

"Okay, wait." Wu Zeqing went to the kitchen to work.

Both Wu Changhe and Li Qinqin turned their eyes, and their daughter was too accustomed to her boyfriend. She did not say a blame for such a big thing, but also gave Zhang Hao a few words. What is this? One sings, one one, can't make bigger things later? It’s just that I’m not married yet. If they are really married, these two mouths are not allowed to stir up the domestic entertainment circle. A love-loving entertainment star, a leader who happens to be in charge of the entertainment industry, who will rule them in the future?

After dinner.

Wu Changhe turned on the computer and went to Go.

Wu Zeqing took Zhang Wei to her hut, the west wing room, the old Wu Ping generally did not live here, but occasionally encountered rainy days will not leave.

The house is generally decorated but very clean.

When Zhang Yi came in, he didn't have bones and went to bed. "I am exhausted."

Wu Zeqing sat down at the bed. "Isn't sleeping well with it? Then I will sleep here, my shoes will be off, and I will wear my slippers."

Zhang blinked, sideways, licking her waist, put her hand on her lap and took advantage of it. The black trousers can feel the softness of the legs. "These days are too busy, and again. It’s the Olympics, it’s a single song, and it’s a game. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. How are you doing? Are you busy?”

Wu Zeqing smiled. "It's still the same. You, I will stay a little longer, don't worry my parents."

"Understand." Zhang said: "Haha, I have a low-key point these days, praise the character, but my aunt and aunt are very good to me, I really didn't think of it."

Suddenly, the footsteps approached.

It’s Li Qinqin: “Just Qing.”

Wu Zeqing turned back, "Mom, come in."

Zhang Hao quickly took his hand back and sat up from the bed.

Li Qinqin entered the house and smiled: "Is it tired?"

"No, spirit." Zhang Xiaoxiao.

Li Qinqin nodded and sat down. "Jing Qing, I just discussed it with your dad. You have almost fixed the matter with Xiaoxi. I thought about the day when I had a meal with my parents." When you talk about your business, when is the marriage? What should I do? How about doing it? Is it a small office? What day is it? This has to be discussed. I said this last time. I don’t think you are in a hurry. So we have to rush."

Zhang Yi’s spirit was heard. “I’m anxious, I’m in a hurry.”

Li Qinqin is happy, "I am also anxious."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "Would you let me go to visit first?"

Li Qinqin asked, "When are you going to Xiaojiao?"

Wu Zeqing thought for a moment and said, "I have to ask my secretary to see the work schedule. Seeing that I and Xiaoxiao are free all the time, I have to think about how to prepare things."

Li Qinqin grinned. "What day are you doing? Are you both okay today? It’s better to hit the sun than to choose the day, I’ll see it today, you don’t have to worry about things, I will go to you in the afternoon, you two busy people one by one. Busy, how easy it is to get together for a day? Just today!"

Wu Zeqing smiled and looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei understands that she is asking herself, and she looks forward to: "I have no problem, my parents are going home, I will call them and say a word."

Wu Zeqing nodded, "That."

Li Qinqin said with joy: "Well, then Qing, you have to talk after you go. You have to pay attention to your first visit. You should consider all aspects in detail. You can't miss the number of gifts. Do you know?"

Wu Zeqing said: "Oh, I still don't understand this?"

Li Qinqin said: "Yes, you can."

Wu Zeqing said: "Then I am ready to change clothes."

Zhang Hao screamed, "I am going to call!"

It’s quite a big thing, it’s so simple.

Zhang Wei’s mood was also very exciting. The idea of ​​having a girlfriend and bringing her girlfriend home to see her parents was different. So he immediately went to the yard and called the phone home.

The phone is picked up by Dad.

As soon as he came up, Dad said, "Where did you go? If you criticize you, you will run, and come back quickly. Your mother hasn't lost this yet."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Dad, I will go back at night. You and my mother will pack up and clean up the house, and clean up, then, I have to bring my own home."

Dad glanced, "What kind of person?"

Zhang Hao is full of energy: "My girlfriend."

Dad is amazed. "Are you talking about objects?"

I heard a cry from the other side, "What?"

Zhang Weidao: "Talked, I didn't give you a pass for a long time."

Dad said immediately: "Okay, okay, we are ready, when are you coming?"

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon."

"Well, I told your mom!" (To be continued.) 8

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