I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1212: [Half-step master! 】


Corner Gate East.

Old Rao.

The door is open, Rao Aimin seems to have just finished the meal, the room is full of vegetables, Chen Chen and Yang Lan are waiting at the dinner table, then Zhang Hao is not invited.

"Hey, Rao Big Sister, cooking?" Zhang Yan’s eyes lit up.

Rao Aimin looked at him, "Have you eaten?"

Zhang Wei is going to step into the house. "Nothing to eat, just right!"

Rao Aimin said the next sentence: "Chen Chen, close the door!"

Chen Chen really came over to close the door.

Zhang Hao quickly squeezed into the house. "Hey, what do you mean?"

Or her own teacher and sister thoughtful, Yang Lan gave up her chair, and moved a stool, respectfully said: "Brother, you sit here."

Zhang Wei is a big head, "Well!"

Yang Lan went to give him chopsticks.

Like Zhang Hao’s uncle, “the bowl of rice is more flourishing, hungry.”

"Well." Yang Hao is busy for a long time.

Chen Chen can't see the past, the milk sounds milky: "Old Yang, you don't get used to him."

Rao Aimin also looked at him and shook his head.

Tai Chi is now a member of Zhang Wei and Yang Lan. The above division has been determined. There are no successors below. Looking at the world, this one is his lonely two people. Zhang Wei is the brother of Yang Lan, the eldest brother. For the father, plus Zhang Wei is actually half of Yang Hao’s master. The inheritance of Tai Chi’s inheritance, Rao Aimin, can’t be taught. No one can teach her except Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei is also the closest person in her world. Therefore, Yang Lan has always respected this brother, letting her work and let her errands run errands.

Between the seats.

Zhang Wei asked, "Yang, how is the kungfu training?"

Yang Lan put down the chopsticks and said: "I didn't let my brothers down, and I have improved."

"Good." Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I will teach you two tricks later."

Wen Yan, Yang Lan was very excited, "Thank you brother!"

Chen Chen grinned, "Oh."

Zhang Wei pretended not to hear, looked at Lao Rao, and said: "Did you have two tricks after eating? You are also sports, I just teach Yang Hao new recruits."

Rao Aiming dismissed, "Is it you?"

Zhang Wei bragging - forced: "The buddy's recent skill has soared, it is not me."

Rao Ai Min said: "Oh, then I will try."

Chen Chen said: "I haven't got a good injury."

Rao Aimin interrupted: "It doesn't matter, I will win him with hurts, and I will shake it with me!"

After dinner.

Zhang Wei sneaked down the glass of water, screaming at the people, he sneaked open the game ring, took a bottle of [healthy spring water] from the props bar, and sneaked into the cup quietly. He didn't know that this thing didn't work for other people. He could only try it. He could see if Lao Lao's injury could be recovered. He also wanted to verify that he had eaten hundreds of Taiji experience books, and his skill was not enough. .

Yang Lan went to brush the bowl.

Zhang Yan walked up diligently. "Old Rao, drink some water."

Rao Aimin glimpsed, and then to Chen Chen said: "Look at the window."

Chen Chen asked, "What are you looking at?"

Rao Aimin said: "Look at whether the sun is coming out of the west today, can your boy pour water on me? Are you poisoning me?"

Zhang Wei vomiting blood: "..."

At the end, Rao Aimin still drank.

Zhang Wei stared at her. "How do you feel?"

"It's a bit hot." Rao Aiming stared at him after he finished. "Hey, is your kid really poisoned?"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes. "What poison do I have? You estimate that it is eating too much, and the heat is too high."

The venue has been cleared.

Chen Chen was hiding in the upper floor and squatting down the stairs.

Yang Lan stood in the corner of the wall and looked at it without hesitation.

Rao Aimin loves to answer: "Come."

"Please." Zhang Wei made a stance.

Rao Aimin asked: "Do you keep your hands?"

Zhang Weidao: "It doesn't matter."

Rao Aimin: "Okay."

The exciting time is up.

Chen Chen and Yang Lan made a note, "Old Yang, who are you gambling to win?"

Yang Lan firmly said: "My brother!"

"It must be that I am a big winner." Chen Chen said.

