I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1216: [Zhang Wei was selected as a national language textbook! 】

nine in the morning.


Zhang Hao stopped the lucky halo. When he saw the reputation value consumed, he was also very painful. He didn't know the specific process of the meeting, and he didn't know how the discussion was going. Anyway, he would be lucky at eight o'clock. The aura (upgraded version) was opened, and it took about an hour to open. The upgraded version of the lucky halo consumed a lot, and the reputation value of 100,000 in one second. Rao is now a big family and can't stand it. Fortunately, only a part of his total reputation was used during the draw, and the rest was still supported.

What happened?

The ghost knows!

No matter who, who loves it!

Zhang Wei opened the door and came out of the bedroom.

"What are you doing with the house?" asked the mother.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Do big things."

Dad asked, "How is it going?"

Zhang Yan shrugged: "I guess it will be known at night."

My mom turned her eyes. "It’s still mysterious. The big thing now is the re-editing of the textbook. Right, have you not done it in the education mouth? Was it the vice president of Peking University or the local education department? You are looking for you. The object will help you ask, you have to worry about this matter."

Zhang Wei said: "Oh, don't need her tube, Mom, I will help you cook. After lunch, I will go to work again." Zhang Hao is also idle, and he has to help the family to do the work. In fact, it is also to transfer things to their attention, save him from sitting there and remember the reprinting of the national textbook.


I am still chatting about this on the Internet.

"The English textbook seems to be fixed."

"Well, it is said that junior high school textbooks are more difficult."

"The mathematics textbook has not come out yet."

"What about Chinese textbooks?"

"I do not know."

"In fact, if you want to re-edit, most of them are also on the old textbooks. There is not much room for revision. There is news before this."

"Look at who will use the article."

"It’s going to be a face, it’s amazing."

"It’s amazing, it’s famous."

the other side.

Zhang Wei returned to the studio.

His forefoot has just arrived, and the money has arrived. "Is it Xiao Zhang's studio?"

Xiao Wang opened the door to receive the reception, "Yeah, are you?"

Zhang Hao heard the sound and came out quickly. "Hey, old money, rare customers."

Qian Laoxiaohehe said: "I passed by, I heard that your studio was not established for a long time, come over the string of doors, welcome not welcome?"

"Of course, welcome." Zhang Wei said to the studio's humanity: "This is Qian Lao, the literary world of Taishan Beidou, when I am not in the future, if the money is old, come to the door, delicious and entertaining."

Xiao Wang is born and said: "Understand!"

Qian Lao Ledao: "You kid, don't come here."

"The inside said." Zhang Wei and Qian Lao went upstairs.

After visiting for a while, Qian Lao suddenly looked at him. "Do you have a good relationship with Wu Zeqing?"

Old Wu?

Zhang snorted, "Ah, okay."

Money is old.

Zhang Wei wondered, "How come you ask?"

Qian Lao said: "Your old leader is quite kind to you. I have talked to a friend in the education circle. He is a member of the Fudan Department and also participated in the reform of the textbook. Wu Zeqing followed the previous few days. He contacted and asked if the Chinese textbook could be re-edited. When Wu Zeqing was in charge of education, he helped me with Fudan’s friends. He naturally had nothing to say. Later, my friend asked. I am, I am inquiring about how you are this person. I said that you don’t believe in the outside rumors. Xiao Zhang is very good. He didn’t say anything.”

Zhang Wei really doesn't know, he said: "Is this still the case?"

This old Wu, why don't you tell me!

Zhang Wei was the exact time when the textbook was rewritten yesterday. Who wants Wu to know it? And has it helped him?

Qian Laoyan said: "You didn't trust Wu's relationship? Then you have to thank everyone, I am very worried about it. It seems that she values ​​you very much. Although Wu Zeqing is now in the entertainment circle, she is still in the education sector. There are some connections, there are a lot of old guys in the big department of the re-editing group. Peking University has been a professor who has been involved in Peking University in the past few years. I definitely support you, plus Fudan. The voice of the department, you should be able to fight this time, especially the "Youth China"."

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "So I borrow your good words?"

Qian Lao said with emotion: "You kid, you have to fly into the sky."

It is necessary to fly into the sky, but the premise is that Zhang Wei’s article can take down the Chinese textbooks, and not the last moment, no one knows!

Zhang Wei is waiting.

The people in the studio are waiting.

The education and literary circles are waiting.

The media reporters are also looking forward to it.


It is seven o'clock in the evening.

The studio people have not yet got off work.

Xiao Wang anxiously said: "Can you come out today?"

"I don't know." Wu Yi flipped the news on the Internet. "There is no movement, English textbooks and chemistry textbooks are fixed. There is no news in Chinese textbooks."

Haqi Qiqi said: "Let's wait."

"Oh, have it!"


"Where is it?"

"Look at the news, the language textbook is set!"

For a moment, the people in the studio gathered together, and Zhang Wei also stepped down from the upstairs.

“Is there a guide?”

"Looking for it!"

"Sun Fang's excerpt was shortlisted?"

"Meng Han's poems into the second grade of the junior high school textbook?"

"Who else?"

"I am looking forward to rushing!"


"I saw!"

"I rely! There is a guide!"

"The "Youth China" section was selected! Junior high school textbook!"

"My God! Really!"

"Zhang Dao! Come in! Let's enter!"

"Wait, how come there is one?"

"My grass!"

""Bai Yang Li Zan"?"

"what is that?"

"When did Zhang Zhang write the essays of "Bai Yang Li Zan"?"

"I know this! I have seen it! It was written by Zhang!"

"This, this is the primary school textbook? We are not a finalist, let's get two!"

Poplar praise?

Zhang Yiyi remembered it. This was when the parents’ meeting was opened to Chenchen. The teacher asked the child to write the text. Chenchen would not write, and Zhang Wei helped write it. This is the "White Pope". It is also the famous prose of Zhang Shu that the world entered the national textbook that year! When I threw out this article, because Zhang Wei had not made a name for himself, because the form of cloth was relatively low-key, and no one publicized it, the article was not very famous. Many people didn’t even know that Zhang Wei had such a work. Therefore, for "Bai Yang Li Zan" was selected as a national primary school textbook, Zhang Wei is also a surprise, this is indeed an unexpected harvest!

He is for himself...

Hey, he is happy for the contradiction!

For a time, the studio people are happy!

"Zhang Guiwei!"

"Too cow!"

"I want to go to the national textbook!"

"No more changes?"

"No, it has been announced that it is the final version! Set!"

"I thought that one is already an opportunity for Tianda. The result is two. The people in the education sector really give face! It seems that Zhang has not offended so many people!"


"The third step of the summit plan is also done!"

"Yeah, I have never thought about the third step before!"

"Still the goal is completed horizontally!"

Everyone shouted.

Zhang Wei is also very happy, but he said in his heart: Where is the person from the education sector to give face, if it is not my lucky aura, if the old Wu did help from it, don’t say "Bai Yang Li Zan", he estimated that even the article "Youth China" is not necessarily selected! (To be continued.) 8

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