I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1215: [The people in the Tsinghua Department are all out! 】



The alarm rang, Zhang squinted and climbed up to wash, and incidentally to the living room: "Mom, what to eat in the morning? I am not going to work this morning."

Mom asked: "Are you resting?"

Zhang Wei painted a toothpaste, "Yes."

"There is leftovers at home, so let's eat." Mom said.

Zhang Wei is absent-minded. "Well, how can I do it."

After eating breakfast, Zhang Wei frequently watched the watch.

Dad wondered: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Nothing, wait for time."

Mom reminded me of the matter. "Have you read the news? It is said that the national primary and middle school textbooks have to be revised. You have no you in the language textbooks? Can you go?"

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "Where do I know."

Dad is also very concerned, said: "You ask."

"I can't ask." Zhang Hao shook his head. "I can still inquire about the highest prize in the literature. The specific operation of the textbook re-editing can't be inquired. It is the internal affairs of the education department, and the education people from all walks of life participate. Where can I plug in?"

Dad lamented, "I don't think it's fun."

Mom and Dad also know that the re-editing of textbooks is a big thing. Even if the best word of mouth in the country is the most respected literary world, it is not easy to go up to face. The importance and sensitivity of this kind of thing obviously far exceeds The selection of the Yin Hong Award and the Qi Lu Award, any name or article of any person, will cause great discussion and far-reaching influence in the education sector and even the whole society.

The time is seven to forty.

When Zhang Jian saw it, he returned to his room and closed the door.

The people in his studio are waiting for the pie to fall, but Zhang Wei is ready to fight for it. This is not his style, so I always like "self-reliance"!

Two choices:

Lucky halo?

Or difficulty adjusting dice?

After thinking about it, the latter is too precious. He has the only dice left now. Moreover, the power of this dice is too big. Whether it is to reduce the difficulty or increase the difficulty, it is too bad, and the duration is still It's not fixed, it's like an atomic bomb. It's easy to use, so the choice left for him is very simple. The lucky halo (upgrade version) can not adjust the dice on the power, but the effect is stable and steady. Deal with this scene. Of course, if you can't make it, he just does what he has to do and do his best.

Lucky Aura (Upgrade) is on!

Reputation is constantly being consumed! -

100000! -


A halo appears on the top of the head.

Spill it out in a wave.


At this moment.

Experts analyzed it arbitrarily.

Netizens, you say a word.

The media also set aside the headlines of the front page.

All walks of life have placed great hopes and expectations on this textbook re-enactment. The survey shows that everyone is happy to see this kind of positive education reform and change, but the degree and depth of this textbook re-editing, in addition to the hands-on I am afraid that no one knows about the members of the special education team.

An office location of the Ministry of Education.

Three floors upstairs.

The language textbook was reorganized into the working room meeting room.

"Old Qi, come?"

"Dr. Chen, early."


"It has been dragged for so long, and it must be fixed."

"What was the last few discussions, what is it?"

"Hey, it’s not like this before. Every time the textbook is re-edited, our language group is the most lively. It’s the next time you can’t play it. You’ve also participated in the re-editing eight years ago? Look at the leader’s shot. The board is gone, it is not good, and finally we have to go to the voting process."

"Yeah, look at the mathematics team, the physical group, there is no resistance at all, how much harmony will be opened? If you look at us, you will have a table."

"The literati are light, and there are more relationships involved."

"There are mainly people from the Peking University and the Tsinghua University."

"The Fudan system is also in the mud."

The meeting has not yet begun, but people have arrived.

Most of the language groups that reworked were invited to be doctoral professors in the Chinese department of each school, as well as related educators, including the Ministry of Education’s own person. The language group leader is one of the Ministry of Education. The director is handsome, the old man is one, and the work is very particular.

There, several people from the Peking University came.

Then, in a short while, Director Liu of the Ministry of Education also entered the house with a smile, and he was the first person in charge of the reorganization of the language textbook. Smile on the face, in fact, Liu Quancheng is very depressed, this is how many days, the mathematics and physics English group is basically finalized, but they are still fighting for the key positions of several key pages. The general content of the language group here has also been improved by more than 80%, but the last 10% of the content can not be smashed, and everyone has a lot of ideas.

The team is not good!

Who will come here in the future?

I think this is the case, but there are a lot of things that Liu Quancheng can’t say. Many of you are in the education industry’s Taishan Beidou. There are still a few teachers even led by Liu Quancheng, and even more than the leaders above him. The teacher who led the year, a group of people in the house add up to more than two thousand years old. He met everyone who is polite. Do you know who is above the sky? The water in education is too deep! So from the beginning, Liu Quancheng’s idea was very simple. He didn’t want to offend people. You fight, I don’t care.