This time, it’s not a point-to-point discussion. It’s not that the two pairs of chopsticks are smaller than the tricks. The exchanges between the two have been set. This is actual combat, and it’s all about it. This is also the first time that Rao Aimin and Zhang Wei have officially let go of their opponents. Don’t look at a small living room with dozens of flats. Don’t look around, there are only two audiences. If this matchup is known to people in the national art world, It will definitely cause a lot of shock, and there are definitely countless people who can’t wait to see it, to see who is the best!

Zhang Wei VS Rao Aimin!

Tai Chi VS gossip!

National art circle - 氓 VS national art world bully!

The first person under the master VS national master!

A showdown that is likely to be written into the history of the national art world, so quietly began in an inconspicuous small room!


A fight is to go all out!

Rao Aimin stepped on the gossip and pressed one side of the palm!

Zhang Yi, a reversing force, a fist to provoke!

Rao Aimin held his hand!

Zhang Wei’s darkness is in the palm of his hand!

Rao Aimin has a palm to meet!

The two men retired two steps and did not take advantage of it.

Rao Aimin smiled and said: "Hey, hurt?"

Zhang Wei smiled. "Alright."

"There are two sons, come." Rao Aimin wandered around him.

Chen Chen shouted on the top: "Da, cheer, hit him! Hit him!"

Yang Lan squinted without a word, and every form of Zhang Wei was recorded in her mind. She knew that the brothers were already teaching her!

I have already played against it again!



Both sides come to me!

When you look closely, you will find that Zhang Wei’s advantage is in strength, reaction and physical strength, plus young, he is the advantage of a male station. In contrast, Rao Aimin, her advantage is more in the control of skills, experience and rhythm. The most crucial point is that Rao Aimin’s darkness is obviously much deeper than that of Zhang Wei, so as time goes by, Zhang Yi is more and more difficult, and Rao Aimin has gradually gained the upper hand!

The confrontation of the national art is basically very fast. There are very few TV movies on the tens of thousands of rounds of your mother's battle, not to starve to death, the urine has to die! A quick one or two strokes will win or lose. A few slow moves will have a person lying on the ground.

When Zhang Wei saw that the situation was not good, he quickly took over the move. "If you do it, you will be here." Look at the positions of the fists and arms again, all red!


It is still a step away from the master.

No, it used to be a step. It should be said that it is only half a step away.

Zhang Wei knows that he still can't do the old Rao, and the gap is not a little bit. Although he still has a lot of hands to keep his life, it is estimated that Lao Rao did not use the bottom of the box.

Rao Aimin is still unfinished, "Come back!"

Zhang Weidao: "Tired, say another day."

Rao Aimin grinned, "Nothing." Immediately, he also received a move.

At this time, Zhang Wei was jealous of her. "How are you feeling?"

"What is it?" Rao Aimin didn't understand at first. Suddenly, she also glimpsed herself, looked up at the palm of her hand, and raised her hand and took a shot out of the air. Then she took another shot and surrounded it. There was no sound in the wind, and there was no sound at all, but Yang Lan, who was watching, knew that if he went up and then went on, even if he rubbed a little bit, it was estimated that he had to have a comminuted fracture!

Yang Yuran said: "Rao Master, your injury..."

Rao Aimin is also happy, "Hey, my old lady is hurt? Not so fast?"

Compared with Zhang Wei’s injury, Rao Aimin was almost killed at the Wulin Conference. He was stunned and had a lot of traumatic injuries. If you want to restore your previous skills, Zhang Wei is estimated to be a year and a half, and Rao Aimin is very It may take two or three years, and even after the recovery, the strength may still be all defects, and it is impossible to reach the height of the peak period. After all, it is a woman, and after all, the age is large. But who ever thought that today, with Zhang Wei, Zhao Aimin's internal injuries are inexplicably all good, and the strength is back to the top.

Only Zhang Wei’s heart is clear!

[Healthy Spring Water] really works!

In addition to myself, this thing can also restore injuries to other people, and it is almost immediate, so serious internal injuries can be restored, it is a **** medicine!

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled: "Thank you."

Rao Aiming sneered, "What is your kid?"

Yang Lan also said: "Congratulations to Master Rao!"

Chen Chen ran downstairs, "Great, great."

"Okay, I am happy today, I will do a good job for you at night." Rao Aimin is not salty and not rude.

Lao Rao was healed, Zhang Jian’s skill rose again, and they both sat in the town. When the masters of the “Famous School” who were seriously injured by them were all recovering from revenge, they were not embarrassed. Moreover, there is still more at home. Yang Lan, who is only one step away from practicing darkness!

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