I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1218: [Zhang Ye's new show is coming (part one)! 】

The next day.

Zhang Ye's studio was still immersed in an atmosphere of celebration.

The people were also feeling that Zhang Ye's popularity continued to explode during this period.

But at this moment, an unexpected episode appeared.

——The eventful autumn.

——Many people are popular.

These two words are the best and most appropriate to describe the entertainment industry, because there are too many chaos, too much excitement, and no one knows what will happen in the next second!

CCTV made a sudden sound this morning without warning, announcing that it will start the production of the second season of "Good Voice", and it has been in the middle of production. It will not take long to meet the audience. The promotional message also revealed that they It will continue to use the previous method and continue the production style of the first season of "Good Voice", and will also invite a group of brand-new mentors to join in, and a more professional new production team to create this classic variety show, bringing you the best The freshest and hottest auditory feast.

When the news came out, everyone was shocked!

Meager and surprised!


"The second season of "The Voice"?"

"Great, it's finally coming out!"

"Why, isn't this Zhang Ye's copyright?"

"Yes, last time Zhang Ye and CCTV had a lawsuit. This is the cause. What do you mean? Teacher Zhang and CCTV have been reconciled? They are authorized?"


"You and they write, use a brand new team!"

"Yes, it won't be Zhang Ye's authorization. Who doesn't know his temper!"

"Furthermore, yesterday Zhang Ye's article was selected into the Chinese textbook, and the leaders of the CCTV set sent a Weibo to scold him! It's impossible to make up overnight!"

"The CCTV set still dare to use the name "Good Voice"?"


"I'm at a loss too!"

The industry did not expect that CCTV would even dare to commit crimes against the wind, and so blatantly announced to the world, even the production has reached the mid-term?

Zhang Ye's studio.

Ha Qi was angry, "What are they doing!"

Zhang Zuo said: "Old man, didn't you say that their program will change the name and the mode?"

"Yes." Ha Qi said together: "I don't know what's going on!"

Zhang Ye didn't hesitate, and immediately said, "Send a lawyer's letter!"

Zhang Ye's studio entrusted the law firm to send a lawyer's letter to CCTV on the same day, and has communicated with the court, and a special person is already handling it.

It's a big mess!

Zhang Ye and CCTV are in a lawsuit again?

But the development of things is surprising!

At the moment when countless people's eyes were paying attention, the CCTV set quickly deleted the previous meager publicity and put on a new one. CCTV's official WeChat account announced that due to copyright issues, their new program will abandon the name "Good Voice" and switch to "New Voice", and the program mode will also change. It was also hinted later that although the name has changed, the taste of the program will never change.

Video promotion!


In full swing for a while!

The name of "The New Voice" also started!

Until this time, everyone suddenly realized!

CCTV knew that there was a copyright problem, so it didn’t plan to use the name of the second season of "Good Voice" at all. They were ready to change the name and the iconic part of changing the seat and turning around, and put on a layer of skin. , To continue to do "Good Voice". But if they rashly type a new name, they are afraid that the audience will not buy it, that the audience will not be able to continue, and the attention is too low, so they will show the gimmick of the second season of "The Voice" at the beginning, and take the opportunity to promote it. In response to Zhang Ye's recent **** of the media, he launched "New Voice" to tell the audience that this is not a new program, but actually the second season of "Good Voice"! If it weren’t for this intention, CCTV’s response could not be so fast. Wouldn’t it be possible to figure out the name of the new program in less than a day? The link is changed? Has the promotional video been made yet? It can't be so fast! They just want to borrow the reputation of Zhang Ye and "Good Voice"!

Moreover, the previous Weibo was also deleted. Even if Zhang Ye's studio goes to court, it will not have much impact on CCTV's set. They will not lose at all!

A fan of Zhang Ye scolded.


"So mean?"

"Damn, my three views have been refreshed!"

"Yesterday, I scolded Zhang Ye on Weibo. Today, I use Zhang Ye to promote the title of his show. This is CCTV? Is it possible?"

"This is a bit shameless!"

"You can do "The New Voice", but is it necessary to do it like this? What happened back then was that you were wrong first? "The Good Voice" was originally Zhang Ye's effort, and you don't want to give Zhang Dao money. , I also wanted to secretly sell Zhang Ye’s copyright agent to get money, and also distributed Zhang Ye to the documentary channel, and clamored everywhere and finally forced CCTV to terminate Zhang Ye’s contract. This year, he continued to scold Zhang Ye online. Zhang Ye, accused him on various public occasions, the result? Are you still doing this today? A bit too much!"

Of course, some people say it doesn't matter.

"The second season of "The Voice" will be released!"

"Yes, I really like this show, I can't stop it!"

"Counting days, it's time for the second season, looking forward to it!"

"If you change your name, you have to read it."

"Yes, there are too few classic singing programs. "Good Voice" and "The King of Masked Singer" are the two biggest signs. "The King of Masked Singer" has just ended a few months ago. The second season is out, so "The Good Voice" is the only one, not to mention the renamed "New Voice", even if the name is changed to "Smelly-Dog-Shit", you have to watch it!"

"Hurry up and broadcast it!"

"Just don't smash the "Good Voice" sign."

"I watched the promo, it was not bad!"


A lot of attention!

But this is exactly what CCTV wants to achieve. They know that even if someone scolds, they will watch it after their program is broadcast, because no one is competing with them, and no one can compete. Singing programs can be swept away, as long as they can retain the audience during the broadcast, so that everyone feels that this is actually "Good Voice" with a new name, then the audience must still recognize the program, it is impossible because the director is not Zhang Ye, it is impossible for Zhang Ye to give up this show because the host is not Zhang Ye. Except for Zhang Ye’s die-hard fans and some angry youths, few people are so sensible and rational. In the final analysis, what the public needs is entertainment, not one. Standing on the stage will only speak adverts in words that no one can imitate!

The popularity of "Good Voice" has started!

Therefore, CCTV does not need Zhang Ye anymore!




Everyone is the same!

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