I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1217: 【Soar! 】

Beijing Satellite TV.

CCTV news.

Shanghai Satellite TV.

Wait, the TV broadcasted this news that night!

Who has no children? Whose children are not going to school? The issue of education has always been the most concerned thing for the people. The re-editing of the national textbooks is a major event in the big event. What is closely related to the people will naturally be given the greatest exposure by the media TV station!

"Physical textbooks are difficult to produce? 》

"The vocabulary of English textbooks has skyrocketed! 》

"Chinese textbooks have changed a lot! 》

"Juvenile China said that it was selected together with Bai Yang Li Zan? 》

"Zhang Wei has become the biggest beneficiary of the re-editing of Chinese textbooks! 》

Is the education department uncharacteristically recognized by Zhang Wei? 》

"Expert analysis: the selection of national textbooks will have a major impact on Zhang Wei's popularity and status! 》

Hot discussion on Weibo.

"I really have him!"

"Is it still two?"

"Mr. Zhang has been playing chicken blood recently?"

"Yeah, it is "The Besieged City" sold the sky, and it won the highest prize in literature with the ranking of the first place. Now it has won the layout of the national language textbook?"

“The books that Zhang Hao sold the most in the future are not “Ghost Blowing Lights” or “The Besieged City”!”

"Ah? What is that?"

"It is a Chinese textbook for primary and secondary schools!"


"Zhang Wei is sitting on the rocket and can't stop it!"

"The latest front page is almost robbed of him!"

"What is he doing? Is it so hard to fight? Is it going to hit the seven highest positions in the first line?"

"No, Zhang is far from the super line. Can you not get it in a few years?"

"That's not necessarily, you look at what kind of popularity has been in the past few days. Maybe you don't have to wait a few years, those few sitting in the highest position are really careful!"

"Not at all."

"Well, it’s too exaggerated."

"I don't think it will be so fast. After all, the seven positions are too high, and they haven't changed in too many years. But then again, look at the current entertainment scene. If you have to say that there is really someone in the future who can replace that. One of the seven seats in the king or the queen, the person may be Zhang Wei, you see that he is on the domestic rating list, has been a steady first line, the latter is not a big gap with others before the line The stars are getting farther and farther, and this time only takes a month or two?"

“Support Zhang Hao’s top entertainment circle!”

Of course, there are also doubts.


"Is he qualified?"

"Is Zhang Hao's temper, is it really good to put his article on the textbook?"

"What kind of ghosts in "Bai Yang Li Zan"? Isn't it a big vernacular!"

Among them, the representative who questioned the decision of the education department turned out to be several leaders of CCTV's first channel.

Jiang Yuan, a deputy director of CCTV: "Education is serious, and textbooks are also serious. It is irresponsible for children to put such a historically smeared artist on the teaching materials!"

The next one is awkward.


"You have a historical stain on your CCTV set!"

"Black Zhang Hao is still black?"

"You are enough! In those days, you did not pay attention to doing things, so I went to court with Zhang Hao, and the lawsuit lost. You are not long-term memory?"


at home.

When Zhang Yi came back, he heard the mom in the living room calling his old colleague.

"Yeah, you didn't read the news? The news is flying all over the sky!"


"Yes, I really have a Chinese textbook. One is a primary school textbook and the other is a middle school!"

"Your son is really amazing. You and Lao Zhang are teaching well! Everyone envy you."

"Ha ha ha, I will wait for your granddaughter to go to school. I have an article about my son in the textbook. Maybe I have to ask for a recital..."

The mother is bragging again - forced to go.

Zhang Hao was used to it, and no one can control the mouth of the mother.

"Hey, my son is going home, don't say it!" The mother hangs up and screams: "Son, you are really selected! Too much for me and your dad!"

Dad is also full of red light: "This is a good thing! Especially good!"

Mom said: "You are famous again."

"It's not a fame thing." Dad said: "It's good to be able to contribute to the cause of education. This is good. It's a good way to improve your reputation. It's not so short-sighted."

Mom squinted at her son, "Let him."

Zhang Wei laughed.

Congratulations on the phone also came one by one.

Zhang Wei’s friends were still shocked by Zhang Yi’s selection of two articles into the textbook. They all expressed incredible and congratulations.

Hu Fei wondered: "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Weidao: "Haha, magic?"

Hu Fei Ledao said: "When are you so popular with the line?"

Zhang Yi took a scorpion. "Everyone gives face."

The industry's evaluation of Zhang Wei is getting higher and higher, and he feels that he has great potential. In the past, Zhang Wei was everywhere, sinned everywhere, and there were few industries accepting him. Most people in the industry didn’t want to admit it. Of course, although he has not changed his previous temper, many mainstream environments have slowly Accepted Zhang Wei, and even some industries even accepted his distinctive stench!

Before was the literary world!

Now is the education sector!

Zhang Yizheng is on the right track step by step, and the position in the industry is more stable.

at night.

My parents are sleeping.

The hot discussion on the Internet has also decreased.

Zhang Wei was lying in the bed, took out his mobile phone, and called Wu Zeqing. He didn't get through the first time. After more than ten minutes, Lao Wu gave him back.

Zhang Wei asked: "Well?"

"Just taking a shower, working overtime today, coming back late." Wu Zeqing smiled.

Zhang Yiba’s eyes, "I have two articles in the textbook."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "I know, I saw the news in the afternoon. It's very good. Your article is definitely enough for this qualification. It is also a good choice."

Zhang Wei asked, "Are you helping?"

Wu Zeqing said: "No, what can I help? I am now managing the radio and television. I am not very clear about the education."

Zhang Xiaole, "Is there really?"

"Oh, your article is good." Wu Zeqing said.


The old man told me about it, obviously you are looking for a friend from Fudan!

Zhang Hao knew the inside story very much. He understood that Lao Wu knew that he was a master who was unwilling to ask people to do things. Especially when there was something, even Wu Zeqing rarely told him, and he usually handled it himself, even if Lao Wu asked him every time. Zhang Wei also said, "Without you, I can handle it." After knowing this for so many years, Wu Zeqing learned too much about his temper, so Wu Wu quietly did things, and pretended not to know.

Is this the greatest gentleness?

This is not the case with relatives and children?

And think about it, this time it happened to be known by Zhang Wei, if he does not know the money old? If Qian Lao did not receive a call from a friend, I don’t know about it. That may be the old Wu’s private things for him, Zhang Hao will not know forever!

A similar scene, how much before?

How much did Lao Wu do for him?

Zhang Xin’s heart is warm, he and Wu are not the kind of people who express their feelings in particular. It is very difficult for them to say “I love you” in their mouths. Zhang Hao does not know anything romantic. Many times, it will not be a woman's favor. Lao Wu is not a sticky character, and it does not have any emotional feelings like water. The way the two express their feelings is different from other couples. However, Zhang Wei feels so good.


really good. (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-09-2910:20:33

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