I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1195: [Good boy, doing beautiful! 】

at home.

Mom and Dad are cleaning the room.

"How come so suddenly?" the mother muttered.

Dad shook his head. "Who knows, I want to bring my girlfriend back, let us pack it up."

The mother took the floor and swept the floor. "I didn't say who it is? What work?"

Dad said: "I don't know, Xiao Yan really talked about the object?"

"It seems to be." Mom sweared: "He used to mention one ear before, I thought he was perfunctory, who thought it was really a talk."

Dad grabbed it quickly. "That's a hurry. Don't let the girl come to see if the house is not clean. I have to make a good impression on others."

My mom is worried about the cockroaches. "Lao Zhang, you said that Xiaoyan brought back this person. If you are not satisfied, what should I do? I am really afraid that he will give me a slap in the face. I can talk to you first." Say, you have to unite with me. Let's stand on the side. If the woman is not suitable, we must resolutely oppose it. We must not let the son have a chance to be ruined. This is a lifelong event!"

Dad is also a bit hesitant. "Look at people first."

The mother sweeped the floor and said: "Okay, I am going to buy food."

"Buy more." Dad said.

I was busy at home one afternoon.

After the mother bought the food, she did not pick up the vegetables and washed the vegetables. Instead, she stuffed it into the refrigerator and left it on the chopping board.

Dad wondered, "Why are you doing? Don't you prepare in advance?"

Mom and the chicken thief said: "I have to keep one hand."

"What are you doing with noodles?" Dad didn't understand.

Mom whispered: "If the people brought back by Xiaoxiao are not satisfied, they will give them noodles, and they will be fooled, and they will express their attitude."

Dad is speechless. "When you come home for the first time, do you give people noodles?"

Mom said: "I have to prepare both hands, OK, you will see my eyes when you go."

Dad looked at the watch. "Is it almost time?"

"It should be coming soon." Mom was busy, and sat on the sofa to turn on the TV. The result was still her son's news. "How come it is still broadcast? You said that you will marry your son's temper, what kind of woman is it good? Will not care for people, but also love to cause trouble, the girl who is better, who is willing to talk to him? With him, he must not be jealous every day?"

Dad said: "The advantages of Xiao Xiao are also quite a lot."

"What advantages?"

"It's very filial."

"Hey, you are getting it."


"Every day, let us worry, this is not filial!"

Hey, hey.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang!

Dad’s eyes lit up, “Come on!”

Mom also quickly got up, "Go, open the door."

The two of them also had nervousness in their hearts. They didn't know what kind of girl would stand outside the door after the door was opened. After the mother hesitated, she opened the door.

The door was half open, and there was a beautiful face outside the door!

Mom stunned!

Dad is also awkward!

Wu Zeqing smiled, "Auntie, uncle."

Mom is busy: "Hey, this is not Xiao Wu, you are big - Bureau - How come you have time today?" The "Mongolian King" live concert they met and sat Together, my mom also invited Wu Zeqing to come to the house. I didn’t expect it to come today.

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "I will come over to see you."

My mom smiled bitterly: "Oh, this is not a coincidence. My son just called and said that he would bring his girlfriend. How can you catch up? Or do you want to take a seat?"

Dad hurryed and said: "It’s just right to have a meal. Xiao Wu has helped his son a lot, and he is not an outsider."

Wu Zeqing laughed.

At this time, a half-door flashed out of Zhang’s speechless face. “Dad, Mom, what are you talking about? Hurry into the house, I am holding a pile of things and sinking!”

Mom said: "Scare me!"

Dad is wrong: "How come you come with Xiao Wu?"

Wu Zeqing entered the house.

Zhang Wei also took a big box and a small box and hugged it into the door. He threw it on the ground. "I don't mean that I bring a person back?" One refers to Wu Zeqing, "Just her!"

Mom called out, "Ah?"

Dad is not scared, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Zeqing said at this time: "Auntie, uncle, I have been in love with Xiaoyan for a year, and I have never been with you, I can’t help it."

Mom and Dad are so shocked that they can't talk, and no one thought that their son's girlfriend would be the deputy bureau of radio and television - Chang Wu Zeqing!



Dad hurriedly said: "You are sitting in Xiao Wu, you are sitting in the house first."

The mother slammed her son and whispered, "Is it true?"

Zhang Hao smiled smugly. "Of course it is true."

Mom doesn't care: "Don't you pretend that your girlfriend is coming to lie to me!"

Zhang Wei fainted. "You watched more TV dramas? You and my dad didn't remind me to marry. Nothing happened. I brought back a fake lie to you out of thin air? I am free?"

Hearing, my mom took a thigh, "Good boy!"

Dad is giving tea to Wu Zeqing. "You drink some water."

Wu Zeqing took over, "Thank you, uncle, let me come."

The next moment, the mother came over quickly, and sat down to Wu Zeqing, holding her hand, and rushing: "Xiao Wu, you are really tight! Or do you have a vision, or you have Vision, my son, I will simply talk to you, too good, will take care of people, and considerate people, and the most important thing is filial piety! Special filial piety! Everything can be done well, never let We are worried!"

Dad is amazed.


You just didn't say that!

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "Small is very good, I know."

Mom said: "Not very good, is it very good, do you know? Although some mainstream eyes in the society have a little prejudice against my son, they are not aware of my son, my son's advantage, really too too much!"

Zhang Hao was blushing, and opened the topic: "Dad, what do you eat at night?"

Dad said: "Ah, at night? What to eat at night?" Look at his wife.

Zhang Wei went to the kitchen and looked at his eyes. "Hey, is there a noodle?"

Dad said: "Your mom just bought it, said the evening..."

My mom looked up at her wife and said: "What kind of noodles, that is, I bought it myself tomorrow. People Xiao Wu came home for the first time. You give people noodles? How can you be so funny?" Go to the kitchen and pull the refrigerator door. "Don't ignore your father, the dishes are here!"

Dad: "..."

Not what you said to prepare?

How can I ignore me?

What makes me so funny?

Mom said: "I will prepare the meal first!"

Wu Zeqing said: "Auntie, let me come."

"No, no, you don't care, you are sitting with you!" said the mother, shouting: "Lao Zhang, come over and help, why?"

Dad had no choice but to walk into the kitchen.

The old mom suddenly squinted and asked quietly: "How is Xiao Wu?"

Dad said: "It's very good, it's not that I didn't know it before."

"It’s quite good!" The mother opened her eyes and smiled. "This is a good smog on the grave. You are stupid, what kind of noodles are you?"

Dad said nothing: "What you said, let me see your eyes!"

Zhang Wei is not clear, "What eyes are you?"

Mom and Dad said, "Nothing is ok."

Dad said: "The age is a lot older than Xiaoyan."

"Great is good!" Mom said: "I can manage him!"

Dad said to his son: "How did Xiao Wu look at you?"

"Charm." Zhang Yude said.

Dad is worried: "Can parents agree?"

Zhang Haohe smiled and said: "I agreed early, her father is Wu Changhe, you don't know? I have been to her house many times, her parents are very good to me."

Mom asked: "They don't object?"

Zhang Yan shrugged. "What is this against?"

My mom took a lot of his son's shoulder. "Bad boy, you have done something!"

Zhang Yule said: "Don't you still yell at me in the morning? Don't be angry? Don't you think I have a fight?"

Mom laughed: "If you give Xiao Wu such a good daughter-in-law to me! You don't care about you every day! Good boy, do beautiful!" (To be continued.)

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