I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1214: [Great opportunity! 】

One second of genius remembers and provides you with wonderful reading.

The tone of the third step of the summit plan is set.

Your plan is to wait? Inquire about news? Take a chance?

But Zhang Ye didn't think so. He had some ideas of his own. This kind of thing must be contended. There is a big opportunity for writing Chinese textbooks. Don't be foolish! Of course, Zhang Ye is not for himself, really not, he is for the great literati in his world, the crystallization of the wisdom of his terrestrial literati, if you can’t even use Chinese textbooks in this world, damn, then What is it called?

Isn't this an insult to his mother!

Isn't this his mother's bully!

Can he bear it? He can't!

Even if he can bear it, can Lao Li (Li Bai) bear it? Can Old Du (Du Fu) bear it?

That's why Zhang Ye thought, no matter how much you have to fight for a small position in the textbook!

After the meeting, Zhang Ye called, and first called a colleague from Peking University. Teacher Su Nasu from the Chinese Department of Peking University has always had a good relationship with him. Her father is also in the literary world.

"Ms. Su."

"Yo, Teacher Zhang."

"What are you doing recently?"

"Teacher, what else can I do."

"By the way, just ask something, the new version of the textbook is about to be finalized, have you heard of it?"

"I heard that the literary world is undercurrents now. Who doesn't know about this, what's the meaning? You want to fight it too? Ah yes, you are qualified, Teacher Zhang!"

"Oh, don't say that, what qualifications do I have, I am still far behind, I just asked casually, what are their criteria for selection of textbooks?"

"Didn't you say you are far behind?"

"Yes, but people can't have goals, otherwise, what is the difference with salted fish?"

"Puff, how do you say the co-author is you? Well, I don't know much anyway. I heard my parents talk about it. I don't know the selection criteria. It is within the working group of the education department specializing in new textbooks. I know that they should have studied almost, and the candidates have been selected. It seems to be tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning they will hold a meeting to finalize the revision of the Chinese textbook. As for when it will be announced and officially printed, I don’t know. As for mathematics textbooks and physics textbooks, revisions may be postponed, because there is a big controversy and cannot be finalized in a short time. I heard the news from the Department of Mathematics. , Probably that's it."

"tomorrow morning?"


"Don't look like, sure?"


"Come on, then I know, thanks, or you are well informed."

"Who told you not to come to Peking University once in eight hundred years? If you come to class every day, what are the things in the education world that you can't hear?"

hang up the phone.

Zhang Ye found Ha Qiqi and Zhang Zuo, "I have asked, the revision of the Chinese textbook will be scheduled tomorrow morning."

Zhang Zuo said expectantly: "I hope I can wait for a good news!"

Zhang Ye suddenly remembered something and looked at Ha Qiqi, "By the way, Sister Ha, you told me at Lao Rao's house that something happened to CCTV? What's the matter?"

Ha Qiqi hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's internal news. I learned from my former colleague of CCTV. It has not spread, but it has been confirmed."

Zhang Ye asked, "What's wrong?"

Ha Qiqi said: "CCTV will do the second season of "Good Voice"!"

Xiao Wang's ears were pointed and he heard, "What? Where did they get the copyright! When signing the contract, the copyright is in the hands of Director Zhang!"

Ha Qiqi shook his head, "I'm just a metaphor. In fact, what they are going to do is a new program, which is already in preparation. The program names are "New Voice of the Republic", "Good Voice" and "New Voice". It’s just a name, isn’t it actually the second season of "Good Voice". Last year, "Good Voice" was too popular. CCTV has a variety show that has nothing to hold up this year, so the banner of "Good Voice" I’ve typed it out, and the team and mentors should all invite a new batch, but I heard that the stage has not changed significantly and the model is still the same."

Xiao Wang exclaimed: "This is also an infringement!"

Wu Yi said angrily: "Change the soup without changing the medicine! Sue them!"

Zhang Zuo said: "If they change the link of the chair, such as getting a tutor to get off the chair and turn around, or other similar cover, it is really difficult to sue them. People will say it is a new program. Design, what can you do? You can't win a lawsuit."

"Good Voice" has been aired for a year. Even if you count the days, CCTV should not be able to sit still. Many netizens were discussing that Zhang Ye and CCTV had terminated their contract. What about the second season of "Good Voice"? Who will do it? How to do it? Now, the answer seems to be there. CCTV has to do it all. They just throw away Zhang Ye, throw away Ha Qiqi Zhang Zuo and other people from the old team, and then they pull the tiger's skin on their own!

Very sinister!

It is also a matter of common sense!

Zhang Ye was not surprised: "Let's put it aside beforehand."

What can I do? This kind of thing happened on Zhang Ye's earth. Although the copyright owner has changed, the history is always surprisingly similar. It is difficult to defend rights.

Forget it, just ignore them, the summit plan is the key.


in the afternoon.

News frequently!

The upcoming re-editing of primary and secondary school textbooks finally came to light, and it was a press conference held by the education department to release this important news. For many people in the industry, this is not news, but for ordinary people, most people know it for the first time.

This press conference has a lot of information.

For example, high school math textbooks will increase the difficulty.

For example, primary school Chinese textbooks will strengthen the education of patriotism.

For example, how many words will be added to English textbooks.

Of course, what attracts the most attention is the revision of Chinese textbooks. Every time the textbooks have been re-edited over the years, the Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools have attracted the most attention!

"Mathematics is hard enough, add more difficulty?"

"No! I'm not good at math!"

"Hey, don't put too much pressure on your children."

"Chinese textbooks have to be overhauled?"

"Whose article do you think can be included in the textbook?"

"Who said this well."

"Yes, it's possible for masters in the literary world. Isn't the master Liu's prose very famous? It has been hotly discussed for a long time two days ago, should it be available?"

"Who knows."

"There is hope for the winners of the two Yinhong Awards?"

"Huh, in that case, does Zhang Ye also have a show?"

"Yes, he also has hope!"

"Ahhhhh, I like Zhang Ye's "Answer". Despicable is the pass of the despicable. I really love this poem, but it's too dark for teenagers? Maybe you can't get it."

""Young China Talk" has the greatest opportunity!"

"Yes, "Young China Talk"! How can I forget it!"

"Yes, I remembered this too, I was in the People's Daily back then!"

"Zhang Ye's articles and poems are too murderous. If he can really fight for the revision of the Chinese textbook, "Said Young China" is one of the few hopes!"

"Teacher Zhang, come on!"

"Damn it, if Slapstick is really a textbook, it would be awesome! It's not going to fly to the sky?"

"Fiction writers, poets, hosts, singers, mathematicians, calligraphers, cross talk actors, sketch actors, variety show directors, documentary directors, masters of Go, etc., etc., Zhang Ye still use to fly to the sky? -'S and the sun are side by side!"



"This day's big opportunity, see if Teacher Zhang can't grasp it!" (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please browse m for a better reading experience.

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