A Peking University senior in his 80s looks at him. "Little Liu, are you going to vote today?"

Liu Quancheng nodded. "Chu old man, I see it safely, or vote, just a dozen positions, how to settle down today."

The old man named Chu was the dean of the Chinese Department of Peking University. Later, he was the vice president of Peking University. It was more than 40 years ago. After that, he retired. The father has been in a semi-retreat state, but some education. He has been involved in research over the years in the reform of the department or in the making of decisions. So he shouted a little Liu, even if Liu Quancheng, the director had to listen.

The old man of Chu swears. "Which vote is still made, since it is reform, it has to be a heavy hand and a big knife. Now it is the world of young people. It is necessary to give some care and care to young scholars. Their articles are on the language textbook. They can't always guard those who have their feet in the coffin. What does it mean? What else is reforming? Right, I see Zhang Wei is not bad, right? Well?"

The old man of a big department said: "I don't agree. Zhang Xiao is too impetuous. The "Youth China" can't be used, and the excerpts will not work."

"You can't do it, can't you?"

"Not that I said, many people don't agree."

"Who disagrees?"

"You wait for the old Hu to come!"

Got it!

Will not open yet, and fight again!

Liu Quancheng sighed in his heart.

Laohu, they refer to some people in the Tsinghua Department. The reason why the previous meetings were not settled is because the people of Tsinghua and Peking University are too fierce, especially in the first class that they just said. The article on the layout is the most intense. There are three articles in the candidate. One is Ji Hong's "Yangtze River", the other is Li Yucheng's "The Wind and the Wave", and the last one is Zhang Wei's "Youth China"!

These three authors were all from Tsinghua University, NPC, and Peking University. The old comrades associated with this famous school played indiscriminately. The old comrades of the Fudan Department later came in to add chaos, support the people of the Peking University, and agree with Zhang Wei. The article was selected, and the NPC department looked at it, and in turn changed its mouth to support the "Changjiang" of the Tsinghua Department's Jihong. This chaos, don't mention it, it is a pot of porridge!

The two sides hold their own opinions and the number is similar, so this is also the most controversial place. It is possible to get the "Yangtze River" and "Juvenile China".

Liu Quancheng and the muddy road: "Dear teachers, wait for everyone to come and let us vote again. From the first grade primary school textbooks, we have one of the controversial places."

Seven to fifty five.

There are still five minutes to officially start, wait.

Several old comrades of the National People's Congress frequently watched the watch, waiting for several people from the Tsinghua Department. The reason why the people's congresses support the people of Tsinghua University is not because of their relationship with Tsinghua. It is really the time when the "Hundreds of Lectures" and Zhang Wei said that the Red Mansions dream, this has offended the NPC, so the original language When Zhang Wei’s article appeared in the layout, he saw that the Fudanese people had come to support the Peking University. They thought about how they couldn’t let Zhang Yi down, so they turned their heads to support the Qinghua article.

Why haven't you come yet?

What time is it?

Two minutes later, there was no figure in a Tsinghua veteran comrade!

Everyone started to look at each other.

At this time, the phone rang.

"Hey, Laohe, where?"

"I am at home."

"This is all about a meeting!"

"Sudden stomach hurts, can't go."


"Don't say it, I will hang for a while."

Dudu, the phone is broken.

Subsequently, another call came to Liu Quancheng.

"Hey, always old?"

"Little Liu, is the meeting open?"

"Not yet, where are you?"

"I and the old Qing just started to traffic jam. On the viaduct, there was a car accident in front of me. I couldn’t move at all, the car didn’t move!"

Then another call.

"Professor Xu, you haven't got off the plane yet? Are you not coming from Shanghai at five o'clock in the morning?"

"I want to tell you that there are passengers on the plane, and later, just forced to land at Jinan Airport, there is no way to take off in a short time!"

"Ah? Forced to drop Jinan?"

Everyone hasn't felt anything on a phone call.

However, after five or six consecutive phone calls, everyone saw the feeling of ghosts!


Traffic jam?

The plane forced to land?

The train was stopped by the landslide?

All the old comrades of the Tsinghua Department can't come?

I rely on! Do you want to be so smart?

Do you want to have such a back in the Tsinghua Department? ?

All the troubles?

Liu Quancheng also spent a long time, "This..."

The NPC department almost spit out!

An old professor at the Department of Peking University said: "Is time coming?"

Liu Quancheng couldn't help but laugh: "That meeting to vote." (To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-09-2811:29:35

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