I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1213: [Chinese language new teaching material cake! 】


Haqiqi went downstairs to find him.

Zhang Wei is working on Rao Aimin’s tutor Yang Yang.

"Zhang Dao, busy?"

"No busy, it's done."

“People are all there, waiting for you in the conference room.”

"Well, I will go up."

"Just got the news, there was something wrong with CCTV."

"After something happened? Go, let's say it in the past."

His studio is upstairs, no need to be an elevator, and it takes a minute or two to walk the stairs. The conference room is full of people, and all the staff in the studio are here.

Zhang Wei sat down, "that meeting."

Everyone has reported on the work of these days.

The sales of "The Besieged City", the reputation after winning the highest award, the popularity growth of these days, and so on, the work is smooth, the results are gratifying, they handed over a copy of anyone can not pick one Ding's very beautiful answer, the main credit here is of course Zhang Wei. He once said that they only manage the plan, and how to complete it is Zhang Wei's business. Sure enough, in the case where everyone in the studio has no hope. Zhang Hao really did it. A novel saved the "world" and put the already-deprecated summit plan back on the right track. You can already see the chair legs of the seven chairs above. It is the goal behind the summit plan.

Zhang Zuo said: "The third step can start raising."

Haqi Qi smiled bitterly: "It is a raise, in fact, we can't do anything."

Wu Yidao: "Yes, the goal of the third step can be completed, that is, the matter of resignation, hope is not big, but the odds are also there."

Zhang Zuo analyzed: "The biggest problem now is that Zhang Dao and many people in the education sector have a general relationship. The educators connected with Peking University and the media must support Zhang Dao. Of course, the Communication University can ignore it. In this kind of thing, their influence on the above is not great, but Peking University is not a small force, and the rest are all opponents. The Tsinghua’s Zhang guide is guilty of sinning because of the rush to kill the source, from Tsinghua. The leaders who came out would certainly not recommend Zhang’s works. Many educators in the education industry were still screaming every day, and there are others, oh, too much.”

Everyone has a headache.

Zhang Wei asked: "Is it late?"

Zhang Zuo said seriously: "Yes, I have made a decision recently."

Zhang Wei asked again, "Which specific day?"

"I asked, but did not ask." Zhang Zuodao.

Zhang Yan said, "Okay, then I will ask friends."

Haqiqi said: "This third step is planned to be settled before we have hesitated. In fact, if it can't be done, it will be fine. It would have been too difficult."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Try it."

Xiao Wang said: "The right pair, definitely have to fight for it, this is a chance to stay in the history of history, this is the huge popularity of sustainable development!"

Everyone is talking about the new textbook!

The third step in the summit plan is this!

The new edition of the nine-year compulsory education textbook should be formulated. The primary school textbook, the junior high school textbook, and the high school textbook cover all aspects of the textbook. They are also linked to the education reforms of the past two years. The importance and keyness of this kind of affairs and political governance - Sex, all of them are driving the whole body, and the relationship is too complicated. In fact, the re-editing of the new textbooks was passed down last year, because the re-editing of the textbooks has a periodicity. At this critical time, the re-editing of the textbooks is not a secret. Everyone is mentally prepared. I just didn't expect it to drag on for so long, until after the middle of this year, there was a real internal news.

Many people in the outside world still don't know, but many people in the industry have already heard about it.

Zhang Wei’s studio naturally remembered and wanted to grab a chance to write a textbook!

Even speaking, the first and second steps of the summit plan are to fight for a greater chance and opportunity for the third step, to produce a bestseller and win the highest prize, regardless of whether others accept it or not. The next Zhang Wei is already one of the best figures in the literary world. The studio’s people hope that Zhang Wei can grab a page in the new version of the Chinese textbook under this aura, even if it is the most corner page, even if it is only selected. The article, that is enough!

Is this important?

Yes, it is really important!

Wang Shuixin, who wanted to write "Everything" at the Beijing TV station, was the one who was exhausted by Zhang Wei’s "Wei Dad", because of a small appendix to the Chinese textbook called "Everything". It’s not the text, Wang Shuixin’s whole person has to go to heaven, and it’s not going to expand. Not to mention the official chapter on the official textbook. Everyone who can go there is not an ancient person, but a contemporary master!

The benefits are too great!

The literary world is afraid that it is already raging!

And in fact, this is the language textbook, mathematics? Who and who compiled a case to go, it is like this, will not raise the question of who is out, and no one cares, at most the teacher who uttered the title himself, forced to tell the friend relatives this question is his out .






This is all the same, but the language textbooks are different. The articles or poems in the Chinese textbooks will basically mark the authors, and some will even have to be backed up, asking the students to recite them! What is the concept? Simply put, as long as all the children born in China are going to school, everyone will see or will recite your article when they are young, know your name, and there is no selectivity at all. I know that you can't do it. When you are young, you will give the students a label that you are very bullish!

If the power of the highest literary prize is an intercontinental missile, then the power of the Chinese textbook is an atomic bomb. The radiation is effective for a long time, and even affects a lifetime!

As a literati, how big is this?

How important is this as a person in the entertainment industry?

However, other people in the entertainment industry are unlikely to fight for this. There is only one exception, that is, Zhang Wei. Only in the entertainment circle, he is qualified to compete with those literary giants, and fight for a few opportunities!

Six primary school textbooks?

Six junior high school high school?

Well, maybe add the volume!

It sounds like a lot, there are many opportunities, but in fact there are really few. The new textbooks are not to delete all the existing textbooks. Most of them will be preserved. Even many ancient things, that are 100% indefinite. Therefore, the revision of the new textbooks is absolutely not big, and then leave those left to the predecessors, aside from the excerpts of poetry and song novels, the cake left is too small!



So much!

Competing literati? Tens of thousands! (To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-09-2711:53:39

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